
DAS Solutions: Junior Sales Manager

During the last three years, DAS Solutions has witnessed significant growth, more than tripling our sales and number of clients. Our current team is composed of friendly, dedicated, and experienced business development professionals who understand how important their role is for the future of our co...


DAS Solutions: Experienced Sales Manager

During the three years, DAS Solutions has witnessed significant growth, more than tripling our sales and number of clients. Our current team is composed of friendly, dedicated, and experienced business development professionals who understand how important their role is for the future of our company...


Baker Tilly: Administrative Assistant

Baker Tilly Klitou and Partners (Baker Tilly) is a leading firm of Auditors, Accountants and Business Advisors operating in Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova, these are independent member firms of Baker Tilly International. Baker Tilly International is the 9th largest accounting network...


AmCham Is Actively Involved in Commenting and Consulting the Upcoming Environmental Legislation

After significantly contributing to the improvement of the draft regulations on waste management of packages and electronic equipment, AmCham shares its expertise within an informative seminar organized by the Ministry of Environment on extended producer responsibility on packaging waste and electro...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 4 - Amendments to the Labour Code

In brief The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova recently approved amendments and supplements to the Labour Code, covering rules on temporary labour interruption, technical unemployment (labour interruption due to technical reasons), guarantees and compensation granted to employees wh...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome New Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Di&Trade Engineering and Mixbook on board and looks forward to working on adding value to these businesses!   Since 1995, Di&Trade Engineering company has been operating in the Moldovan market. Today, it provides a full ra...


Business Class: AmCham Recommendations Brought to Enhance the Law on Leasing

AmCham submitted its proposals on changing and supplementing the section on leasing, during the last public consultations on Draft Civil Code. In particular, it is proposed to introduce three articles that clearly describe the rights and obligations of the lessor, the lessee, and the seller, and des...


Advocacy Alert: The Forms of Report on Tax Regime for IT Park Residents

The Ministry of Finance launched public discussions on Forms of Report on tax owned by the residents of IT parks. Read more about the latest amendments on tax regime for IT park residents in PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert. ...


Meeting under the Prime-minister’s Economic Council on the Healthcare Public Procurement Framework

On August 14, AmCham has led a meeting organized on the platform of the Prime-minister’s Economic Council, gathering representatives from public authorities and business environment, to discuss the framework for public procurement in the healthcare sector. The participants have debated possibi...


Turcan Cazac Law Firm: Turcan Cazac Law Firm: New Rules on Admission of Heirs in LLCs and of Registration of Transfer of Shares in LLCs

Admission of the Heir of a Deceased Shareholder An amendment enacted in July 2017 to the Moldovan Law on Limited Liability Companies (LLC) changes the rules of admission of heirs of a shareholder into the company after the Constitutional Court has invalidated certain provisions of the LLC Law by ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 3/2017 - Tax Regime for IT Park Residents

In brief The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova recently approved the amendments and supplements to the Tax Code, Law no. 1585 dated 27 February 1998 on compulsory health insurance ("Law 1585"), Law no. 1593 dated 26 December 2002 on the amount, manner and terms of payment ...


The Last Amendments to the Labor Code, an Informative Video

The following video is aimed at informing the citizens and the business community about the recent changes (adopted by the Parliament on July 21), in particular: the reduction by 2 years of the unpaid parental leave for employees with children aged between 3 and 6 years old; the removal of the prohi...


AmCham comentează Proiectul Regulamentului privind modul de publicare a hotărîrilor judecătorești pe portalul unic al instanțelor judecătorești

AmCham a adresat o scrisoare autorităților pentru a atrage atenția asupra oportunității de a permite creditorilor instituționali și birourilor istoriilor de credit accesul la hotărîrile definitive și irevocabile, integrale (nedepersonalizate) prin intermediului unui mecanism de acces automatiz...


AmCham Participates to a Capacity Building Mission to Brussels

This week, AmCham Moldova participates to a capacity building mission to Brussels, along with the representatives of the Ministry of Environment and other stakeholders. The scope of the mission is to learn from Belgian experience on implementing EU regulation on waste management, specifically packag...


Mold-Street: The New Law on Drugs Could Encourage Import of Counterfeit and Low-quality Medicines

The new draft Law on drugs continues to fuel public debates regarding its superficial understanding of EU Directives and potential impact on public health. National mass media reflects AmCham's and other civil society associations’ concerns that such measures as parallel imports of drugs, ...


Meeting with Pharmaceutical Distributors

This week, the pharmaceutical distributors from AmCham’s Healthcare Committee have gathered to set priorities for the upcoming months. Among issues discussed, a particular attention was given to the legislative framework on packaging tax, the regime of healthcare public procurement, and the pr...


Upcoming Meeting under the Prime-minister’s Economic Council on the Healthcare Public Procurement Framework

On August, 14, AmCham will participate in a meeting organized on the platform of the Prime-minister’s Economic Council, gathering representatives from public authorities and business environment, to discuss the framework for public procurement in the healthcare sector. Earlier in the year, AmC...


SABIT Program "Regional Economic Development: SME"

SABIT is currently recruiting candidates for “Regional Economic Development: SME” program. Please find below programs description and requirements to potential candidates. Regional Economic Development: SME This program is designed for professionals with responsibility for ...