
Moldcell: Agent Vânzări în Chișinău, Hîncești, Căușeni sau Ungheni

Compania anunță postul vacant de Agent Vânzări în Chișinău, Hîncești, Căușeni sau Ungheni. Responsabilitățile de bază vor consta în promovarea, livrarea și efectuarea vânzărilor active a Cartelei Moldcell în puctele de distribuție din localitate. Responsabili...


AmCham Attended the Seminar on Labor Legislation Reform

This week, AmCham attended the seminar on labor legislation reform organized by the European Union High Level Advisers’ Mission to the Republic of Moldova. The representatives of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, started with a presentation on the recent amendments to the na...


Trade & Manufacturing Committee Updates

Cross border trade issues remain to be a major priority for the Committee. Thus on September 19, the Committee held an informative session with Customs Service on origin of goods. Additionally AmCham had a series of other meetings with Customs Service representatives on the clearance of parcel deliv...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics Periodic Newsletter, January - June 2017

Operational Results 1st Half of 2017  In the first 6 months of 2017 the transshipment of cargo via Giurgiulesti International Free Port increased by almost 12% in comparison to the same period of prior year reaching 325.500 tons in 2017. 55% of the total bulk cargo tra...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: PayWell Moldova 2017 Salary and Benefits Survey

We are glad to announce the launching of PayWell Moldova 2017 Salary and Benefits Survey – a useful tool in developing competitive remuneration policies for your business. The 2017 edition of PayWell Survey gathered 42 organisations and 21,462 employees in 6 industry sectors (FMCG & Indus...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome QIWI Moldova among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having QIWI Moldova on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Qiwi Moldova was founded in 2008, and is currently the most modern and broad network of self-service terminals in the country, with over 600 addresses with nat...


Comentarii privind mecanismul de înregistrare a prețului de producător la medicamente

La 09 octombrie, AmCham Moldova a transmis comentarii la proiectul Hotărârii Guvernului, cu privire la modificarea și completarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 525 din 22 iunie 2010, salutând inițiativa revizuirii cadrului normativ-regulator în domeniul aprobării și înr...


Advocacy Alert: Draft law on Personal Data Protection Open for Public Consultations

AmCham is preparing to submit recommendations on draft law on Personal Data Protection to the National Center for Personal Data Protection. Please submit any comments and suggestions to sergiuchirica@amcham.md, by October 17, 17:00. ...


Indigo Ogilvy: Office Manager

Devino fața oficiului Indigo Ogilvy! Dacă îți place să aranjezi lucruri și planuri, dacă citești pe fețele oamenilor la fel de bine precum citești printre rânduri, și dacă ești punctual și zâmbitor – te invităm să fii veriga noastră de legătură. Căutăm un office manager...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: New Regulations on Employee Business Travel

In brief A Government Decision amending and supplementing the Regulation applicable to business travel of Moldovan entities’ employees has been published (“Regulation”). In detail According to the new provisions, the Regulation no longer regulates expenses f...


AmCham prognozează majorarea prețurilor la produsele din carne pentru ultimele luni ale anului 2017

AmCham a înaintat o scrisoare autorităților pentru a atrage atenția, din nou, asupra importanței identificării soluțiilor pentru procesatorii de carne în urma epuizării cotei de import a materiei prime din UE. În speță, procesatorii de carne, membri ai AmCham Moldova atrag at...


NewsMaker: The Waste Issue

In the upcoming interview with Adrian Gheorghita, Deputy Director of AmCham Moldova points on the advantages of implementation of extended producer responsibility both for the society and for the business sector. Read the Interview...


Financial Services Committee Updates

These weeks the Committee had a series of meetings with the National Commission on Financial Market as well as with the Ministry of Finance to discuss the draft law on nonbank credit institutions. The general idea supported by all stakeholders is that the sector development should be supported by e...


Petrom Moldova: Petrom Moldova: Corneliu Constantinescu preia funcţia de General Manager

Petrom Moldova anunță că‚ începând cu 1 octombrie 2017, Corneliu Constantinescu, va prelua funcţia de General Manager în cadrul Petrom Moldova. Corneliu îl succede în funcţie pe Constantin Ivas, care a fost numit în funcţie de Head of Logistic East & ...


Last Call for Applications: Training Course on Competition Law

Curs de formare profesională „Elemente de drept al concurenţei” AmCham Moldova organizează următorul curs de formare profesională cu genericul „Elemente de drept al concurenței”. Obiective: -scoaterea în evidenţă a importanţei economics-ului asupra practicii de...


AmCham Welcomes New Board Member, Mr. Vladimir Iurkovski

We are pleased to welcome Vladimir Iurkovski, Schoenherr Attorneys at Law to AmCham Board of Directors! His knowledge and experience will be a true asset for us. At the same time, we would like to express our gratitude to Constantin Ivas for the continued support and commitment....


AmCham Healthcare Committee Meeting on New Packaging Standards

On September 28, AmCham Healthcare Committee members met to discuss the application and effects of the new EU standards on safety features appearing on the packaging of medicinal products for human use. In particular, debates concerned the regime for notifying to the local authority the changes in b...


Lafarge Ciment (Moldova) S.A.: Manager achiziții

Profilul candidatului: Cerinte: - Studii universitare - economice/comerciale/ tehnice; - Experienta in domeniul achizitiilor de minim 3 ani (in companii internationale constituie un avantaj); - Cunoasterea limbilor romana, rusa si engleza la un nivel avansat; - Utilizator confident de PC; - ...