
Business Class: AmCham News, June

Read more in this edition of Business Class about AmCham's contribution to the legal framework on the implementation and sustainability of organic products, along with the results from the latest AGM.   ...


Healthcare Committee Meets with Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection

On June 8, AmCham Healthcare Committee will participate in the first meeting of a Working Group created under the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection to tackle issues related to the public health system regulation. For the agenda of this reunion, AmCham has set to discuss the systemic is...


FinComBank: Profitable Offer from Fincombank SA for Doctors and Pharmacists

Chisinau, July 6, 2018, FINCOMBANK S.A. sincerely congratulates all the doctors and pharmacists with their professional day- the Day of Doctor and Pharmacist! Because we value the work and professionalism of employees in the medical system, FinComBank S.A. launched a special loan offer for all peop...


Call for Undertaking a Membership Satisfaction Survey for AmCham Moldova

Introduction In the beginning of 2018, the AmCham Moldova Board of Directors (hereinafter “the Board”) decided to undertake a membership satisfaction survey. The goal of the survey is to measure member satisfaction across all AmCham Moldova activities and to identify members’ prio...


Mixbook : Senior Full Stack Developer

What we offer: - Be a part of a small, efficient and FUN engineering team in Chisinau; - Work with React, Redux, Ruby on Rails and other awesome newer technologies; - Get a very nice salary + stock options; - Work with new Apple hardware (Macbook Pro, 4k Displays and other awesome stuff); - A...


S&T Mold : Contabil (pe perioadă determinată)

Responsabilități: -Evidența materialelor, mărfurilor; -Lucrul cu facturile fiscale; -Efectuarea operaţiunilor de casă şi bancă; -Registrul procurări – livrări; -Operaţiuni de import; -Efectuarea operatiunilor de intrare a marfurilor; -Evidența foilor de parcurs, casarea materialelor afe...


Prime Capital: Specialist Marketing Junior

Cerinţe faţă de candidat: -Studii superioare(pot fi și nefinisate)/medii în domeniul marketing/design/comunicare/jurnalism; -Abilităţi în operare PC, navigare rapidă internet; -Aptitudini de design grafic (nivel de bază), cunoașterea redactorilor grafici Adobe Ilustrator, Adobe Photo...


ACI Partners: Office Assistant

WHAT WILL I BE DOING? You will make sure that the office runs smoothly, which includes keeping supplies in stock, working with vendors, planning events, making sure the facilities are clean, orderly, and safe. You will be responsible for office operations by receiving and distributing communication...


Call for Partners for “The longest drawing by Children” Charity Event

On June 1st, 2018, Renaissance Art Studio (Pro-Art Cultura) will be holding “The Longest Drawing by Children” Charity Event to raise awareness for International Children’s Day. In order to help this event make the record books, Renaissance Art Studio are calling for sponsors to hel...


Contractul de achiziționare a energiei electrice din surse regenerabile în vizorul AmCham

  AmCham Moldova, prin intermediul unui aviz, invită Agenția Națională pentru Reglementare în Energetică la crearea unui grup de lucru și organizarea discuțiilor publice cu comunitatea de afaceri în scopul modificării și completării “Clauzelor obligatorii ale contractului d...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Junior Audit Consultant

Start date of the job: Autumn 2018 The role: Auditors check companies' accounts, using our innovative auditing methodology and give assurance to stakeholders that the financial statements are true and correct. They also provide accounting advice with regard to Romanian accounting principles, Int...


FinComBank: Fincombank Is Offering You a High Level Card and Lots of Benefits by Using the New Platinum Card

Chişinău, 21 mai 2018. FinComBank S.A. presents a New Platinum card, a product that offers direct access to high-quality services, delivered anywhere in the world. Platinum Card offers the biggest benefits for the cardholder: -Insurance Abroad -Airport lounges access -Global Privileges and Con...


Predictibilitatea modificării cotelor accizei la țigările fără filtru

Pe 22 mai, AmCham a expediat o scrisoare către Ministerul Finanațelor pentru a propune spre examinare oportunitatea de a revizui cotele de acciză pentru țigaretele cu filtru pentru anul 2020 prin menținerea la 12% a componentei ad-valorem sau micșorarea acesteia.  Aplicarea în practică a...


Business Visa Program in High Demand

Please be informed that due to high demand, there is currently a shortage of available appointments at the US Embassy. We advise all who wish to apply for a B1/B2 visa to the US via the Business Visa Program to schedule your appointment at least one month in advance of your proposed dates for travel...


Rogob: Specialist recrutare

Responsabilități: - Organizează și efectuează selecția personalului calificat, conform necesităților Companiei. - Stabilește relații cu instituțiile de învățământ, agenția de ocupare, publicații de specialitate, în vederea implicării lor în procesul de selecție a speciali...


Crunchyroll: Project Manager

Were looking for a Project Manager to join our team in Chișinău. Our offices in San Francisco, Tokyo, and Chișinău develop the product, design, engineering, marketing and content for Crunchyroll and VRV -- we are media and technology experts, and we lead with our digital-first DNA to create experien...


Business Class: AmCham News, May

The May Edition includes AmCham efforts within the Economic Council to the Prime Minister and also shares updates on the Law on the Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources. Find out more about AmCham activity and engagement in the latest edition of Business Class....