
MAIB-Leasing: Contabil-Șef

Misiune post: Asigurarea evidenței contabile și fiscale a societății pe toate sectoarele de activitate Responsabilități: • Planificarea, conducerea și coordonarea activității serviciului contabil • Întocmirea situațiilor financiare ale societății in conformitate cu SIRF &bu...


Moldcell: Vânzător Consultant Regiunea Sud (Comrat)

Compania Moldcell anunță poziție vacantă pentru funcția de Vânzător Consultant în magazinele directe Moldcell din Comrat. Responsabilitățile de bază vor consta în promovarea și vânzarea serviciilor și produselor Moldcell, precum și oferire de suport clienților la cel mai &ici...


Business Class: AmCham News, August

Read more in the last edition of Business Class about employment subsidies, the subsidies granted by the government to employers that create new workplaces in their companies, and the recent changes to the civil code. Read more...


Committee Spotlight – Trade and Manufacturing

There have been several changes in the previous year to several pieces of legislation, including the Customs Code. These changes, aligned to the move towards harmonization of legislation in coordination with the EU – Moldova Association Agreement, will continue to take place into the foreseeab...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no.5/ 2018: Approval of Tax and other Legislation Amendments

PwC Moldova team is pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert in English and Romanian language. Our Tax and Legal Alerts, Newsletters and the English version of our Investing Guide to Moldova are also available on our website: www.pwc.com/md. If you no longer wish to receive these...


Simplified Regime for Day Workers in Agriculture

What is it about? On September 2, the Law on occasional activities performed by day workers has entered into force after being published six months ago. Why was it needed? Employment procedures are costly and burdensome for agriculture businesses hiring occasional day workers in high season. Th...


JT International Trading: Strategic Insight Associate

JTI, a member of the Japan Tobacco Group of Companies, is a leading international tobacco manufacturer. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, JTI employs around 40.000 employees worldwide representing more than 100 nationalities. One of the fastest growing international industry playe...


DAS Solutions: Senior Project Manager

A Senior Project Manager at DAS is responsible for overseeing digital initiatives from concept and design to development and implementation. You are great at managing people, understand best practices, and work with dedication to meeting the needs of our team and clients. The role demands being able...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Prograin Organic among Its Members

AmCham is enthusiastic about having Prograin Organic on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Prograin Organic LLC is the first company from the Republic of Moldova which has invested in the value chain of organic cereals. The integration of organic farmers started w...


Call for "Young Professionals Program" Applications, 7th Generation

The AmCham Young Professionals Program is in its 7th edition and we are pleased to formally announce that the application process for recruiting young specialist is now open! The AmCham Young Professionals Program is an excellent opportunity to meet new people and establish business connections wit...


State Tax Service, Customs Service to Remain Operational Next Week Amongst Others

Next week during the 28-30 August Holiday period, the State Tax Service and Customs Service alongside all Government bodies and institutions will remain open with business as usual. They will close as customary on Independence Day (Ziua Independentei) and Romanian Language Day (Limba Noastra)....


AmCham Recommends - Join World Clean Up Day, and Make a Difference

AmCham invites members and partners to join a civic-led mass movement to stand up against the global trash problem and clean up waste, making it the biggest positive civic action the world has ever seen! On 15 September 2018, during World Clean Up Day, local teams will join other people from 150 ...


Comentariile AmCham la Proiectul Hotărârii Guvernului „Cu privire la zilele de odihnă din luna august 2018”

Avizul consultativ al AmCham oferă mai multe informații despre preocupările și îngrijorările mediului de afaceri în privința lipsei predictibilității, riscurilor și costurilor sociale care ar putea fi generate prin declararea unor zile suplimentare de odihnă în august 2018. Acce...


Up Moldova: Acum cardurile de masă Up Gratuite pentru toată echipa

În perioada 15 august – 30 septembrie curent, Up Moldova va emite GRATUIT cardurile de masă Up pentru toți angajatorii care comandă cea mai inovativă și sigură soluție pentru dezvoltarea afacerii, prin motivarea și recompensarea suplimentară a angajaților. Up Moldova inovează în p...


Rogob: Brand Manager

Rogob este în căutarea unui coleg/unei colege pentru a suplini funcţia de Brand Manager. În rolul de Brand Manager vei asigura implementarea politicilor de marketing, prin promovarea brandurilor companiei, vei genera strategii destinate creșterii cotei de piață și reputației brandurilor...


A Fresh Offer from GoodMedia under the AmCham MDP

The Member Discount Program (MDP) allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from GoodMedia. GoodMedia offers unique, customized advertising solutions that efficiently engage your target audien...


FinComBank: Innovation from FinComBank - Now You Can Ask for a Loan Online!

Chișinău, August 10, 2018. Now everyone who is looking for a loan, can apply right away, ONLINE, directly from home or office. FinComBank S.A. launches a new product on the Moldovan banking market, which will considerably ease the procedure of issuing a loan. At the same time, FinComBank S.A. great...