
Sponsorship Opportunity Open: Human Resources Management Conference

AmCham invites companies to tailor their marketing actions and join us to connect and network with CEOs, human resources management, and society; bringing exclusive visibility and networking advantages. The Human Resources Management Conference (2nd edition) will take place on November 23 at the R...


AmCham comentează proiectul de lege privind organizațiile de creditare nebancare

Scopul proiectului de lege propus pentru consultările publice a fost de a adapta cadrul de reglementare actual la noua lege privind organizațiile de creditare nebancare. Pe lângă o serie de comentarii tehnice, AmCham Moldova a prezentat mai multe propuneri, printre care se numără acordarea ...


Renewables Readiness Assessment for the Republic of Moldova Validation Workshop

On October 15, AmCham Moldova demonstrated its continuous dedication to the development of Renewable Energy sources by its participation in the Renewables Readiness Assessment for the Republic of Moldova Validation Workshop. AmCham Board Member and Electra Norte CEO Marcela Lefter moderated group di...


FinComBank: FinComBank Launches E-Commerce

Now it's easier to start or improve an online business Do you have a mobile application or website? Do you want to give your customers a safe and fast way to pay for products or services? FinComBank S.A. offers an optimal solution, launching E-Commerce. It is intended to be used by legal entitie...


Moldcell: Moldcell: 10 Reasons to Have an Intelligent Telephony Platform

Every business directly depends on its clients, but it becomes more and more difficult to find or retain them. One can face both challenges with the help of an intelligent telephony solution that will undoubtedly boost sales, attract new clients and retain the existing ones. It suits any field of ac...


AmCham Moldova - Board Member of the Council for Dispute Resolution within the State Tax Service

The Dispute Resolution Board within the State Tax Service is composed of representatives from the authorities and representatives from business associations, including AmCham. The Council acts in the form of meetings, which are organized depending on the appeals filed; in the council administrati...


Committee Spotlight - Healthcare

Always on the cutting edge of innovation, the Healthcare Industry is constantly striving forward with progress. New discoveries are constantly being made, with Companies and Organizations enhancing patient treatment worldwide. The AmCham Healthcare Committee has a strategic position in this wave of ...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome BDO Moldova among Its Members

AmCham is enthusiastic about having BDO Moldova on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! BDO or Binder Dijker Otte is an international network of public accounting, tax, consulting and business advisory firms which perform professional services under the name...


Moldcell: Reprezentant Vânzări B2B (Chișinău sau Regiunea Centru)

Compania Moldcell anunță postul vacant de Reprezentant Vânzări Corporative în Chisinău sau Regiunea Centru. Responsabilitățile de bază vor consta în identificarea și atragerea clienților corporativi noi, în scopul de a atinge obiectivele strategice ale companiei și de a creșt...


Moldcell: Service and Product Development Programmer

We are looking for a SPD Programmer, whose main role will be to take an active part in different stages of software development for new services and products. Main Duties and Responsibilities: • To develop software for new services and products; • To make software deployment and ini...


Moldcell: Vânzător Consultant Regiunea Nord (Glodeni și Drochia)

Compania Moldcell anunță poziție vacantă pentru funcția de Vânzător Consultant în magazinele directe Moldcell din Glodeni și Drochia. Responsabilitățile de bază vor consta în promovarea și vânzarea serviciilor și produselor Moldcell, precum și oferire de suport clienților la ...


Moldcell: Vânzător Consultant Regiunea Centru (Orhei, Criuleni și Ungheni)

Compania Moldcell anunță poziție vacantă pentru funcția de Vânzător Consultant în magazinele directe Moldcell din Orhei, Criuleni și Ungheni. Responsabilitățile de bază vor consta în promovarea și vânzarea serviciilor și produselor Moldcell, precum și oferire de suport clienț...


Moldcell: Expert Resurse Umane

Ești incredibil de bun și îți reușește să găsești și să crești oamenii potriviți pentru postul potrivit? Alătură-te echipei de Resurse Umane - Moldcell și trăiește aventura noastră! Contactează-ne direct sau expediază CV-ul la adresa vacancy@moldcell.md . Descrierea postului Ai succe...


Business Class: AmCham News, September

Read in today`s edition of Business Class about the new legislation for non-bank financial institutions in the field of prevention and combating money laundering and terrorism financing, completed with an AmCham success story on a simplified regime for Day Workers in Agriculture. Read more...


AmCham Attends the OSCE Workshop on "Trade Facilitation for E-commerce in the Republic of Moldova"

On 1-4 October AmCham attended the OSCE workshop on "Trade Facilitation for E-commerce in the Republic of Moldova". Within the workshop, Adrian Gheorghita delivered a presentation on Moldovan VAT peculiarities when exporting goods in postal consignments. By attending the workshop AmCham ai...


AmCham Membership Satisfaction Survey - Have you filled yours in yet?

Our AmCham Membership Satisfaction Survey for 2018 is live and running! For those who received the email from AXA Management Consulting (AmCham’s partner conducting the survey), the survey is available for completion in either English or Romanian. All answers will remain confidential and will ...


Benzinării Duty-free

Pe 4 octombrie, AmCham a transmis un aviz autorităților vizavi de amendamentele de modificare a Codului Fiscal (legea nr.172 din 27.07.2018), art. 103, 124. În iulie, Parlamentul a adoptat o serie de amendamente la o serie de legi, inclusiv Codul fiscal; una dintre cele mai importante fii...