
Gebauer & Griller: Process Engineer

RESPONSIBILITIES  - Design and modification of the production process plan - Configuration and modification of process parameters for harness production equipment - Creating work instructions and safety rules for equipment in use - Designing and improving tools and equipment for harness p...


Gebauer & Griller: CONTABIL

RESPONSABILITATI  - Efectuarea tranzactiilor în numerar - Perfectarea deconturilor de avans - Introducerea documentelor primare și bancare - Efectuarea inventarierilor periodice - Acordarea suportului pentru operatiunilor de inchidere a lunii PROFILUL CANDIDATULUI  - St...



RESPONSIBILITIES  - Creates purchase orders for raw material - Is responsible for the quantity of purchased products - Keeps purchase order tracking through direct contact with the supplier - Participates in developing strategies for increasing efficiency and cost optimization - Is resp...


Gebauer & Griller: PLC PROGRAMMER

  RESPONSIBILITIES  - Executes PLC programming operations - Parameters the automation systems - Performs verification of implemented programs - Elaborates the documentation of the executed programs - Intervenes with promptness and efficiency in solving the errors of the implemented...



RESPONSIBILITIES  - Supporting plant management and group controlling department with the budgeting process - Participation in the process of preparation of investment proposals - Execution of local cost planning - Derivation of financial plans out of sales, cost and investment plans - P...


GDPR Course for Financial Entities

On April 3-4, at the Ministry of Finance, under the aegis of the Twinning Project and in collaboration whit the EU experts in personal data protection a seminar was held for entities in the financial - banking sector. It is noteworthy that a large part of the AmCham members have participated in this...


Regulamentului cu privire la clasificarea activelor de către organizațiile de creditare nebancară - recomandările AmCham

În această săptămână, AmCham a trimis un aviz Comisiei Naționale pentru Piețele Financiare cu o serie de recomandări la proiectul hotărîrii privind clasificarea activelor de către organizațiile de creditare nebancare. Accesați avizul integral sau adresați întrebări la acea...


AmCham at the Competition Council Workshop

On April 2, a workshop on Competition Law was held for representatives of AmCham Moldova. The event was opened with a keynote address from Marcel Raducan, President of the Competition Council and moderated by Viorel Mosneaga, member of the Competition Council Plenum. The seminar focused on familia...


Digitalizarea proceselor de notificare și autorizare a angajamentelor externe în atenția AmCham

- În această săptămână, AmCham Moldova a prezentat Băncii Naționale a Moldovei o scrisoare de poziție privind digitizarea procedurilor de aprobare / notificare / raportare a unor operațiuni în valută, așa cum prevede Legea privind reglementarea valutară nr. 62/2008. - Adițional,...


BLAGO: Expert Superior în Creditare

Cerințe față de candidat: - Studii superioare; - Bune abilități de cunoaștere și utulizare a calculatorului; - Experiență de lucru în calitate de expert în creditare, Manager în vînzări (minim 2 sublaterni ) - Experiența de lucru cu aparatul de casă, întocmirea do...


BLAGO: Chief Risk Officer

Echipa noastra este in cautarea unei persoane profesioniste si proactive, cu atitudine pozitiva si dornica sa evolueze intr-un mediu de lucru performant. Cerinţe: - Studii superioare economice / financiare; - Experienta profesionala de cel putin 3-5 ani intr-o pozitie similara - Cunostinte av...


AmCham Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Moldovan Banks Association

This week was highlighted by a long-term collaboration with Moldovan Banks Association (MBA) that has scaled into an official Memorandum of collaboration between the two entities. Through this partnership, AmCham Moldova intends to bring added value to its members, as well as, to represent bett...


2019 AmCham Moldova Committees Election Results

AmCham committees members expressed their votes and chose the leadership of committees for one year. Oleg Efrim / EFRIM ROŞCA Asociații / was elected as Chair of the Legal Committee; Tatiana Stavinschi (PwC Moldova) was reconfirmed as Chair of the Tax Committee. Carmina Vicol / Prime Capital /...


Infodebit Credit Report: Infodebit: 472 zile de stabilitate în domeniul politicilor monetare

La data pregătirii acestui material se împlinesc 472 de zile din momentul în care au fost schimbate ultima dată ratele de dobândă la instrumentele de reglementare monetară ale BNM. Se observă în acest sens că anul 2018 este unicul în perioada din 2001 până î...


BLAGO: Specialist superior verificare date (team-leader)

Specialist superior verificare date (team-leader) - 10 000 lei ( program 8 ore/zi, luni-vineri) Cerințe față de candidat: - Studii superioare financiare, economice; - Abilităţi bune de utilizare a PC (Word, Excel Internet, etc.); - Experienta similara min.1 an - Abilități de analiză, sinteză ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC by your side 24/7: Approval of list of companies required to use electronic tax invoices (e-factura)

We inform you that, based on Tax Code article 117, paragraph (11), the STS has approved the list of companies required to use electronic tax invoices (e-factura). You can access the full list here  Please note that, in accordance with Tax Code article 102 (18), for purchases from supplier...


AmCham Annual Report 2018 Published

AmCham Moldova officially presented to members the digital Annual Report for the year 2018 during the Annual General Member Meeting (AGM) on March 22. The Annual Report displays key information and statistics about AmCham’s Growth over the past year, alongside key events and activities –...


Committee Leadership Elections Results

The AmCham Tax and Legal Committees held its traditional beginning of year meeting. Members have used this kind of reunion to summarize progress on last year's activity, marked in particular by discussions on the rule of law, interactions with the authorities and other important topics. In the same ...