
The First Meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity

AmCham Moldova participated at the meeting of the State Commission for Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity. The Commission relaunched its activity as the new members have been selected. AmCham is leading industrial manufacturing and the energy sector. Moreover, the State Commission for Regulatio...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Popa & Associates among Its Members

AmCham is enthusiastic about having Popa & Associates on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Popa & Associates is a medium-sized law firm, advising and representing local and international clients which have the intention to expand their businesse...


AmCham Business Community Met the USTR Delegation

AmCham buisness community met the delegation from the U.S. Trade Representative Office (USTR) led by the Assistant USTR Dan Mullaney and Ambassador Hogan. The discussions were focused on the challenges and opportunities Moldova brings to trade partners, investors, and potential investors that may c...


Important to Know - Fiscal & Customs Policy 2020 Presented to the Business Community

At the end of last week, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova presented to the business community the elements of fiscal and customs policy for the following 2 periods. The policy contained series of proposed changes to be implemented from January 2020; and further section that is p...


Incaso dă startul Campaniei „Noiembrie - luna fără datoriiˮ

Campania de conștientizare a riscurilor generate de neplata datoriilor este din nou la start, pentru al optulea an consecutiv. Începând din 2012, INCASO - cea mai mare companie de colectare a datoriilor din Republica Moldova, organizează, în luna noiembrie, mai multe acțiuni dedica...


Meeting with World Bank Experts

On October 30, AmCham met with the World Bank experts to discuss the progression of reforming the Pledge Registry. Topics discussed included: The development of reforms, the prospect of a software upgrade for the Pledge Registry, and the development of interconnectivity between the Pledge Registr...


Infodebit Credit Report: Expertul economic Viorel Gîrbu pentru Infodebit: 1,5 mld. lei deficit în executarea Bugetului Public Național la finele trimestrului trei al anului

Executarea bugetului public național s-a soldat cu deficit pe durata primelor 9 luni ale anului în mărime de 1,5 mld. Lei. Spre comparație, în perioada similară a anului trecut a fost înregistrat un excedent în mărime de 1,8 mld. Lei. Situația creată este o consecința a creșt...


Oportunitate de sponsorizare - Moldova Business Week 2019

În procesul de organizare a evenimentului Moldova Business Week 2019, vor fi disponibile 6 panele diferite. Actualmente, panelul Green Energy și Agrifood și-au găsit sponsorii, iar următoarele sunt disponibile pentru colaborare:  • Creative industries, cinema & film productio...


FinComBank: FinComBank in Partnership with Rompetrol and Mastercard Has Launched the Universal Card for Your Roads

FinComBank S.A. has launched the most expected product of this year for drivers and not only, the Mastercard FinComBank & Rompetrol card. Now you can find in one card: • FUEL DISCOUNTS • CASHBACK ON CARD every week • CREDIT LIMIT for fuel and shopping! Get the road un...


SABIT Program - Road Construction

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Special American Business Internship Training (SABIT) program has established a program to train up to 20 professionals from the Eurasian Road Construction sector. SABIT has successfully trained nearly 7,000 executives and scientists from Eurasia and...


Informative Session on Advantages of GSP for Companies with Export Potential to US

On Monday, AmCham office hosted a session with Mr. Erland Herfindahl, Deputy Assistant at the US Trade Representative for the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP).  GSP is a program facilitated by the US to offer a range of preferential tariff reductions on eligible products. The eligibil...


Financial Services Committee Meeting with the Ministry of Justice

One of the current week’s highlights was the meeting with the Ministry of Justice. The meeting was focused on the technical dysfunctionalities of the Registry of Pledges. The Ministry of Justice representatives welcomed AmCham’s considerations on the necessity to upgrade the Registry ...


Baker Tilly: Audit Assistant

Baker Tilly in South East Europe is a leading firm of auditors, accountants, tax consultants and business advisors operating in Cyprus and the Balkans. Baker Tilly in South East Europe operates through offices in Cyprus (Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaca), Bulgaria (Sofia), Romania (Bucharest), Moldova ...


Baker Tilly: Semi-senior / Senior Auditor

Baker Tilly in South East Europe is a leading firm of auditors, accountants, tax consultants and business advisors operating in Cyprus and the Balkans. Baker Tilly in South East Europe operates through offices in Cyprus (Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaca), Bulgaria (Sofia), Romania (Bucharest), Moldova ...


Petrom Moldova: Expert Controlling & Financial Performance Retail

Petrom-Moldova is looking for a full time position of Expert Controlling and Financial Performance Retail. Main responsibilities: -Responsible for providing to the Management controlling & performance information and analysis/explanations of the results of Company activity in order to support ...


Advocacy Alert: Draft Laws Proposed for Public Consultation

On October 9, the Ministry of Finance proposed for public consultations the draft on Regulation on registration and calculation of the use of fixed assets for fiscal purposes (GD 289/2007) and for the Catalog of fixed assets (GD 338/2003). Please submit any comments and suggestions to Andrei...


AmChams in Europe 2019 Best Practice Conference

AmCham Moldova is participating at "2019 AmChams in Europe Best Practices Conference" in Belgrade, Serbia. Representatives from 30 AmChams in Europe Network are in Serbia to share best practices and discuss issues impacting AmChams and their members. Executive Directors from 45 European ...


AmCham Participated at the Meeting on Fixed Assets Regulation

On October 17, the Ministry of Finance organized a technical meeting aimed at amending the Regulation on the calculation of fixed assets for tax purposes (GD 289/2007). The meeting was chaired by Dorel Noroc, Head of the Tax and Customs Policy Department, and brought together representatives from di...