AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: Corst Grup - Federal Express Corporation in Moldova.
"Corst Grup" SRL is the official representative of Federal Express Corporation in Moldova. FedEx Express invented express transportation and remains the industry's global leader, providing rapi...
AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: is one of the leading platforms in the Republic of Moldova, offering many opportunities for job seekers and employers alike. The platform serves as a bridge connecting individuals with employment opportunities, with a vast user...
AmCham Moldova community met with the Director of the State Tax Service (STS), Mrs. Olga Golban.
The meeting took the form of a constructive dialogue with members of the AmCham community on various topics of heightened interest, including:
- Priorities of the new leadership of the STS;
- Ta...
Moldova advocates for the development of an effective and efficient control system, in order to reduce the burden ???? control and imposing sanctions.
The draft law for the amendment of some normative acts in the field of state control over entrepreneurial activity was discussed during public con...
AmCham Moldovan members have been invited to discuss Moldova's private sector role in Ukraine's recovery within the meeting the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker and U.S. Kent Ambassador. Participating member companies highlighted the opportunitie...
În contextul consultărilor publice suplimentare asupra proiectului Hotărârii Guvernului privind aprobarea proiectului de modificare a Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 690/2018 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului privind desfășurarea licitațiilor pentru oferirea statutului de producător eligibi...
Republica Moldova are șansa de a se antrena în implementarea principiilor unei economii verzi responsabile care să protejeze mediul și să asigure un viitor sustenabil, inclusiv din perspectiva negocierilor de aderare la UE. Este ideea principală enunțată în cadrul „Green Future Con...
AmCham Moldova held its 2024 Annual General Members Meeting (AGM) on March 29. The event commenced with opening remarks by Alexandru GOZUN, President of AmCham Moldova, and H.E. Mr. Kent Doyle LOGSDON, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova.
During the meeting, AmCham members approved a serie...
AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: CÎ „Agrostoc”.
For over twenty years, Agrostoc has been providing sustainable solutions and services to enhance the productivity and revenue of farmers and entrepreneurs.
Currently, Agrostoc includes more than 145 members and more tha...
Fostering robust economic cooperation and capital market interconnection between Moldova and Romania is a priority for AMC The community The opportunities for collaboration and cooperation bridges between the capital markets of the Republic of Moldova and Romania, including in the context of the neg...
AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: Zubcu Energy Group SRL.
ZUBCU ENERGY GROUP electricity company operates in Moldova since 2017. Specializing in the production and supply of tools and electricity-related products, ZUBCUENERGY GROUP provides high-quality and innovative solutions, meeting the ...
We at AmCham aspire to even deeper integration of the Republic of Moldova - integration in the Transatlantic Economy!
Mila Malairau and Alexandru Gozun represented AmCham Moldova at the Transatlantic Conference 2024, which AmCham EU organized in Brussels this week.
This year’s Tran...
Moldindconbank has officially joined us as a General Sponsor for the year 2024!
Their commitment to AmCham mission and their dedication to nurturing growth within our community is truly remarkable.
A heartfelt thank you to Moldindconbank for their trust in AmCham vision and ...
Această ediție a emisiunii Business UP de la TV 8 îl are ca invitat pe Alexandru Gozun, președintele Camerei de Comerț Americane din Moldova (AmCham Moldova).
În cadrul ediției sunt explorate cele mai recente tendințe și provocări din lumea afacerilor din Republica Moldova și de dinco...
Mila Malairau and Alexandru Gozun represented AmCham Moldova at the #TransatlanticConference2024, which AmCham EU organized in Brussels this week.
This year's Transatlantic Conference, 'The transatlantic effect: shaping the global agenda,' focused on how Europe and the US can shape gl...
We are thrilled to announce that KNAUF has joined AmCham as a 2024 General Sponsor!
Their commitment to supporting our mission and dedication to fostering growth within our community is truly admirable. With their invaluable support, we are poised to achieve even greater heights.
Facilitating Local Entrepreneurs' Access to External Capital Markets - A Priority for AmCham Moldova
The AmCham Moldova community actively participated in a working group meeting on the capital market, hosted by the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization. The meeting brought toge...
La solicitarea Ministerului Finanțelor, AmCham Moldova a elaborat un set de propuneri privind politica fiscală și vamală pentru 2025, precum și de ajustare a legislației fiscale și vamale existente, dar și a cadrului normativ adiacent acesteia.
Documentul poate fi consultat AICI.
În docu...
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