
AmCham Moldova met with World Bank representatives

On January 21, AmCham Moldova, represented by the Chairman of the Healthcare Committee, met with World Bank representatives and held discussions on the evolution of the pharmaceutical market and the main problems encountered by pharmaceutical companies. AmCham Moldova presented its vision for sol...


Meet a New Communications Specialist of AmCham Moldova!

AmCham Moldova is glad to welcome Karina Crangaci who recently joined the team. Karina Crangaci, hired as Communications Specialist will be responsible for managing communication activities, administration of communication tools, as well as coordination of services to AmCham members. Karina has gra...


Comentariile AmCham asupra proiectului pentru modificarea legii cu privire la fabricarea și circulația alcoolului etilic și a producției alcoolice

AmCham Moldova, în comun cu Asociația Investitorilor Străini, a elaborat o scrisoare de poziție asupra proiectului de lege pentru modificarea legii cu privire la fabricarea și circulația alcoolului etilic și a producției alcoolice. Mediul de afaceri și-a exprimat îngrijorările în ...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Smart Credit among Its Members

AmCham is enthusiastic about having Smart Credit on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Smart Credit is an experienced microfinance institution, expanding since 2010. Working in 6 branches, placed in small cities Ungheni (2 branches), Calarasi, Cimislia, Causeni,...


A New Member of the AmCham Team!

AmCham Moldova is pleased to have Veronica (Vragaleva) Sireteanu as a new member of the team. As Policy Manager, Veronica will be responsible for taxation affairs, including legislative tracking and review, research and analysis of key tax issues. Veronica has extensive working experience in the p...


AmCham Christmas Box Campaign

AmCham Christmas Box Campaign   AmCham Moldova in cooperation with DHL Moldova is rounding up the AmCham Christmas Box initiative, by delivering the wonderful presents donated by member company's staff, to children from vulnerable families and kids from orphanages in Chisinau. Another or...


Premier Energy Distribution: Premier Energy Distribution Brand Launch

 Î.C.S. "Premier Energy Distribution" S.A. is the largest private operator of the national electricity distribution system in the Republic of Moldova. The company serves an area of about 70% of the country|s territory, in 21 of the 37 districts, including the municipality of Ch...


The 2019 Best Employer in Moldova Awards

AXA Management Consulting has nominated the best organizations that earn employee loyalty and appreciation in the 2019 Best Employer in Moldova Awards. The ranking consists of a dozen of AmCham Moldova members, all sharing high marks from team members for their collegial work environments, trustwort...


AmCham Continues Negotiations on the Draft Law on Amending the Law on Medicines and Consumer Protection Law

On December 11, representatives of AmCham Moldova continued negotiations with Members of Parliament on the legislative initiative establishing new requirements for mandatory disclosure of information on medicine packaging and package leaflets. The Members of Parliament and the representatives of ...


Informative Survey Launched by National Financial Education Campaign

Recently, the National Financial Education Campaign ”Afla totul despre bani” launched a knowledge assessment survey, to get an evaluation of the need for financial knowledge. Please spread the news on the survey, and encourage your peers to do so. ...


Infodebit Credit Report: Expertul economic Viorel Gîrbu pentru Infodebit: Rata de ocupare a populației, în scădere cu 4,4 puncte în trimestrul III al anului față de perioada similară a anului trecut

La finele trimestrului III al anului forța de muncă a Republicii Moldova, în conformitate cu datele Biroului Național de Statistică, a reprezentat 947,7 mii persoane, în scădere cu 460 mii persoane față de cât a fost cu un an în urmă. Această scădere este explicată prin aplic...


Meeting of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister

December 4 was marked by the first meeting of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister, led by Ion Chicu. The meeting was attended by AmCham and other business associations and was aimed at presenting the main priorities of the new Government, in particular, the initiatives that will hav...


Commercial Arbitration - a Smart Solution for Resolving Disputes between Professionals

On December 6, the Chisinau International Court of Commercial Arbitration jointly with Juridice Moldova organized the Conference on „Commercial arbitration - a smart solution for resolving disputes between professionals”. The Conference gathered together approximately 100 lawyers to disc...


AmCham Christmas Box Campaign

The Christmas Season is here, and in the spirit of the season, AmCham is looking to spread cheer and goodwill all around. You may recall that each year AmCham hosts a Christmas Collection project, collecting donations from Member Companies to be distributed to those most in need – the elderly ...


AmCham Hires a Communication Specialist

The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham Moldova) is one of the most valued advocacy forces in Moldova, and a trusted dialogue partner for Moldovan policy makers, foreign & local investors, and Moldova’s development partners. As Communications Specialist at AmCham Moldova, you ...


Human Resources Management Conference, 3rd Edition

On November 28, AmCham Moldova held the 3rd edition of the annual Human Resources Management Conference “Managing Organizations & People in a Changing World”. This year’s conference welcomed 11 speakers from across the world and over 220 professionals. The event covered a varie...


Communication Specialist

The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham Moldova) is one of the most valued advocacy forces in Moldova, and a trusted dialogue partner for Moldovan policy makers, foreign & local investors, and Moldova’s development partners.  As Communications Specialist at AmCham Moldo...


Gebauer & Griller: Quality Engineer

Responsibilities - Ensures that the products meet quality requirements - Cooperates with Quality Managers for resolving product quality issues raised by customers - Updates customers in a timely manner regarding the status of quality issues or any requests - Participates in product quality plann...