
Grawe Carat Asigurari: Asistent al Comitetului de Conducere

  Locatia: or. Chisinau, R. Moldova Cerinţe: - Studii superioare in domeniul economiei; - Abilităţi de organizare, planificare si finisare a sarcinilor in termeni prestabiliti; - Persoană responsabilă, cu o atitudine pozitivă şi proactivă, spirit de echipă; - Cunoasterea limbii romane,...


AmCham Reappointed Secretary of the Consultative Committee under Customs Service

On February 20, Customs Service re-launched the Consultative Committee platform. Among the main topics on the agenda were the election of the Consultative Committee Secretary, in which AmCham received full support. The Consultative Committee is envisioned as a transparency tool for the customs bodie...


AmCham met Ludmila Botnari, Interim Director of the State Tax Service

 On February 20th, AmCham members met Interim Director of the State Tax Service, Ludmila Botnari. Mrs. Botnari was accompanied by Director of Methodologic Department, Olga Golban, and Director of Strategies and Communication, Corina Pavlisciuc. At the meeting Mrs. Botnari presented current pro...


Special American Business Internship Training Program

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Special American Business Internship Training (SABIT) program has established a program to train up to 20 professionals from the Eurasian healthcare sector, specifically in the management of clinics specializing in ambulatory healthcare. SABIT has successfully...


AmCham Welcomes NBM New Regulations on Digitalization of Several Procedures

Since 2017, AmCham Moldova has been advocating for the digitization of the procedures of approval / notification/ reporting of select foreign currency operations, as provided by the Law on foreign exchange regulation No. 62/2008. We welcome the NBM Board Decision 12/2020, aimed at reducing the paper...


JT International Trading: JTI, singurul angajator din Moldova certificat Top Employer pentru a șaptea oară consecutiv

Compania JTI a fost certificată Top Employer (angajator de top) în Moldova și la nivel european pentru al șaptelea an consecutiv, de către Institutul Top Employers, în cadrul ceremoniei oficiale de decernare a premiilor, care a avut loc în Amsterdam. Totodată, este al șaselea an c...


AmCham a înaintat solicitare cu privire la prelungirea termenului de realizare a auditului statutar în adresa Ministerului Finanțelor și a Biroului Național de Statistică

AmCham Moldova a prezentat poziția comunității de afaceri vizavi de necesitatea prelungirii termenului de realizare a auditului statutar, adresate Ministerului Finanțelor și Biroului Național de Statistică.   Principalele revendicări țin de acel fapt că termenul de 4 luni prevăzut &icir...


Young Professionals Program: 8th Generation Officially Launched

On February 13, the new 8th Generation and old 7th Generation of the Young Professionals Program (YPP) met for the first time at the Young Professionals Launch Party! Held at the swanky Kozlovna, the old and new generations met and networked, enjoying the cozy atmosphere. The outgoing cohort was awa...


FinComBank are un nou Președinte al Comitetului de Conducere

Chișinău, 13 Februarie 2020. FinComBank are un nou Președinte al Comitetului de Conducere. În conformitate cu strategia aprobată și pentru asigurarea dezvoltării ulterioare a serviciilor instituției, doamna Aliona Levcă a fost numită în funcția de Președinte al Comitetului de Conducer...


AmCham Members met with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Mr. Serghei Puscuta

On February 12th, AmCham participated in the meeting conducted by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Serghei Puscuta, regarding Tax And Customs Policy 2021. Discussed during the opening meeting were the new proposals on the draft Tax And Customs Policy 2021. Participants, among which ...


AmCham Members met the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure, Anatol Usatii

On February 11th, AmCham members operating in energy sector, met the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure, Anatol Usatii, to discuss Moldovan government policies on energy independence and security. The Minister has been accompanied by Calin Negura, Head of Energy Policies Department and Alexandr...


"Expanding responsible financing - nonbank credit organizations' sector" Conference

On February 11, AmCham Moldova AmCham Moldova in collaboration with Comisia Națională a Pieței Financiare and European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE) held the "Expanding responsible financing - nonbank credit organizations' sector" conference. This was the first MFI conference held in Ch...


POLICY WIN: AmCham Moldova welcomes the approval by the Parliament of the amendments to the Law 116/2012 on industrial safety of dangerous industrial objects by removing the ceiling for insurance coverage and claims!

As these requirements were introduced in the law within an opaque consultancy process, their impact was destructive for the real sector of the economy, as the amount of insurance coverage and claims expressly stated in the law led to a significant increase of the insurance premiums (up to 40 –...


Lafarge Ciment (Moldova) S.A.: Manager Dezvoltare Colaboratori

Manager Dezvoltare Colaboratori in cadrul departamentlui Resurse Umane Educatie si experienta: • Studii superioare (Resurse Umane/Pedagogie/Psihologie) • Experienta intr-o pozitie similara de minimum 3 ani. Abilitati: • Abilitati excelente de comunicare si influentare; • A...


Technical Meeting of the Tax Committee

On February 5, the AmCham Tax Committee met to discuss amendments to tax and customs law. By the end of the meeting, Committee had put together Paper on Tax and Customs Policy and sent to Ministry of Finance, including over 60 amendments to tax and customs law. Document can be consulted with Veroni...


AmCham Moldova Attended the Meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment

On February 3, AmCham participated in a meeting conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment regarding the legal framework on wastewater evacuation and treatment. During the meeting were discussed new proposals on the draft Government Decision that will regulate th...


Philip Morris Sales & Marketing: Philip Morris Moldova a fost desemnat Angajator de Top de către Institutul Top Employers

Compania Philip Morris Moldova a fost recunoscută, pentru prima dată, de către Institutul Top Employers, drept Angajator de Top. Certificarea confirmă practicile de succes ale Philip Morris Moldova în domeniu resurselor umane și condițiile de muncă excelente oferite angajaților. De asemenea, P...


AmCham Moldova Participated on Improving the Draft Law on Infringement Procedure in the field of prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and the method of applying sanctions

Between January 30 - February 3, AmCham Moldova participated in 3 meetings on improving the draft law on infringement procedure in the field of prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and the method of applying sanctions. The meetings were attended by representatives of the Service...