
International Conference on Corporate and Social Responsibility

GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS FOR A BETTER SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN CHISINAU Global Compact Network Moldova, United Nations Development Programme, American Chamber of Commerce and Eurasia Foundation Moldova Representative Office organized on the 31 of October 2008, at "Codru" ...


AmCham - member of National Participative Council

In summer of this year, Moldovan Government launched the idea of creation of the National Participative Council which would facilitate the participation and consultation of the civil society in the process of development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and updating of the strategic planning ...


American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova raises funds for flood victims

CHISINAU, September 23, 2008. American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham) successfully closed the fundraising campaign initiated in August to assist victims of the flooding which affected Moldova this summer. Totally, AmCham members contributed almost 175 000 MDL, making it possible to buy a ne...


KPMG Moldova: KPMG: Tax&Legal Newsflash

Starting from 1 November 2008 the banks will submit some reports to the NBM in electronic form The National Bank of Moldova has adopted the regulation which stipulates the order of drawing up and delivery of reports in electronic form to the NBM and their acceptance by the NBM. The list of...


Moldcell: MOLDCELL: More communication with all the world!

More communication with all the world! Moldcell company proposes a new offer for those who wish to be a part of our family. The offer is available for 2 months and suppose more minutes for conversation with all the world. Buy an Alocard or Fantasy pack till October 20 at the price of only ...


AmCham meets the Government

On Friday, July 11th, the AmCham Leadership and representatives of the Board of Directors met with the high representatives of the Moldovan Government among whom were present Mrs. Zinaida Greceanîi, Prime-Minister of RM, Mr. Igor Dodon, First Deputy Prime Minister of RM, Mrs. Mariana Durlesteanu, Mi...


European Union- Eastern Europe Business Forum

The International Trade Centre (ITC) in collaboration with the International Centre for Promotion Enterprises (ICPE) and the support of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Chamber of Commerce & Industry organized a Business Forum for the European Union and Eastern Europe (26-27 June ...


KPMG Moldova: KPMG: Tax News Flash

Tax Newsflash January 2008 The Convention for the avoidance of double taxation with Kingdom of Spain has been ratified VAT zero rate on works of residential houses has been cancelled Voluntary procedure for registration as VAT payer has been established for capital investments For more ...


Earth Day 2008

Earth Day will take place on Tuesday, April 22, 2008. Earth Day is a day of appreciation for the Earth and a day to pause and contemplate your impact on the environment. In support of Earth Day, and to help conserve natural resources, AmCham Moldova will not print any materials on April 22. T...


CSR Competition for Journalists

CSR Contest for Journalists "Corporate Social Responsibility for Moldova" 24 January 2008 Aiming to promote the concept of CSR and CSR activities in Moldova as well as to strengthen freedom of expression and independent press, Eurasia Foundation in Moldova /eurasia.md/ and American Chamber of...


Christmas Collection Project 2007

AmCham, in collaboration with DHL Moldova and the United States Peace Corps, organized the first annual "Christmas Collection Project." The main goal of the project was to collect clothes, books, and toys for two orphanages in Moldova that were in need of assistance: the Municipal Orphanage of Chis...


2018 Member Satisfaction Survey Results Released

AmCham has released the results of its 2018 Membership Satisfaction Survey, which was conducted between September and December of the last year. AmCham would like to explicitly thank those members who took the time to complete the survey. Due to the good response rate, we were able to get a great...

AmCham Opened an Intern Position

The internship will be focused on supporting and assisting Project Managers in their daily tasks and duties. Qualifications: - Good written and oral communication skills; - Fluency in English language; - Working knowledge of computer; - Good organization and planning skills; - Good an...

AmCham Attended the Meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment

 On February 3, AmCham participated in a meeting conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment regarding the legal framework on wastewater evacuation and treatment. During the meeting were discussed new proposals on the draft Government Decision that will regul...

Draft Law on Compulsory Health Insurance Funds for 2015

Draft Law on Compulsory Health Insurance Funds for 2015 Informative Note to the Draft Law on Compulsory Health Insurance Funds for 2015     Deadline for submission of comments until 30 October 2014.     Should you have any questions related to this subject, please contact ...

AmCham a înaintat o solicitare Serviciului Vamal referitor la tergiversarea procedurilor de vămuire

 Pe data de 12 august, AmCham Moldova a expediat o scrisoare Serviciului Vamal în care a abordat subiecte importante ca: înăsprirea condițiilor și procedurilor de vămuire, tergiversarea procedurii de certificare a originii produselor autohtone, liberalizarea competenț...

Comentariile AmCham asupra proiectului de lege pentru modificarea Codului muncii

AmCham Moldova a elaborat o scrisoare de poziție asupra proiectului de lege pentru modificarea Codului muncii. Scrisoarea conține o serie de comentarii menite să contribuie la perfecționarea reglementărilor deja incluse în proiect, precum clarificarea modalității de funcționare a Registrului ...