
Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics: Moldovan Exporters Benefit from Favorable Container Transportation Tariffs to China

Danube Logistics’ transportation tariffs for the export of goods in containers from Chisinau to major Chinese ports have been as low as USD 900 for 20” containers and USD 1,000 for 40” containers during the second quarter of 2013. These favorable container transportation rates cont...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 33/2013: Amendments for activity of tax surveillance unit

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: Amendments for activity of tax surveillance unit Amendamente privind instituirea si functionarea posturilor fiscale Изменения в порядке создан...


Purcari Winery: The Winner of the Purcari Promotion Enjoys a Stay in Bordeaux

The big winner of the "Purcari celebrates 185 years" promotion, Marina Latii, was awarded a stay in Bordeaux. The promotion was held last year, to celebrate the founding of the winery almost two centuries ago, and has registered more than 6,000 participants from Moldova and Romania. Mar...


Aviz AmCham - Proiectul de lege privind contractele de credit pentru consumatori

Aviz AmCham - Proiectul de lege privind contractele de credit pentru consumatori...


Millenium Challenge Account – Moldova: Request for Expressions of Interest

REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REOI) REOI Ref: PP7/THVAP/CS/IC/23 CISRA Contract Management Experts   The Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”) and the Government of Moldova (the “Government”) have entered into a Millennium Challenge Compact (“the Comp...


E-Government Center: E-licentiere

Serviciul „e-Licenţiere” oferă o gamă completă de funcţii specializate pentru a optimiza depunerea și analiza cererilor de eliberare a licențelor de la Camera de Licențiere. Licențele pot fi solicitate în format electronic, fără ca agentul economic să se deplaseze la Chişinău. Aut...


Ministry of Economy: The Administration of FEZ Balti will create a technical training center having as a pattern the German model

 A center for active technical training is to be created at the initiative of the Ministry of Economics of Moldova in partnership with University of Ilmenau and the Vocational Academy of Eisenach in Germany. The Center will be built in Straseni and will train annually around 1000 skilled worker...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Capital project managers expect an increase in infrastructure and capital spending in CEE over the next 12 months, and are looking to the private sector for financing

• 59% of capital project managers expect expenditure increases in the next 12 months. • 52% respondents went beyond their budget allocations in the last 12 months. • 78% capital projects were delayed in the past 12 months. • Romania is on the 4th place amongst the countries w...


Purcari Winery|s successes - partnership with Masterchef and medals from Bordeaux

There are things and phenomena that became the business card of a separate epoch, place or an entire country. There are names that don’t need to prove anything, because the trail of their glorious history is so long and impressive, that it’s unlikely that someone will be able to remove t...


Premier Energy Distribution: Red Union Fenosa obţine Declaraţia Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) cu privire la conformitatea Raportului său de Responsabilitate Sociala Corporativa (RSC) cu ghidul internaţional G3, pentru nivelul de aplicare B+

Red Union Fenosa a realizat primul său raport local de RSC, ce oferă cititorilor informaţii cu privire la practicile adoptate şi implementate, precum şi realizările companiei în anul 2012 în acest domeniu. Documentul conţine informaţii despre activitatea întreprinderii în do...


Aviz AmCham-Denuntarea conventiei pentru evitarea dublei impuneri cu Republica Cipru

Aviz AmCham - Denuntarea conventiei pentru evitarea dublei impuneri cu Republica Cipru...


Trade and Manufacturing Committee: New initiative for trade facilitation

The Trade and Manufacturing Committee is acting towards facilitating trade activity for our members by approaching a new initiative in relation with Customs Service. This initiative refers to establishing a mechanism that would give the possibility to economical agents to view electronically their ...


AmCham\'s immediate recommendations to the new government

One of the priorities of the new Government is to establish a better climate and environment for new foreign and local investments in the Moldovan economy. At the prime minister’s request, AmCham Moldova has submitted a set of policy issues to be tackled immediately. With the aim of boosting c...


A new offer from Plantronics under Member Discount Program

Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers. AmCham is glad to inform you about the latest offer from Plantronics.  Plantronics is an electronics company producing premium class audio communications equipment for business and consumers....


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 31/2013: New forms for immovable property tax and land tax returns

 We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: New forms for immovable property tax and land tax returns Noi formulare ale Darilor de seama pentru impozitul pe bunurile imobiliare si pe...


Sun Communications: Join the tennis tournament organized by Sun Communications and win TWO TICKETS to the Winter Olympics in Sochi

Join the tennis tournament organized by Sun Communications and win TWO TICKETS to the Winter Olympics in Sochi and other valuable prizes. The tournament will be held on the tennis courts of Niagara fitness center, from June 21 to June 30*. Participation fee – 150 lei Registration may be m...