
Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: BCR Chisinau: Change in the Executive Committee at BCR Chisinau - Juan Luis Martin Ortigosa is the new Chief Executive Officer

Chisinau, September 09, 2013 – Sorin Andrei, currently Chief Executive Officer of BCR Chisinau, has finalized his mandate and has been promoted to assume new role within the Erste Holding. Into the Chief Executive Officer position has been appointed Juan Luis Martin Ortigosa, 44 years old, unt...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics Doubles Container Feeder Service Capacity and Introduces a Weekly Block Train Service

In order to satisfy the increasing demand for its container logistics services between Constanta South Container Terminal and the Republic of Moldova, Danube Logistics increases the capacity of its feeder vessel by 50%. In addition, due to completion of rehabilitation works of Giuriuglesti-Cahul rai...


Newest Feature: \"Visit Europe\" Travel Guide

AmCham Moldova is proud to announce its newest cooperation with regional AmChams in Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria and Czech Republic. Together we developed a bimonthly online regional tourism guide called Visit Europe where AmCham Moldova members can highlight their businesses, upcoming events, and s...


Petrom Moldova: Petrom Moldova: Family Weekend Event, 6-8 September 2013

Petrom te invită la Family week-end! Vino împreună cu toată familia în perioada 6-8 septembrie la stația Petrom situata pe str. Sos. Hancesti-130/1, Chisinau (Autogara Sud Vest) și petrece cel mai tare week-end alături de Petrom Moldova. Vei avea parte de clovni, trambulină, tobogan pe...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 40/2013: Amendments to some VAT deduction rules

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: Amendments to some VAT deduction rules Modificarea unor prevederi privind deducerea TVA Внесение изменений в положени я, касающиеся права на за...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics: Facilitating the Access to New Markets for Moldovan Agriculture Goods

As container transshipment volumes rise, types of operations conducted via the Port diversify. Following the record harvest this year, Danube Logistics started to transport sea containers with grain from Moldova, via Giurgiulesti port, to Asia and Turkey. The first 143 containers filled with Moldova...


US Embassy:Delegatie Agricola in SUA cu un nou termen de inscriere 30 august

IN ATENTIA FERMELOR, FIRMELOR SI INSTITUTIILOR AGRICOLE INTERESATE: Sectia Comerciala din Ambasada SUA in Romania, in cooperare cu Sectia Economica din Ambasada SUA in Republica Moldova organizeaza o delegatie agricola comuna romano-moldoveneasca in Statele Unite ale Americii, in perioada 7-16 sept...


Petrom Moldova: Petrom Moldova: Petrom te invită la family week-end!

Petrom te invită la family week-end! Vino împreună cu toată familia în perioada 6-8 septembrie la stația Petrom de lângă gara de sud și petrece cel mai tare week-end alături de Petrom Moldova. Vei avea parte de clovni, trambulină, tobogan pentru copii, pop corn și înghețată...


CCI Moldova: Vizită de lucru la expoziţia specializată de produse alimentare, băuturi şi catering „ANUGA-2013”

Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie a Republicii Moldova vă invită să participaţi la expoziţia specializată de produse alimentare, băuturi şi catering „ANUGA”, care va avea loc în perioada 5-9 octombrie 2013 la Koln, Germania. „ANUGA” este evenimentul principal al producător...


Purcari Winery: Sărbătoriţi Ziua Independenţei împreună cu Purcari

Stimaţi Domni, Sărbătoriţi Ziua Independenţei împreună cu Purcari. Vinăria Purcari este cea mai veche vinărie din Republica Moldova. Astăzi, portofoliul companiei este compus din legendarele vinuri Negru de Purcari şi Roşu de Purcari, maturate timp de trei ani în butoaie de stejar ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert No. 39/2013: Simplified procedure for acquisition of primary documents with special regime

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: Simplified procedure for acquisition of primary documents with special regime Procedura simplificata de achizitionare a documentelor primare cu...


A new offer from Felicia Optic Center under Member Discount Program

Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers. AmCham is glad to inform you about the latest offer from Felicia Optic Center.  AmCham informs you of the latest offer from Felicia Optic Center - the largest salon in Moldova of eyeglas...


MIEPO finances the participation of the companies at the promotional events in 2014

The Organization for Investment and Export Promotion (MIEPO) launched a new series of financing the promotional activity of the companies. This year you have the opportunity to submit proposals on promotional events (such as international exhibitions, economic missions, specialized fairs), both fro...


Public consultation: Draft Law on modification and completion of Law 289 from 22.07.2004 related to allowances for temporary disability and other social insurance benefits

Draft Law on modification and completion of Law 289 from 22.07.2004 related to allowances for temporary disability and other social insurance benefits ...


Purcari Winery: New Porsche Model Launched Exclusively at Chateau Purcari

On Sunday, August 4th, Purcari Winery hosted the most exclusive event of the summer - the national launch of Porsche Panamera in Moldova. The new model’s presentation impressed Porsche owners as well as potential customers. The launch of this model - which has become more attractive, got im...


AmCham Moldova supports the inclusion of children with disabilities

AmCham Moldova continues to promote Corporate Social Responsibility in Moldova by supporting social causes that brings it closer to the people who really need the help of their society. Therefore, step by step, and together with AmCham Moldova members we are offering assistance to those who need hel...