
February/March Edition of \"Visit Europe\" Available Now

The February/March edition of Visit Europe can be found here. For an opportunity to be featured in the bimonthly guide, please submit your content to Adrian Gheorghita at adriangheorghita@amcham.md for consideration. ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert No. 2/2014: The Law on Compulsory Health Insurance Funds for 2014

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: The Law on compulsory health insurance funds for 2014 Fondurile de asigurări obligatorii de asistenţă medicală pentru anul 2014 Фонды обязатель...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics: Transbordarea mărfurilor generale solide și lichide, prin portul internațional liber giurgiulești a crescut cu 50% în 2013

Volumul de mărfuri generale solide și lichide transbordate prin Portul Internațional Liber Giurgiulești a crescut în anul 2013 cu 50%, atingând cifra de 410,509 tone . Aproximativ 59% din acest volum revine exportului de produse cerealiere, semințelor de floarea soarelui, și uleiului veg...


AmCham Calls for Elimination of Systemic Business Constraints

On January 9, 2014, AmCham Moldova sent a letter to Mr. William Moser, U.S. Ambassador to Moldova, and Mr. Pirkka Tapiola, Head of the European Union Delegation to Moldova, publicly raising our concerns in relation to several companies that are currently facing constraints in developing their busine...


AmCham Calls for Member Input Related to Business Constraints

The Embassy of the Republic of Moldova to the United States is seeking AmCham support in signing a “Trade and Investment Facilitation Agreement” (TIFA) with the US Government. TIFA will set the legal basis for stronger economic ties between the U.S. and the Republic of Moldova and facili...


AmCham Participates in a Meeting Related to New FATCA Regulations

On January 16, AmCham participated in a meeting hosted by the Ministry of Finance regarding the implementation of the new regulations aimed at harmonizing the domestic legal framework with FATCA requirements. FATCA is a new US law that requires financial institutions to file reports with the Intern...


Turcan Cazac Law Firm: Turcan Cazac Law Firm: Turcan Cazac Recognized by Who|s Who Legal in M&A 2014

London, UK - Who's Who Legal lists partners Alexander Turcan and Octavian Cazac among the world's leading Mergers & Acquisitions lawyers in 2014. The recognition derives from the publication's independent research efforts and is based on general counsel and peer feedback. In addition to the Me...


AmCham Moldova visited the retirement home in Chisinau

On January 16, AmCham Moldova, in cooperation with DHL Moldova, visited the elderly at “Azilul Republican pentru pensionari si invalizi” in Chisinau, where 150 retired and disabled persons live. We at AmCham value all ages in our communities from the very young to the very old. The olde...


FinComBank: FinComBank: Ofertă exclusivă pentru membrii AmCham

Numai pînă la 1 aprilie 2014 companiile şi organizaţiile, care sunt membri AMCHAM, pot beneficia de un şir de reduceri şi înlesniri oferite de FinComBank, şi anume: • Deschiderea gratis a conturilor curente şi deservirea gratis pe o perioadă de 6 luni; • Conectarea gratis la ...


Coca-Cola Hellenic Moldova: Facilities Administrator

Rol Implementarea si mentinerea celor mai bune beneficii si facilitatilor in munca, pentru angajati, prin asigurarea respectarii legislatiei locale in vigoare si cerintelor interne ale grupului Coca-Cola Hellenic. Responsabilităţi - Oferirea angajatilor companiei pachetul de beneficii de cea mai ...


Coca-Cola Hellenic Moldova: Key Account Manager

Rol Managementul activitatilor in piata de Conturi Speciale (KA) in scopul realizarii bugetului de vanzari, a indicatorilor de piata precum si a indicatorilor economico-financiari ai ariei pe care o conduce. Responsabilitati • Realizarea bugetului de vinzari pe categorii si pe ambalaje, in c...


Rilvan Group: January Newsletter

RILVAN Moving and Relocations would like to announce the addition of another member to our team of moving, immigration and destination professional service experts. Jonathan Bastide is RILVAN's new Business Development Manager. With a vast experience of over 15 years in the logistics and transport ...


Turcan Cazac Law Firm: Turcan Cazac law Firm: Diana Ichim Participates in the Soros Foundation|s Legal Training on Anti-Discrimination

Chisinau, Moldova - Associate Diana Ichim underwent a training program for Moldovan legal professionals on anti-discrimination. Organized by the Civic Participation Program of Soros Foundation-Moldova, the training was conducted by the respected experts in the field Istvan Haller (member of Romania...


Christmas Collection Project 2013

AmCham Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (CSR) in cooperation with DHL Moldova announces the extension of Christmas Collection Project 2013. Christmas Collection Project turned into a very successful and fruitful tradition. Many of AmCham members with their generous contributions brightened...


AmCham Moldova Delivers Books to Gimnaziul “Liubomir Chiriac” in Satul Antonești

On Christmas Eve, AmCham Moldova delivered the books collected under the campaign “A Book for the Ages” to the library at Gimnaziul “Liubomir Chiriac” in Satul Antonești in Raionul Cantemir. Hundreds of books and new reading material were donated to the students who greeted ...


Editia a treia a Buletinului Informativ 2013 in cadrul JOP Ro-Ua-Md 2007-2013

Buletin Electronic publicat de Secretariatul Tehnic Comun al Programului Operational Comun Romania – Ucraina – Republica Moldova 2007 – 2013, finanțat de Uniunea Europeană prin Instrumentul European de Vecinatate și Parteneriat....


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert No. 60/2013: The forecasted average monthly salary for 2014

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: The forecasted average monthly salary for 2014 Salariul mediu lunar pe economie, prognozat pentru anul 2014 Среднемесячная заработная плата по ...