
Pedersen & Partners: Pedersen & Partners continues Latin American expansion - opening in Santiago, Chile

Pedersen & Partners, a leading Executive Search firm with 51 wholly owned offices in 48 countries, is extending their coverage of the Latin American region by opening its newest office in Santiago, Chile. Claudio González-Carrasco will be the Country Manager for the newly established offi...


Aviz AmCham: Proiectul Regulamentului cu privire la conditiile de stabilire, modul de calcul si de plata a indemnizatiilor pentru incapacitatea temporara de munca

Aviz AmCham: Proiectul Regulamentului cu privire la conditiile de stabilire, modul de calcul si de plata a indemnizatiilor pentru incapacitatea temporara de munca ...


AmCham issues ToR on Customs Territorial Competence and Customs Terminals Project

 ToR on Customs Territorial Competence and Customs Terminals Project...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Gladei & Partners Among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Gladei & Partners on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. GLADEI & PARTNERS is the only Moldovan law firm whose lawyers combine deep in-house and independent legal expertise. For over 20 years its lawyers o...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: Specialist prevenirea si combaterea spalarii banilor

Executa lucrari de complexitate ridicata care combina cunostinte specifice mai multor domenii de activitate, formuleaza propuneri cu implicatii in politica Bancii, privind gestionarea riscului de conformitate in domeniul prevenirii şi combaterii spalarii banilor, finantarii terorismului si cunoaster...


Incaso: Incaso: Julianus Inkasso visiting Moldova

Ülar Maapalu, CEO of Julianus Inkasso Group, together with a group of partners will be during March 25 to 26 in a working visit to Moldova. The purpose of the visit is exchanging of the opinions on the services market of debt collection from Moldova, practices of purchase and sale of debt from...


AmCham Met with Health Vice Minister, Mr. Mihai Ciocanu

Members of the Healthcare Committee met on the 21st of March 2014 with Vice Minister, Mr. Mihai Ciocanu, to discuss adopting the Code of Ethics in medicine promotion. The Vice Minister welcomed the idea and, at AmCham suggestion, ordered the creation of a Working Group on elaboration of the Code....


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Microsoft Among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Microsoft on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. Founded in 1975, Microsoft is the worldwide leader in software, services, and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. ...


MAIB: Moldova Agroindbank propune deponenţilor să-şi păstreze economiile în valute diferite - ala polustanova

BC Moldova Agroindbank S.A. (MAIB) propune populaţiei să-şi păstreze economiile de la bancă în valute diferite. "Nivelul instruirii financiare a concetăţenilor noştri creşte tot mai rapid. Ei conştientizează justeţea legii păstrării banilor în monede diferite. Iar noi stimulăm acea...


Latest Member Benefits under AmChams in Europe Network

AmCham Moldova is pleased to announce mutual membership benefits based on its affiliation to the AmChams in Europe network. Members in good standing of AmChams in Europe (ACE) have agreed to offer AmCham benefits and services to companies which are members of another ACE chamber. Mutual benefits an...


US Embassy: SABIT Program

SABIT (Program of US Department of Commerce) opened the selection process for 2 new Programs: 1. Packaging and Marketing. Professional requirements: • At least 3 years of supervisory experience and current supervisory position in private or state enterprise; • ...


Aviz AmCham: Proiectul de modificare a legii 289-XV din 22 iulie 2004 cu referire la indemnizațiile pentru incapacitatea temporară de muncă și alte prestații de asigurări sociale

Avizul Camerei de Comerţ Americane din Moldova privind modificarea legii 289-XV din 22 iulie 2004 cu referire la indemnizațiile pentru incapacitatea temporară de muncă și alte prestații de asigurări sociale Comentarii cu privire la modificarea Legii nr. 289-XV din 22 iulie 2004 privind indemnizaţii...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert No. 7/2014: New regulations on expenses incurred by employers for the benefit of employees

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: New regulations on expenses incurred by employers for the benefit of employees Noi reglementări legislative privind cheltuielile suportate de an...


A New Offer from Oky Doky Cafe under the Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers. AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Oky Doky Cafe. Oky Doky Cafe, located at Str. Bucuresti 41 in Chisinau, offers a diverse selection of American style fast food and bev...