
Working Group on the Code of Ethics for Medicine Promotion

At AmCham’s initiative, the Ministry of Health created a Working Group on the elaboration of Code of Ethics for Medicine Promotion. The first meeting of the group took place on May 21st and the first draft of the Code was forwarded to members and all interested parties for discussions. The Cod...


AmCham din nou se expune pe necesitatea de modificare a Legii 139 privind dreptul de autor si drepturile conexe

Dupa ce Proiectul de lege pentru modificarea și completarea Legii 139 din 02.07.2010, privind dreptul de autor si drepturile conexe a fost aprobat în prima lectură (în data de 22.11.2013),  Comisia parlamentară cultură, educație, cercetare, tineret, sport și mass-media a venit cu o ...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics: Giurgiulesti International Free Port Facilitates the Diversification of Moldova’s Exports

We are pleased to provide you with the latest Press Release from Danube Logistics. Please click on the following links to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: GIURGIULESTI INTERNATIONAL FREE PORT FACILITATES THE DIVERSIFICATION OF MOLDOVA’S EXPORTS PORTUL INTERNAȚIONAL LIBER GI...


Pedersen & Partners: Pedersen & Partners extends its presence in Asia by opening offices in Singapore and Thailand

Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm known for excellence in Emerging Markets, has opened offices in Singapore and Bangkok, extending its Asian coverage to 7 offices including Shanghai, Jakarta, Mumbai, New Delhi and Ulaanbaatar. The firm now has 52 wholly owned of...


AmCham Moldova supports the improvement of the Civil Procedure Code and the Enforcement Code

AmCham Moldova supports the improvement of the Civil Procedure Code and the Enforcement Code...


June/July Edition of \"Visit Europe\" Available Now

The June/July edition of Visit Europe can be found here. For an opportunity to be featured in the bimonthly guide, please submit your content to Adrian Gheorghita at adriangheorghita@amcham.md for consideration. ...


Moldcell: Health and Safety Specialist

We are looking for a Health and Safety Specialist whose main activity in this position will be the assisting the company’s management in the fulfillment of the legislative norms in labor relations, establishing and developing the activities and procedures in OH&S in order to promote the wo...


New Simplified Customs Procedures

Members of the Trade and Manufacturing Committee are working on the Governmental Decision Draft on the implementation of the provisions of Section 271 of the simplified customs procedures and Section 282 on Authorized Economic Agents, of the Customs Code of the Republic of Moldova (http://customs.go...


Call For Consultations: Nomenclatorul combinat al marfurilor

Ministerul Economiei a transmis spre consultare publică Proiectul Hotarîrii de Guvern pentru Aprobarea Nomenclaturii Combinate a Mărfurilor.  Sumar Începînd cu ianuarie 2012, la recomandarea Consiliului de cooperare vamală a OMV din 26 iunie 2009, a fost modificat Sistemul a...


Moldcell: Moldcell: Marşul Vieţii

 Al doilea an consecutiv, Moldcell și Asociația Obștească „Salvați viața” organizează Marșul Vieții. La ediția din 2013, graţie Dvs.: prieteni, parteneri, familii şi toţi cei cărora le pasă, am reușit să colectăm peste 100 000 de lei, bani din care am procurat echipament pentru secț...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: New documentation rules for certain zero-rated VAT-able supplies

As of 16 May 2014, the form of the primary document with special regime "invoice" is to be used for zero-rated VAT-able supplies based on art. 104 a) of the Tax Code, including: • export of goods; • export of services; • international transport of goods and passengers;...


P.A.A. Tax, Legal, Accounting: PAA: Tax & Legal Newsletter No. 4, April 2014

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Newsletter No. 4. Please click on the following to read its English, Romanian, Russian and French versions.  ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert No. 12/2014: Legislative Amendments

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English and Romanian versions: Legislative amendments Modificări legislative...


Coca-Cola Hellenic Moldova: Quality System Coordinator

DEPARTMENT: Operational REPORTS TO: Plant Manager LOCATION: Chisinau Rol: Managing quality management systems, environmental and health and safety procedures at the Coca-Cola Imbuteliere Chisinau. Responsabilities • Ensures and monitors the implementation of procedures for the organizatio...


Moldcell: Designer

We are looking for an experienced Designer whose main activity in this position will be the development and creation of the concept and design for promotional campaigns according to the company needs and standards. Graphic and Web design of files for print and web will be an additional role for this...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: Manager raportare risc

Misiune post: Coordonarea activităților aferente analizei și monitorizării indicatorilor de risc și raportării acestora conform cerințelor în vigoare Responsabilițăți: Analiza și monitorizarea calității portofoliului de credite, indicatorilor de risc credit Elaborarea și prezentar...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: BCR Chișinău extends its product portfolio and launches 24 BANKING services

Starting with May 20th, 2014 BCR Chișinău launches 2 new Internet Banking services: 24 BANKING for individuals 24 BANKING for companies. The clients, by using both packages will benefits from the advantages of new technologies of having remote access to banking services, 24 hours from 24, 7 days fro...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: ACI Legal Flash No. 3

We are pleased to provide you with the latest Legal Flash. Please click on the following link to read its English and Romanian versions: Official Gazette NO. 99-102 of 25 April 2014 Monitorul Oficial Nr. 99-102 din 25 Aprilie 2014  ...