
Turcan Cazac Law Firm: Turcan Cazac Ranks as Moldova’s Leading Practice for Financial and Corporate Law

London, UK - Reputable British editorial IFLR1000 has recently published the results of its assessment of Moldova's financial and corporate legal market for 2013-2014. According to the researchers, clients, peers and market researchers continue to position Turcan Cazac as the only Tier 1 law firm i...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Infodebit Among Its Members

 AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Infodebit on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. Infodebit LLC is a company developed to provide, store and process the information on outdated debtor|s obligations by agreements performance. The mission of ...


MAIB: Moldova Agroindbank and American Express announce card issuing and merchant acquiring partnership in Moldova

Moldova Agroindbank (MAIB) and American Express today announced the signing of a new partnership agreement empowering MAIB to act as the issuer of American Express Card products and the sole merchant acquirer in Moldova. Under the terms of the agreement, MAIB will also be the exclusive acquirer of ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PayWell Moldova 2014 Salary and Benefits Survey

Business and their leaders face always questions about their future talent pipelines and human capital strategy. At the same time, identifying trends and preparing the business to take advantage of them has always been a critical element of leadership. Because we want you to develop competitive re...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Training course: Harmonisation of the Moldovan legislation according to the Association Agreement with the EU and the new National Accounting Standards!

PwC Training course: Harmonisation of the Moldovan legislation according to the Association Agreement with the EU and the new National Accounting Standards! The ratification of the Association Agreement between Republic of Moldova and the European Union provides a progressive harmonisation of the...


Chief Accountant

Responsibilities: • Elaborating financial reports in accordance with National Accounting Standards • Bookkeeping and elaborating accounting and financial reports • Organizing accounting team activities Requirements: • University degree in accountancy/finances/economy &b...


General Manager Assistant

Responsibilities: - Maintaining executive's appointment schedule by planning and scheduling meetings, conferences and business trips - Welcoming guests and customers in person or on the telephone; answering or directing inquiries - Preparing reports, presentations or other documents at the reques...


Legal Advisor (Corporate lawyer)

Job responsibilities: • Offering legal consultancy in regard with company’s contracts with partners and employees • Providing consultancy in regard with all issues related to legislation of RM • Keep management informed about all new regulations, law related to company’...


Junior Auditor / Accounting&Payroll Consultant

Want to build a career in a professional environment? BDO is hiring!BIG recruitment campaign starting now! Join our team!We are looking for a sharp mind and anenthusiastic spirit! If you're looking for a challenging position in a multinational audit company (5th largest in the world), then this ...


AmCham a sesizat CNPF vis-a-vis de imposibilitatea deducerii paralele a provizioanelor aferente activității de microfinanțare şi celei de prestare de servicii de leasing

AmCham a sesizat CNPF vis-a-vis de imposibilitatea deducerii paralele a provizioanelor aferente activității de microfinanțare şi celei de prestare de servicii de leasing ...


AmCham nu susţine intenţia Ministerului de Finanţe privind diminuarea cuantumului deducerilor privind cheltuielile aferente activității de filantropie şi sponsorizare de la 10% la 2%

AmCham Moldova a adresat o scrisoare către autorităţile publice atenţionînd despre impactul nefast al acestor amendamente, manifestat în reducerea substanțială a donațiilor în scopuri filantropice efectuate de către agenții economici către organizațiile non-profit (în favoar...


Opinia AmCham vis-a-vis de proiectul de lege privind modificarea legii cu privire la birourile istoriilor de credit

În cadrul unei scrisori adresate autorităților competente, AmCham subliniază dezacordul în parte ce ține de obligarea tuturor instituțiilor financiare bancare și nebancare, care acordă credite și împrumuturi - surse de formare a istoriei de credit de a prezenta informațiile la cel...


FinComBank: FinComBank supports the entrepreneurs and comes to B2B Expo with an offer of discounts

FinComBank JSC participates within the second edition of the international specialized exhibition of products and services for businesses “B2B Expo”, which shall take place on 1 to 3 October 2014, at the International Exhibition Center "Moldexpo". This year, the bank turns its...


AmCham salută modificarea Ordinului IFPS nr.1388 din 20.08.2013

 Potrivit noilor modificări, au fost excluse dificultățile privind trecerea în cont a TVA aferentă procurărilor în baza facturilor fiscale care nu au fost înregistrate sau au fost înregistrate cu întârziere în Registrul general electronic al facturilor ...


AmCham salută modificarea Ordinului Ministerului Sănătății cu privire la organizarea şi efectuarea Controlului treziei

  Potrivit noilor modificări, organizarea și efectuarea controlului trezie este obligatorie doar pentru persoanele juridice care dețin mijloace de transport de pasageri și/sau de mărfuri periculoase. Pentru mai multe detalii accesați aici....


Programul ,,Sănătate +’’ – asigurare facultativă a sănătătii angajaţilor

Spitalul Internaţional Medpark a elaborat un program de sănătate destinat companiilor din Moldova – “ Sănătate +”. În acest proiect, partenerul Spitalului Medpark este unul din liderii companiilor de asigurare din Moldova – Donaris Grup, care recent a intrat &...


Comertbank: Manager pe produse CLIPRI, Departamentul comercial

Cerinte fata de candidat: · Studii economice superioare complete ; · Cunoaşterea limbii de stat. Cunoaşterea limbilor străine (rusă, engleză); · Cunoaşterea calculatorului la nivel de utilizator avansat; · Cunoaşterea produselor bancare...