
Sponsorship Opportunities within AmCham Programs & Events

Corporate Sponsorship allows your organization to build and strengthen its brand through effective visibility. Aligning your organization with AmCham events and activities is an excellent opportunity to utilize this powerful marketing tool. The unique opportunity to showcase your services and or pr...


New Offers from Pani Pit, Delice D\'ange and ZEN Sushi Under the AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers. AmCham is glad to inform you about the latest offer from Pani Pit, Delice D'ange and ZEN Sushi. Pani Pit restaurant, the French pastry Delice D'ange and the Japanese Susie bar ZEN Sushi. ...


A New Offer from Vicall-Group Under the AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers. AmCham is glad to inform you about the latest offer from Vicall-Group. Vicall-Group is a company which offers discounts for selective services and office supplies. Vicall-Group is offering 1...


AmCham Moldova Visited the Elderly from Straseni

On Monday, December 22nd, AmCham Moldova, in cooperation with DHL Moldova, visited the beneficiaries of the Sunrise Day Care Center for the Elderly and the Rainbow Assisted Living Center in Straseni. The number of the projects’ beneficiaries totals 370 retired and/or homeless elderly. We, at ...


Avon Moldova: Area Sales Manager pentru Avon

 Responsabilităţi: • Recrutează, instruieşte și dezvoltă echipa de vânzări; • Planifică, organizează și monitorizează activităţile de vânzări; • Administrează afacerea pentru a îndeplini planul de vânzări; • Motivează echipa de vânzări; &b...


Feedforward - a New Trend in Employees Development

On December 22, AmCham held a HR Committee Meeting on "Feedforward - a new trend in employees development”. A special guest who shared her experience, but also introduced the committee to a totally new approach of "Feedforward" was Ana Afteni, Commercial HR Manager, Coca-C...


A New Offer from GPI Holding Under the AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers. AmCham is glad to inform you about the latest offer from GPI Holding. GPI Holding is an IT solutions provider company. The company's areas of specialization are: web, mobile and software dev...


Meeting of the AmCham Board of Directors

  On December 11, 2014, AmCham held the Meeting of the Board of Directors. At this meeting, Executive Team presented to the Board the report of Activities of 2014, as well as the priorities for 2015. AmCham will keep its traditional directions of activity, with a special focus on advocacy &...


AmCham Finalized its Effort on Studying the Practices of Activity of Domestic Customs Terminals

AmCham finalized the Report on Regulation of Customs Territorial Competence and Customs Terminals in the Republic of Moldova. The paper also reveals some major issues in Customs’ activity that, if reformed, will facilitate the operations within customs terminals and will have positive impact ...


AmCham Participated in Public Debates on the Government Decision about Approval of the Sanitary Regulation

On December 12, AmCham participated in public debates organized by the Ministry of Health on the subject of Government Decision about approbation of the sanitary Regulation on health supervision of the persons subjected to the professional risk factors. Should you have any questions, please contact...


Expert-Group in Collaboration with AmCham Organized a Round Table on \"Fiscal, Customs and Budgetary Policies for 2015\"

On December 16, Expert-Group in collaboration with AmCham organized a round table on "Fiscal, customs and budgetary policies for 2015". At this round table participated private and public sector representatives.  Should you have any questions, please contact Sergiu Chirica, Project M...


AmCham is Launching \"Regulatory Impact Assessment Development Fund\"

 AmCham is launching "Regulatory Impact Assessment Development Fund", aimed at enhancing the qualifications of public authorities in elaborating the analysis of regulatory impact. The main objective of the Program is contributing to the capacity building in the elaboration of regulato...


AmCham Initiated a Process of Elaboration of a Document on Private Sectors Constraints

AmCham is elaborating a document with the business constraints. This document will be addressed to the highest representatives, and it will be shared with the ministries at the beginning of the 2015. Should you have any questions, please contact Sergiu Chirica, Project Manager for Regulatory affair...


CCI: Concurs în Domeniul Calității - 2014

Camera de Comerț și Industrie a RM în cooperare cu organizațiile cointeresate Vă invită să participați la concursul ”Premiul pentru realizări în domeniul calității – 2014”. Participarea la concurs reprezintă o oportunitate reală în consolidarea și amplificarea...


CCI: Expoziţia naţională ,,FABRICAT ÎN MOLDOVA"

 Camera de Comerţ şi Industrie a Republicii Moldova vă invită să participaţi la ediţia a XIV-a a expoziţiei naţionale ,,FABRICAT ÎN MOLDOVA", care se va desfăşura pe teritoriul Centrului Internaţional de Expoziţii "Moldexpo" SA, in perioada 28 ianuarie - 01 februarie 2015, ...


Gladei & Partners: Gladei & Partners: VAT Navigator Guide

Gladei & Partners contributed to the new Bloomberg BNA VAT Navigator by writing the chapter on VAT laws and practices in Moldova. VAT Navigator is a country-by-country guide which provides businesses and tax professionals with comprehensive coverage of global VAT laws and practices for 114 juris...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert (Moldova) no. 21/2014: Regulation regarding the administration of tariff quotas on goods

Regulation regarding the administration of tariff quotas on goods imported into / exported from the Republic of Moldova. In the context of implementing the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union (“Association Agreement”), the Government has approved...


Medpark Oferă Servicii de Calitate cu Toate Avantajele Incluse din Prima zi de Sarcină

Alege maternitatea Medpark, pentru a te bucura de toate avantajele unei sarcini fără griji. Aici, chiar din primele zile de graviditate, fiecare mămică beneficiază de monitorizarea permanentă a sarcinii, servicii de maternitate complexe, suport medical din partea specialiştilor înalt calificaţ...