
Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: Administrator Aplicații Bancare

Misiune post: asigură funcționarea aplicațiilor bancare Core Banking, SWIFT, SAPI; dezvoltă module și interfețe dintre aplicația Core Banking și aplicațiile conexe. Responsabilități: * Asigură funcționarea corectă și neîntreruptă a sistemului Core Banking * Adaptează sistemul Core Banki...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: Specialist Legalitate și Conformitate

Misiune post: Oferirea de suport juridic și de conformitate, apărarea intereselor băncii în instanțele de judecată și alte organe de drept și urmărire penală, elaborarea cadrului normativ intern în domeniul juridic și conformitate. Responsabilități: * Participă la acordarea, evidenț...


Chemonics International: Tax Consultant

Main Tasks Conduct a study of the calculation, administration, and payment of all taxes and contributions made from wage payments, and identify measures to streamline them to the benefit of the taxpayer and public authorities. * Review the legal framework regarding the calculation, payments an...


MAIB: Moldova Agroindbank: Creditele MAIB la baza eficienţei investiţiilor

Creditele MAIB la baza eficienţei investiţiilor: în cadrul Programelor Compact şi IFAD clientul băncii s-a conectat la sistemul de irigare performant Compania Tridenal SRL din Criuleni a fost conectată la primul sistem de irigare reconstruit din fondurile Programului Compact al Guvernului ...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics: Quarterly Newsletter

Danube Logistics is pleased to provide you with quarterly newsletter. Please click on the following links to read English, Romanian or Russian version: Quarterly Newsletter Danube Logistics Buletin Informativ Trimestrial Danube Logistics Ежеквартальный Информационный Бюллетень Danube Logistics &...


November/December Edition of \"Visit Europe\" Available Now

 The November/December edition of Visit Europe can be found here. For an opportunity to be featured in the bimonthly guide, please submit your content to Adrian Gheorghita at adriangheorghita@amcham.md for consideration. ...


AmCham Releases 1st edition of AmCham CSR News

 AmCham Moldova released 1st edition of AmCham CSR News. With this publication we'll keep members informed about all Corporate Social Responsibility events, our Members are involved in. We encourage all AmCham members to share the projects they are involved in and all related CSR activiti...


MAIB: The Most Requested Loan Became Even More Accessible

Cel mai solicitat dintre credite a devenit şi mai accesibil! Pentru că se bucură de cea mai mare popularitate, creditul „Multiopţional” de la Moldova Agroindbank a devenit şi mai accesibil. În cadrul promoţiei „Credit Multiopţional - 11% pentru cel mai solicitat dintre...


AmCham Moldova a transmis recomandări CSJ cu privire la elaborarea unei HE privind examinarea de către instanțele judecătorești a litigiilor izvorîte din raporturile de leasing financiar

Cu ocazia elaborării unei Hotărîri Explicative a CSJ privind examinarea de către instanțele judecătorești a litigiilor izvorîte din raporturile de leasing financiar, Camera Americană de Comerţ a transmis o serie de recomandări îmbunătățirea proiectului, astfel asigurîndu-se a...


Gladei & Partners: Gladei & Partners team is appraised by clients as “the best legal team” in Moldova

IFLR1000 - The Guide to the World's Leading Financial Law Firms, has released its 2015 edition, providing law firm rankings in over 120 jurisdictions around the world. In the Moldovan ranking, Gladei & Partners is a recommended law firm and Roger Gladei is a leading lawyer in banking and financ...


Draft Law on Compulsory Health Insurance Funds for 2015

Draft Law on Compulsory Health Insurance Funds for 2015 Informative Note to the Draft Law on Compulsory Health Insurance Funds for 2015 Deadline for submission of comments is 30 October 2014. Should you have any questions related to this subject, please contact Elena Buzu, Project Manager, at +22...


Incaso: Șef Departament Vânzări

Candidatul Ideal:  - Studii superioare economice (condiție obligatorie); - Experiență profesională în domeniul financiar și domeniul asigurărilor; - Abilități de comunicare, coordonare și control; - Cunoștințe operare PC: Word, Excel - nivel avansat; - Cunoștințe limba română, ...


MAIB: First Self-Service Car Wash in Moldova

The First Self-Service Car Wash opened in Moldova is based on a modern technology which is unique not only in Moldova but also in the region. Thanks to the new service, car owners are able to wash their automobiles - easy, fast and very cheap - only 10 lei for each wash with water, foam, wax, gloss ...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Berlin-Chemie / Menarini Among Its Members

 AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Berlin-Chemie / Menarini on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. Berlin-Chemie is a German Pharmaceutical Company founded in 1885 that produces, sells the medicines on the more than 100 European, Asian Markets. From 1...


AmCham Releases 5th Edition of Informative Bulletin for Mass Media

AmCham released its 3rd Edition of the monthly Informative Bulletin for Mass Media. Through this monthly bulletin, AmCham Moldova will highlight its efforts in order to give mass media a better understanding of AmCham's current activities. The bulletin will include the latest news in Business Activi...


FinComBank: FinComBank has the Fewest Nonperforming Loans on the Banking Market

FinComBank recorded, during nine months of the current year, the lowest coefficient of nonperforming loans on the banking market of the Republic of Moldova, this representing 3. 95%. During the current year, FinComBank directed its full attention towards continuous improvement of its services an...


Avizul AmCham privind proiectul HG ce tine de conditiile minime de securitate si sanatate pentru lucrul cu monitorul

Avizul AmCham privind proiectul Hotaririi Guvernului ce tine de conditiile minime de securitate si sanatate pentru lucrul cu monitorul...