
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 20/2014: New regulations for VAT refund

PricewaterhouseCoopers is pleased to provide you with their latest Tax and Legal Alert in English and Romanian language where you can find new amendments regarding the confirmation of the right to refund value added tax (VAT) on taxpayer purchases. Click here to read it in Romanian or&nbs...


Bimonthly bulletin of the CCI

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova is pleased to provide you their bulletin nr.19 (105) where you can find information on diverse subjects linked to local producers, certificates of quality, commercial contests and so on. To visualize the buletin please click here....


Avizul AmCham la proiectul drepturile consumatorului la inchierea contractelor

Avizul AmCham privind proiectul legii cu privire la drepturile consumatorului la inchierea contractelor...


AmCham Meets IFC Representatives to Discuss the Trade Logistics Constraints

On November 19, Trade & Manufacturing Committee has met with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) representatives to discuss the private sector challenges in collaboration with the Customs Authorities. IFC experts are looking forward to implement a trade logistics advisory program which ...


AmCham calls for member input of the challenges faced within the DCFTA implementation

The EU project, aimed at assisting private sector in the context of DCFTA implementation, is in the progress of conducting a survey designed to assess the business challenges which may occur within the process of implementation of the provisions of the EU Association Agreement. Therefore, we kindly...


A New Offer from Infodebit Under the AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers. AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Infodebit. Infodebit is a company developed to provide, store and process the information on outdated debtor's obligations b...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: Manager Relații

Misiune post: Promovarea si vanzarea in mod proactiv a produselor si serviciilor bancii catre clientii din portofoliu, gestiunea relatiilor cu clientii existenti si atragerea de clienti noi conform tintelor stabilite. Responsabilităţi * Promovarea si vanzarea produselor credit si non-credit desti...


Incaso: Jurist

Candidatul Ideal: - Cunoasterea limbii ucrainene (obligatoriu) ; - studii superioare (studii juridice - este un avantaj); - cunoașterea calculatorului; - cunoașterea limbii romane și ruse; - buna capacitate de comunicare, flexibilitate; - persoana dinamica organizata, disciplinata, meticuloas...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Internship

Our internships provide students in their last year of study with an opportunity to experience work and life at PwC, offering a valuable insight into our business and culture. Our aim is to raise both your commercial awareness and your interpersonal skills to new levels. By experiencing life inside...


AmCham Calls for Member Input Related to Business Constraints

At the request of International Finance Corporation (IFC), AmCham Moldova is collecting information regarding non-tariff trade barriers. The most common non-tariff trade barriers are: a. Application of more severe rules than international norms; b. Promoting additional restrictions for foreign ...


MCA - Moldova: Specific Procurement Notice

1. The Millennium Challenge Corporation (the “MCC”) and the Government of Moldova (the “Government”) have entered into a Millennium Challenge Compact for Millennium Challenge Account assistance to help facilitate poverty reduction through economic growth in Republic of Moldov...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome KB-Walkoma Among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having KB-Walkoma on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. KB-Walkoma SRL is a US wholly owned subsidiary in the Republic of Moldova specializing in Water Resources Engineering in Urban, Agriculture, and Environmental conditions. ...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Grant Thornton Among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Grant Thornton on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. Grant Thornton is a leading business adviser that helps dynamic organizations around the world to unlock their potential for growth by delivering more meaningful an...


CCI: Buletinul Informativ Electronic Bilunar al Camerei de Comerț și Industrie a Moldovei

Buletinul informativ electronic bilunar al Camerei de Comerț și Industrie a Moldovei nr. 18 (104). Citiţi în acest număr: - Produse alimentare moldovenești sunt prezentate la o expoziție internațională în Bulgaria...........1 - Producătorii autohtoni i-au intrigat pe vizitatorii Ex...


Incaso: Incaso lansează programul de educare financiară a adolescenților

De Ziua internațională fără Datorii, Incaso lansează o campanie de educare financiară destinată adolescenților, ce are ca scop să informeze populația tânără despre responsabilitatea contractuală. În cadrul proiectului au fost invitați să participe instituțiile preuniversitare din toat...


FinComBank: FinComBank susţine dezvoltarea mediului de afaceri din Găgăuzia

FinComBank susţine dezvoltarea mediului de afaceri din Găgăuzia în calitate de partener general al Forumului Economic Internaţional “Investiţiile în Găgăuzia - vectorul dezvoltării”, ediţia a III-a, desfăşurat la Comrat în perioada 31 octombrie-1 noiembrie, curent. Eve...


Infodebit sparge monopolul privind istoria creditară negativă a consumatorului

INFODEBIT lansează www.infodebit.md – Primul sistem european de identificare a rău-platnicilor din Republica Moldova. www.infodebit.md oferă posibilitatea verificării, în baza unui temei justificat, dacă este inclusă sau nu o persoană în Lista Neagră, asigurînd astfel pre...


Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova invites you to participate in the 12th edition of

The goal of this contest is to promote the success principles in the field of marketing and branding. This contest is a test of competitiveness of the national products and services, evaluated accordingly by a professional jury and consumers from Moldova. Click here to find more information in...