
AmCham Healthcare Committee Reviewing Two Important Regulations

AmCham Healthcare Committee members have commented this week on two important draft Regulations: Regulation improving the existing mechanism of medicines selection for compensation from the funds of National Company for Health Insurance. The existing Regulation is a deficient one, stipulating no ...


AmCham Held a Meeting on the Subject of the Judiciary System Reform

On June 18, AmCham held a meeting on the subject of the judiciary system reform. During this meeting was discussed the posibility of drafting a position paper and addressing it to the Authorities. Should you have any questions related to this topic, please do not hesitate to contact Sergiu Chiric...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners Newsletter No.1

Arbitration in Moldova: per aspera ad astra On 26 May 2015 the National Institute of Justice hosted a seminar “Practices and skills for making arbitration decisions”. The seminar was organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (CCI) in cooperation with t...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert (Moldova) no.5/ 2015 - Clarifications on the application of certain tax provisions and use of the "e-Factura" system

The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova has approved new regulations related to the entry into force of amendments to the Tax Code (“TC”) and laws for its implementation. The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova (“MF”) has published an Informative Releas...


Manager pe Vînzări

Candidatul ideal: - Studii superioare în economie, marketing, drept (condiție obligatorie); - Experiență profesională în sferele: finannţe, asigurări, leasing, telecomunicaţii, jurisprudenţă, vînzări (relaţii cu consumatorii personae fizice şi/sau personae juridice); - Abilităț...


KPMG Moldova: KPMG Moldova: Tax Newsflash, Issue 4

Changes to the Moldovan Fiscal Code to take effect only after 180 days from publication On 12 June 2015, Law No. 109 of 28 May 2015 (“the Law”) was published in the Official Journal of Moldova no. 144-149, to amend Article 7 of the Fiscal Code (Law no. 1163-XI...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Roche Products Limited Among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Roche Products Limited on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. Roche is the world’s largest biotech company, with truly differentiated medicines in oncology, immunology, infectious diseases, ophthalmology and...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 4/2015: Changed dates of entry into force for certain tax provisions

According to the legislative amendments adopted by Parliament, the new threshold used for the purpose of differentiated rates of income tax of individuals, citizens and individual entrepreneurs 15 letter a) TC) enters into force as of 1 January 2015. The same date for entry into force applies fo...


Opinia AmCham vis-a-vis de Proiectul de Lege privind Organizațiile Financiare Nebancare

În cadrul unei scrisori adresate autorităților competente, AmCham subliniază dezacordul în parte ce ține de introducerea reglementărilor prudențiale asupra organizațiilor financiare nebancare, precum și instituirea unei taxe de supraveghere în mărime de 0,3% din valoarea medie anua...


Recomandările AmCham cu privire la proiectul pt modificarea si completarea Codului Muncii, menit să asigure transpunerea Directivei nr. 91/533/CEE

AmCham a expediat MMPSF recomandările sale cu privire la proiectul pentru modificarea și completarea Codului Muncii, menit să asigure transpunerea Directivei nr. 91/533/CEE din 14 octombrie 1991 privind obligația angajatorului de a informa lucrătorii asupra condițiilor aplicabile contractului sau ra...


ACI Partners: ACI Legal Flash No 6: update on legal developments in the Moldovan legislation

The Parliament has ratified the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and European Patent Organisation on the validation of European patents, signed in Munich on 16 October 2013. Creating patent validation system between European Patent Organisation and the Republ...


KPMG Moldova: KPMG Moldova: Tax Newsflash, Issue 3

Retroactive change of the entry into force period for certain changes brought to the Fiscal Code On 5 June 2015, it was published in the Official Gazette no. 139-143, the Law No. 108 from 28.05.2015 amending and supplementing certain legislative documents. Based on the aforem...


USAID BRITE welcomes the recent Government decision with regards to simplifying customs clearance for businesses and supports the Customs Service in the implementation of the initiative

The Customs Service of Moldova has reduced the number of documents that importers and exporters must present for the clearance of goods. According to the Government-approved amendments effective since May 22, only three types of documents are required to accompany a customs declaration: the invoice...


Gladei & Partners: Fully Qualified Lawyer (Avocat)

  Gladei & Partners Law Firm (Biroul Asociat de Avocați Gladei și Partenerii) has the following open positions: Fully Qualified Lawyer (Avocat) Requirements: * licensed attorney-at-law * solid academic background * proven track record in business legal advisory * fl...


Gladei & Partners: Junior Associate

Gladei & Partners Law Firm (Biroul Asociat de Avocați Gladei și Partenerii) has the following open position: Junior Associate Requirements: * solid academic background * sound reasoning, legal analysis and document drafting skills * fluency in legal English (both verbal and wr...