
A New Offer from BB Cream Under the AmCham Member Discount Program

 The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is glad to inform you about the latest offer from BB Cream. BB Cream provides unique korean cosmetics. There you can find a lot of useful and pleasant cosmetics.&...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 13

 Official Gazette no 213-222 of 14 Aaugust 2015 The Law No 135 provides for amending and supplementing of the Code of Civil Procedure and the Law on International Commercial Arbitration (No 24 dated 22 February 2007). The Code of Civil Procedure was completed with three new articles...


Express Leasing & Microcredit: Expert Creditare

 CERINTE: • Persoană energică cu dorinţa de dezvoltare personală şi ascensiune în carieră • Studii superioare economice • Cunoaşterea calculatorului la nivel de utilizator experimentat • Cunoaşterea limbilor româna şi rusa • Experienţă de lucru anterior...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 8/2015: New Law on Public Procurement transposing EU regulations

 The Moldovan Parliament has approved the new Law on Public Procurement. Its purpose is to transpose into national law Directive 2004/18/EC on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts. It also partially transpos...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics: Newsletter Jan-Jun 2015

 Danube Logistics presents the Newsletter of operational results for the first half of 2015. You can read the following topics: - Dutch Senior Expert Supports the Optimization of GIFP’s Container Terminal Operation - GIFP on Euronews: The Danube Provides New Trade R...


AmCham Announces Second Call for Expressions of Interest to Elaborate a Study Aimed at Measuring the Degree of Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry on Physicians

 AmCham Moldova is developing a project targeted at eliminating corruption and improving healthcare sector policy transparency, in order to provide accurate, faithful and objective information about pharmaceutical products, by fostering the implementation of an indispensable legal framework and...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: Programator

Responsabilități specifice: • Completează documentul intern de dezvoltare cu specificații tehnice, conform standardelor și metodologiei aprobate, completând secțiunile de care răspunde în calitate de programator • Scrie codul sursă, corectează și documentează programele și a...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: Specialist operațiuni creditare (pe perioadă determinată)

 Responsabilități: - Deschiderea conturilor clienților aferente contractelor de credit - Executarea operațiunilor specifice de înregistrare și punere la dispoziție a creditelor - Procesarea și validarea operațiunilor specifice punerii la dispoziție a produselor tip credit - Executarea...


AmCham Participated at the Economic Council under Prime-Minister Meeting

On August 13, AmCham Moldova participated at the Economic Council under Prime-Minister meeting. Among other subjects proposed on the agenda, AmCham suggested to begin the discussions on the fiscal policy for 2016, as well as raised concerns regarding the intensification of controls from public aut...


AmCham își expune îngrijorarea vizavi de condițiile de vămuire

Pe data de 12 august, AmCham Moldova a expediat o scrisoare în adresa Serviciului Vamal în care abordează o serie de subiecte precum: înăsprirea condițiilor și procedurilor de vămuire, tergiversarea procedurii de certificare a originii produselor autohtone, liberaliz...


AmCham este preocupată de aplicarea neuniformă a legislației la efectuarea majorării de capital al SRL

Pe data de 12 August, AmCham Moldova a expediat o scrisoare în adresa Ministerului Justiției și Camerei Înregistrării de Stat semnalând aplicarea neuniformă a legislației de către CIS la efectuarea majorării de capital al societăților cu răspundere limitată. Prin urmare, AmCham Mol...


P.A.A. Tax, Legal, Accounting: P.A.A.: Tax & Legal Newsletter, July Edition

 P.A.A. is glad to present the Tax & Legal Newsletter,  July edition. Read the full version of the bulletin in Romanian, English or Russian  ...


Premier Energy Distribution: Agent Servicii Client

Se anunţă selectarea candidaţilor pentru ocuparea postului de Agent Servicii Client, rezervate persoanelor cu dizabilități, conform Legii privind incluziunea socială a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi. Activităţi şi responsabilităţi ale postului: Realizarea activităţilor de deservire a clienţilor, a...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Reception-Secretary

PwC Moldova is currently looking for a highly motivated individual to join our Administrative Department. Vacancy: Reception-Secretary (working hours: 8.00-14.00) Candidate’s Profile - University graduate or student last year (economic field) - Fluency in English, Romanian and Russian -...


AmCham CSR Committee supported children with leukemia

 Year by year, AmCham organizes the Charity Lottery as part of the US Independence Day Family Picnic which has consistently and without exception been a hit among the guests of the party. Besides enjoying a range of fabulous gifts, the lottery has also allowed us to raise money from ticket sale...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 12

 The new Public Acquisitions Law has been adopted with a purpose of harmonising the national legal framework with the EU acquis and transposes the Directives 2004/18/CE dated 31.03.2004, 2014/24/UE dated 26.02.2014 and 89/665/CCE dated 21.12.1989. Upon entry into force the new Law ...


AmCham Call for \"Young Professionals Program\" Applications, 4th generation

AmCham Young Professionals Program is at its 4th edition and we are pleased to formally announce open the application process in recruiting young specialists for Young Professionals Program, 4th generation. The AmCham Young Professionals Program is an excellent opportunity to meet new people and est...


A New Offer from Audit Energetic Moldova Under the AmCham Member Discount Program

  The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is glad to inform you about the latest offer from Audit Energetic Moldova. Audit Energetic Moldova is providing energy audit services. Audit Energetic Moldova i...