
USAID: Programul SEED Grant

SUA investesc 4,5 milioane de dolari într-un program de educație a studenților moldoveni și ucraineni  Guvernul American, prin intermediul Agenției Statelor Unite pentru Dezvoltare Internațională (USAID), intenționează să investească aproximativ 4,5 milioane dolari în&nbs...


AmCham Moldova Will Visit the Retirement Home in Chisinau

On December 24, AmCham Moldova, in cooperation with DHL Moldova, will visit the elderly in Chisinau, where 140 retired and homeless persons live. We at AmCham value all ages in our communities from the very young to the very old. The oldest in nursing homes often feel isolated and excluded so this ...


AmCham Comments on Deferred Payments of Customs Taxes

During an interactive session brought by USAID Program - Upgrade Moldova, AmCham and other guests discussed about the implementation of a mechanism that would optimize and offer the opportunity to postpone the payments of customs duties. Please click here to view the discussion....


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 20

This Legal Flash brings you the latest news on amendments of the Law on financial institutions, adoption of new Regulations related to mediation and new Rules of Electric Energy Market. The Law amends Article 15 of Law on financial institutions. Thus according to the new rule, contribution to ...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 19

This Legal Flash brings you the latest news on adoption of the use of IBAN codes for payment to the state budget, registration of the mediation offices, and a number of Regulations on the financial market. Official Gazette no 324-329 of 04 December 2015 According to the Order No 180, starting...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 11

Approval of new personal income tax return form 18 December 2015 In brief The Government of the Republic of Moldova has recently approved a new personal income tax return form and the instruction for filling it in. In detail Form CET15 – Personal income tax re...


AmCham Releases 7th Edition of Informative Bulletin for Mass Media

AmCham released its 7th Edition of the Informative Bulletin for Mass Media. Through this bulletin, AmCham Moldova highlight its efforts in order to give mass media a better understanding of AmCham's current activities. The bulletin includes the latest news in Business Activity Regulation, Taxat...


JT International Trading: Sales Analyst

Position Purpose: Position purpose is to provide sales volumes and other sales & operations KPIs data to support business decisions. The incumbent is responsible for sales analysis and reporting, as well as for providing conclusive recommendations on volumes and sales performance improvement....


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: New electronic tax service "e-Cerere"

Vă informăm că Inspectoratul Fiscal Principal de Stat (IFPS) a aprobat, printr-un ordin recent, instructiunile privind modul de utilizare de catre contribuabili a serviciului electronic „e-Cerere”. Începând cu 4 decembrie 2015 contribuabilii pot utiliza ca metodă alternativă...


AmCham in the Press: The Economist: AmCham Supports the Deferred of Custom Duties Payment

AmCham Moldova and USAID BRITE supports the deferred of custom duties payments under Update Moldova Program. The article can be accessed here....


MAIB: Moldova Agroindbank Offers its Customers Highly Prestigious Bank Card - World Elite MasterCard

Chişinău, 10 December 2015 – CB Moldova Agroindbank, the leader of Moldova’s banking system, has launched an exclusive financial product – the high-class bank card World Elite MasterCard®. The official launching ceremony was held in Chisinau on 10 December, being attended by le...


AmCham semnalează tergiversarea implementării reformei cu privire la Registrul Garanțiilor Reale Mobiliare

AmCham a semnalat autorităților despre tergiversarea implementării unor reforme orientate spre modernizarea și securizarea cadrului de reglementare cu privire la raporturile juridice de gaj și a implementării Registrului Unic al Procurilor Autentificate Notarial. Astfel, AmCham c...


USAID BRITE a lansat campania Update Moldova

USAID BRITE a lansat campania Update Moldova, o campanie inedită de acest fel pentru ţara noastră, care are menirea de a susţine comunitatea de afaceri din Republica Moldova. În cadrul campaniei vom promova cele 6 reforme la elaborarea cărorar am colaborat cu AmCham de-a lungul celor trei ani...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Employment of Disabled Persons - What Employers Should Be Aware of

This article deals with employment of people with impairments and specifically concerns any Moldovancompany employing more than 20 persons or intending to reach this number of employees in the near future. Why should Moldovan employers be aware of the issues related to disability? Both Moldov...


Comentariile AmCham la proiectul de „Regulament privind circulația valorilor mobiliare pe piața de capital”

În data de 9 decembrie, AmCham Moldova a expediat o scrisoare către Comisia Națională a Pieţei Financiare, conținând o serie de comentarii și recomandări la proiectul „Regulamentului privind circulația valorilor mobiliare pe piața de capital”, act normativ ce v...


AmCham in the Press: The Economist: How to Protect Yourself from Abusive Controls

AmCham Executive Director, Mila Malairau, commented the actual struggle of entrepreneurs in doing business in Moldova. The article can be accessed here....


Camera de Comerț Americană din Moldova a inițiat dialogul privind eficientizarea legislației în domeniul importului și exportului produselor și a substanțelor periculoase pentru stratul de ozon

AmCham a sesizat Ministerul Mediului, Ministerul Economiei și Serviciul Vamal cu privire la dificultăţile întâmpinate de agenții economici în procesul obţinerii autorizaţiei de import pentru bunurile ce conţin substanțe nocive, care cad sub incidenţa Legii nr. 852 din&nbs...


AmCham Moldova Met with the Ministry of Economy to Discuss the Business Constraints

On December 2nd, AmCham executive team attended the working group meeting held between business associations and the Ministry, directed towards identifying specific business constraints to be tackled, as well as promoting draft legislation to improve the investment climate. If you have any additi...