
Incaso: Contactați Incaso prin Viber la nr: +373 79 66 77 17

INCASO, cea mai mare companie de colectare a datoriilor din Moldova, anunță că începând cu luna iulie 2016 puteți lua legătura cu specialiștii INCASO și prin intermediul aplicației Viber. Cu ajutorul aplicației Viber puteți trimite mesaje instant sau puteți suna gratuit la: +373 79 6...


AmCham Executive Director, Mila Malairau Talks about Moratorium at Banii Tai Show

Mila Malairau is leading the Working Group on Regulatory Issues of the Economic Council under the Prime Minister. One of the current WG priorities is state inspections reform. Who else but Mila to deliberate on prolongation of the moratorium on state control at "Banii Tai" with Alexei Lung...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Prolongation of the Moratorium on State Inspections

We would like to inform you that the Moldovan Government has prolongated moratorium on state inspections established by the Law no. 18 dated 4 March 2016, for a period of 3 months, starting 1 July 2016. [Source: Government Decision no. 810 dated 29 June 2016 on prolongation of the moratorium on sta...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: Filiala nr.1 Eminescu a BCR Chișinău din mun. Bălți trece în sediu nou

Chișinău, 07.07.2016. Începând cu 30 iunie 2016 Filiala nr. 1 Eminescu a BCR Chișinău din mun. Bălți activează într-un nou sediu. Astfel clienții vor beneficia de o amplasare mai comodă și de facilități moderne în deservire. Noul sediu al filialei este situat chiar în c...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 12

The Government approved Regulation on formation of prices for socially important products (”The Regulation”). According to the Regulation, products are sold using freely set prices, except for socially important products. Such products are subject to state measures of pric...


The National Chess Academy of Moldova launches the "Welcome to the Chess’ Family!" Project

The National Chess Academy of Moldova is a non-profit organization founded in 2010 by the most respected chess professionals in the country, in order to create a system for development and popularization of the game throughout the country, especially amongst the youth. The mission of the Academy i...


Access to Finance Activity Consultant

SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE Ref: NPP/AFA/CS/IC/27 The Sustainable Development Account-Moldova (SDA-Moldova) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from Individual Consultants for the provision of Access to Finance (AFA) Consultant services. This is a full-time assignment for a term not to excee...


Meeting with the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency

On July 4, AmCham Healthcare Committee participated in a meeting between the pharma business community and General Director of the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, Mr. Vladislav Zara, as well as other representatives of this authority.    The session focused on the necessary a...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova : Tax and Legal Alert no.7

Reguli noi privind prețurile de comercializare a produselor social importante 1 iulie 2016 A fost aprobat Regulamentul de formare a prețurilor de comercializare a produselor social importante („PSI”). Regulamentul* stabilește lista PSI pentru care se aplică&n...


AmCham Moldova Met with the Prime Minister

On June 30th, Prime Minister Filip met with AmCham Moldova representatives to discuss the current constraints and challenges encountered by the Business Sector. Among the issues raised by AmCham were the necessity of the labor reform, the abusive inspections, the interaction of the business sector w...


AmCham Moldova Participated at the Working Group on Cross Border Trade at the Economic Council under Prime Minister Meeting

Within the session that took place on July 1st, AmCham Moldova supported the discussions on TARIM, regarding the revocation of the Law on repatriation of funds, goods and services received in the course of external economic activity, the optimization of phytosanitary/veterinary certificates, etc. A...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: BCR Chișinău deschide un centru de afaceri pentru IMM

Chișinău, 01.07.2016. Începând cu 1 iulie 2016 în cadrul sediului central al BCR Chișinău a fost deschis un centru de afaceri destinat deservirii Întreprinderilor Mici și Mijlocii. Fiind parte BCR, cea mai mare bancă din România și membru ERSTE GROUP, unul din principal...


Prețurile medicamentelor în vizorul AmCham

AmCham Moldova și-a expus punctul de vedere asupra proiectului Hotărârii de Guvern pentru aprobarea Regulamentului cu privire la modul de înregistrare a prețurilor de producător la medicamente și formarea prețurilor la comercializarea acestora. Printre recomandările formulate, s-a mil...


Expunerile AmCham referitor la modificările Legii cu privire la protecția consumatorilor

AmCham Moldova s-a expus cu privire la inițiativa de apropiere a legislației naționale cu normele europene referitor la anumite aspecte ale vânzării de bunuri de consum și garanțiile conexe. În special, recomandările AmCham au vizat prevederile proiectului de modificare și completare a L...


AmCham Moldova Met with the Prime Minister

On June 30th, Prime Minister Filip met with AmCham Moldova representatives to discuss the current constraints and challenges encountered by the Business Sector. Among the issues raised by AmCham were the necessity of the labor reform, the abusive inspections, the interaction of the business sector w...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Rogob among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Rogob on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Rogob is one of the largest and modern producing companies of meat delicacies and sausages in Moldova. The company activity started in 1997, as a family business founded by ...