
Draft Law on modification of some legislative acts refering to the rights of persons with disabilities

AmCham members are invited to submit their comments to Draft Law on modification of some legislative acts refering to the rights of persons with disabilities. If you have any suggestions for improving the text of the Draft Law, we would kindly ask you to send us your input by Thursday, March 7th, ...


AmCham met with Ministry of Finance representatives

On February 25th, AmCham had a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Finance and his colleagues to discuss about AmCham proposals related to tax and customs policy for 2014-2016 period, as well as several other topics related to Tax & Legal Committee activities. AmCham representatives touched upo...


Trade & Manufacturing Committee is reviewing the origin certification procedure

In the light of collaboration with Customs Service (CS) and the upcoming Advisory Committee of the CS, within Trade and Export Committee we are working on establishing what are our members’ focal concerns regarding the origin certification procedure. There are two types of origin: preferentia...


Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Finantelor - Recomandari AmCham pentru elaborarea politicii fiscale si vamale pentru anul 2014-2016

Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Finantelor - Recomandari AmCham pentru elaborarea politicii fiscale si vamale pentru anul 2014-2016...


Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Muncii: Neconstituţionalitatea prevederilor art. 87 şi art. 89 alin.(2) ale Codului muncii şi prevederilor art. 16 alin.(4), art.33 alin.(1) – (3) şi art.34 alin.(4) ale Legii sindicatelor nr. 1129 din 07.07.2000

Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Muncii: Neconstituţionalitatea prevederilor art. 87 şi art. 89 alin.(2) ale Codului muncii şi prevederilor art. 16 alin.(4), art.33 alin.(1) – (3) şi art.34 alin.(4) ale Legii sindicatelor nr. 1129 din 07.07.2000...


Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Finantelor: Propuneri privind deductibilitatea cheltuielilor aferente transportului si alimentatiei angajatilor

Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Finantelor: Propuneri privind deductibilitatea cheltuielilor aferente transportului si alimentatiei angajatilor...


A working group was established within AmCham to advocate for a tax allowance on meals and transportation expenses for employees

At the initiative of a group of manufacturing companies, on December 12, AmCham launched the working group on tax deductibility issues (meals and transportation expenses). The working group aims to amend the legal framework so that expenses related to meals and transportation are exempted of all tax...


Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Sanatatii: Lansarea propunerilor privind includerea medicamentelor în lista celor compensate din FAM

 Aviz-Lansarea propunerilor privind includerea medicamentelor în lista celor compensate din FAM-7.11.2012...


Aviz AmCham - Parlament: Propunerile Camerei de Comerţ Americane din Moldova vis-a-vis de amendarea cadrului existent ce reglementeaza protectia datelor cu caracter personal

Aviz AmCham - Parlament: Propunerile AmCham Moldova vis-a-vis de amendarea cadrului existent ce reglementeaza protectia datelor cu caracter personal...


Aviz AmCham - Curtea Suprema de Justitie: Recalcularea dobinzilor la imprumuturi

Aviz AmCham - Curtea Suprema de Justitie: Recalcularea dobinzilor la imprumuturi...


Aviz-Revizuirea preturilor

 Aviz-Revizuirea preturilor 1.10.2012...


Avizul actualizat al AmCham la proiectul Politicii fiscale si vamale pentru anul 2015

AmCham Moldova a actualizat Avizul la proiectul Politicii vamale și fiscale pentru anul 2015 în urma consultărilor publice și l-a transmis Ministerului Finantelor. Astfel, membrii AmCham, au venit cu opinii şi comentarii suplimentare pe marginea reperelor de bază ale modificărilor şi comp...