
Meeting with Pharmaceutical Distributors

This week, the pharmaceutical distributors from AmCham’s Healthcare Committee have gathered to set priorities for the upcoming months. Among issues discussed, a particular attention was given to the legislative framework on packaging tax, the regime of healthcare public procurement, and the pr...


Upcoming Meeting under the Prime-minister’s Economic Council on the Healthcare Public Procurement Framework

On August, 14, AmCham will participate in a meeting organized on the platform of the Prime-minister’s Economic Council, gathering representatives from public authorities and business environment, to discuss the framework for public procurement in the healthcare sector. Earlier in the year, AmC...


Meeting with the Ministry of Environment and Apa-Canal Chisinau

This week, AmCham participated in a meeting conducted by the Ministry of Environment representatives regarding the legal framework on wastewater evacuation and treatment. The operator of the public sewage service, Apa-Canal Chisinau, was also engaged in the discussion on new methodology for calculat...


Comentariile AmCham Moldova la proiectul Legii privind modificarea și completarea Codului Civil

În cadrul scrisorii, AmCham Moldova salută inițiativa și eforturile autorităților în vederea modernizării infrastructurii juridice naționale, în același timp venind cu o serie de comentarii tehnice menite să susține eforturile Ministerului Justiției. Principalele subi...


Updates from Debates on Tax and Customs Policy 2018

This week, Tax & Legal Committee members met with the Ministry of Finance representatives to continue discussions on Tax and Customs Policy for 2018. The debates were focused on analyzing and improving the draft law, with a special attention to the new solutions for accounting of fixed assets an...


Update on Amendments to the Labor Code

On July 21, the Parliament has voted in both readings the law amending 36 articles of the Moldovan Labor Code. This law was drafted by the Working Group under the Prime-minister's Economic Council, with the participation of AmCham Moldova, having the aim to modernize employment legislation...


AmCham Position Paper on Tax & Customs Policy for 2018

AmCham Moldova submitted its recommendations on Tax & Customs Policy for 2018 to the Ministry of Finance, thus contributing to the improvement of the draft law by raising concerns on a series of provisions stated. At its turn, Ministry of Finance has organized public hearing with the business c...


Recomandările AmCham aferente Regulamentului privind deșeurile de echipamente electrice și electronice

În expunerile vizavi de Regulamentul privind deșeurile de echipamente electrice şi electronice, Asociația atenționează asupra faptului că în cadrul proiectului sunt prezente mai multe prevederi ambigue și neclare aplicabile producătorilor de echipamente electrice și electronice...


AmCham at the Parliamentary Commission on Social Protection, Healthcare and Family

Last week, AmCham has participated at public hearings organized by the Parliamentary Commission on social protection, healthcare and family, on the subject of labor legislation amendments. AmCham expressed its support for the draft law modifying 36 articles of the Moldovan Labor Code, and provided a...


Advocacy Alert: Public Discussions on Exclusion of Ceiling for Individual Contribution to Social Insurance

AmCham Moldova encourages member companies to participate at the public discussions on exclusion of ceiling for individual contribution to social insurance on July 18, 15:00. To register, please contact Sergiu Chirica, at ‎‎022 211-781 or at sergiuchirica@amcham.md...


AmCham Opinion on Tax & Customs Policy for 2018

Throughout July, AmCham Tax and Legal Committee drafted its position paper on Tax & Customs Policy for 2018. The final document will be presented to the Ministry of Finance to highlight the suggestions for regulatory improvement....


Comentariile AmCham cu privire la proiectul Politicii fiscale și vamale pentru 2018

AmCham Moldova, tradițional, a prezentat comentariile și propunerile sale către Ministerul Finanțelor pe marginea proiectului Politicii fiscale și vamale pentru 2018. Astfel, Asociația oferă o serie de recomandări ce au drept scop îmbunătățirea proiectului propus. Acestea vizează ...


AmCham and ATIC Participates at Debates on Private Copy Remuneration

On July 13, the State Agency for Intellectual Property ("AGEPI") continued public discussions on the private copy remuneration. AmCham and interested members have participated in consultation, calling attention to the fact that the law is vague and provides leeway for extensive interpretat...


Discussions regarding the Competition Law

On July 11, the Competition Council launched public consultations to improve the provisions of the Law on Competition. Among other recommendations, AmCham has underlined the importance to align the provisions of the Criminal Code to the competition law regulations....


Amendarea Legii privind controlul tutunului

AmCham Moldova și EBA Moldova atenționează, despre faptul, că în decurs de doi ani de la adoptarea noilor prevederi ale Legii privind controlul tutunului nu a fost aprobat cadrul normativ aferent ambalării și etichetării produselor din tutun. Adoptarea și implementarea noilor ceri...


AmCham reacționează la modificarea tarifelor pentru evacuarea și epurarea apelor uzate

AmCham Moldova comentează decizia anunțată de S.A. „Apă-Canal Chișinău” despre rezilierea unilaterală a contractelor de recepționare și pre-epurare a apelor uzate cu concentrații majorate de poluanți, încheiate cu agenții economici. Această decizie a fost supusă critic...


Aplicarea Regulamentului privind modul de declarare a valorii în vamă a mărfurilor prezintă deficiențe

AmCham Moldova și-a expus comentariile și propunerile pe marginea deficiențelor de aplicare a Regulamentului privind modul de declarare a valorii în vamă a mărfurilor aprobat prin Hotărîrea Guvernului nr. 974 din 15.08.2016. În principal, se recomandă elaborarea unor n...


AmCham at the Parliamentary Commission on Social Protection, Healthcare and Family

This week, AmCham has participated at the public hearing organized by the Parliamentary Commission on social protection, healthcare and family, on the subject of Labour Code amendments. The discussions focused on two draft laws that have been approved by the Government earlier in the year. All parti...