
AmCham se expune vizavi de ambiguitățile aferente aplicabilității Legii nr. 313 din 22.12.2017

Pe 6 februarie, AmCham a expediat o scrisoare către Ministerul Finanțelor pentru a atrage atenția autorității asupra elucidarea unei serii de ambiguitățile aferente aplicabilității Legii nr. 313 din 22.12.2017.  Printre acestea se enumără solicitarea specificării clare a sensului mai mu...


Meeting with the State Agency on Intellectual Property

On January 26, AmCham will meet with AGEPI. This particular meeting continues the series of efforts aimed at improving the law on copyright and related rights (i.e. Law no. 139). Thus, the debates will be directed towards the amount of compensatory remuneration collected from entrepreneurs. Shoul...


Comentariile AmCham la Noul Cod Vamal

Pe 15 ianuarie, AmCham s-a expus în cadrul unei adresări către Serviciul Vamal, cu mai multe solicitări de a revizui aspecte procedurale ce țind de majorarea termenului pentru contestare a deciziilor organului vamal; necesitatea atribuirii examinării contestațiilor la procesele verbale &i...


Meeting with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection

On December 8, AmCham Healthcare Committee met with the recently appointed Secretary General at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection, as well as high level representatives from the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, National Health Insurance Company, and the Center for Public Proc...


Prime Minister\'s Economic Council Activity Updates

Last week, as a member of the Prime minister's Economic Council, AmCham was engaged in the following subjects: Meeting with the State Agency on Intellectual Property On December 14, AmCham had another meeting with AGEPI and Collective Management Organizations representatives. This mee...


Financial Services Committee Updates

Last week, the Financial Services Committee was mainly involved in discussing regulations that impact non-banking financial sector. On Tuesday, the Parliamentary Committee for the economy, budget, and finance held a session on the draft law on non-bank credit organizations, where the latest recomme...


Upcoming Meeting with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection

On December 8, AmCham Healthcare Committee will meet with the newly appointed Secretary General at the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection – Mr. Boris Gilca and his team. This meeting will be an opportunity to review the progress on current normative projects and set priorities for...


AmCham Participates in the Consultative Committee under Customs Service

Last Thursday, AmCham Moldova, as the Secretary of the Consultative Committee under Customs Service, took part at the consultative meeting. The meeting's purpose was to discuss several issues, namely AEO and simplified procedures, compliance with current legislation, implementation and ways to i...


Advocacy Alert: New Customs Code

Ministry of Finance proposed for public consultations the draft of the new Customs Code. It is supposed to replace the current Law 1149/2000 beginning with January 1st, 2019. If you need more details regarding this topic, contact Adrian Gheorghita at adriangheorghita@amcham.md. ...


Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Updates

This week, as a member of the Prime minister's Economic Council, AmCham was engaged in the following subjects: Meeting with the State Agency on Intellectual Property On November 8, AmCham had a meeting with AGEPI. This meeting continues the series of efforts directed at improving the law on copy...


Updates on Customs Value of Goods Issues

This Tuesday, AmCham was actively involved in presenting the deficiencies of the Regulation on customs valuation of goods, within a roundtable organised by World Bank and Economic Council under Prime Minister....


Comentariile AmCham la proiectul cadrului normativ-regulatoriu în domeniul organizațiilor de creditare nebancare

Prin intermediul avizelor adresate către autorități, AmCham intervine cu o serie de recomandări față de proiectul de lege privind instituirea taxei de supraveghere pentru sectorul de organizații creditare nebancare în mărime de pînă la 0,1 la sută din valoarea medie anuală a soldulu...


Meeting on Non-medical Ancillary Services Rendered by Healthcare Institutions

On November 2, AmCham attended the meeting organized by the Prime-minister’s Economic Council on the subject of non-medical ancillary services rendered by private and public healthcare institutions. The participants, including representatives from the Association of Private Healthcare Provider...


Prime-minister’s Economic Council Launches a New Working Group on Labor Market Development

On November 2, AmCham Moldova attended a meeting under Prime-minister’s Economic Council dedicated to the formal launch of a new Working Group on Labour Market Development, having the goal to analyse and develop policies tackling current challenges in matching skills and jobs. The focus will b...


Updates on the Wastewater Legal Framework

On October, 27, AmCham participated in a meeting conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment regarding the legal framework on wastewater evacuation and treatment. The participants have agreed to work on a methodology for calculating prices on sewage services ren...


Healthcare Committee on Changes related to Medicines’ Packaging

This week, AmCham Healthcare Committee addressed a letter to the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, articulating the changes in the medicines’ packaging safety features, which will be operated by EU drug manufacturers according to new European Communitary regulation. In particular, it wa...


AmCham comentează proiectul legii datelor cu caracter personal

AmCham atenționează că redacția proiectelor de lege reprezintă o transpunere selectivă a Regulamentului UE 2016/679 din 27 aprilie 2016. Menționăm că la transpunerea prevederilor Regulamentului nu s-a ținut cont de realitățile de cadru normativ din Republica Moldova, precum și a fost păstrată termin...


Comentarii privind gestionarea variațiilor postautorizare în ambalajul medicamentelor

La 23 octombrie, AmCham a transmis Agenției Medicamentului și Dispozitivelor Medicale o scrisoare prin care a accentuat necesitatea de adaptare a cadrului normativ național, în ceea ce privește gestionarea variațiilor postautorizare și notificarea modificărilor minore în ambalajul medica...