
Digitalizarea proceselor de notificare și autorizare a angajamentelor externe în atenția AmCham

- În această săptămână, AmCham Moldova a prezentat Băncii Naționale a Moldovei o scrisoare de poziție privind digitizarea procedurilor de aprobare / notificare / raportare a unor operațiuni în valută, așa cum prevede Legea privind reglementarea valutară nr. 62/2008. - Adițional,...


AmCham Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with Moldovan Banks Association

This week was highlighted by a long-term collaboration with Moldovan Banks Association (MBA) that has scaled into an official Memorandum of collaboration between the two entities. Through this partnership, AmCham Moldova intends to bring added value to its members, as well as, to represent bett...


Advocacy Update

- Last week AmCham Moldova jointly with the Moldovan Banks Association drafted a series of commentaries on the draft Government Decision on certification of independent legal advice for potential guarantors, that is aimed at implementing the article from the Civil Code, that implies the Pre-contract...


Advocacy Meetings

AmCham strives to update and keep members informed on the most stringent activities of the Chamber, and which has an impact on their activity and economy; all of this led to a new informative section - Advocacy Meetings. The co-chairs of the Financial Services Committee met with the representativ...


Civil Code into Force!

As the spring season brings new changes, another one is related to the ground of civil law - today the amendments to the Civil Code of Moldova came into force. The Code has been considerably reformed, aspiring to be one of the most modern Civil Codes. AmCham Moldova has actively participated i...


AmCham - Member of the Council of Dispute Resolution in the State Control Sector, within Customs Service

The Dispute Resolution Board within the Customs Service is composed of representatives from authorities and business associations, including AmCham. The Council acts in the form of meetings, which are organized depending on the appeals filed; in the council administrative acts are contested, which...


Meeting on the New Strategy for the Justice Sector

Yesterday, AmCham along with other business associations had a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Justice, in particular, with Mr. Nicolae Esanu, State Secretary. Discussions were focused on the necessity of improvement of the justice sector as well as priorities for the future. The ...


Roadmap to Renewable Energy Growth in the Republic of Moldova

This week, AmCham alongside its members from the renewable energy sector participated in a meeting with public authorities and the international strategic partner - International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The event gathered over 70 representatives from government, financial, energy, acade...


Amendamente la stabilirea remunerației compensatorii

AmCham continuă eforturile de a revizui cuantumul privind stabilirea remunerației compensatorii titularilor dreptului de autor și titularilor drepturilor conexe, care constituie 15% din veniturile generate din afaceri cu produsul intelectual, în cazul în care angajatul este coautor. Așa...


Leadership Elections of the Financial Services Committee

The AmCham Financial Services Committee held its traditional beginning of year meeting. Members have used this reunion to summarize progress on last year's activity, marked in particular by discussions on the law on non-bank financial institutions and other important topics. In the same time, me...


January Trade & Manufacturing Committee Update

Stay tuned with the Trade & Manufacturing Committee to keep informed on legislative amendments as well as on the issues your peers are facing. Food safety regulations AmCham Moldova continued discussions with the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, and National Agency for Food Safety on ...


January Financial Services Committee Updates

The beginning of 2019 brought a series of issues to the attention of the Financial Services Committee, that has resulted in two Committee Meetings. The first meeting was focused on the peculiarities of the application of the NCOs supervisory charges on the microfinance organizations and leasing c...


AmCham Participates in the Working Group on Labor Code

AmCham participates in the tripartite working group that aims to negotiate the proposals received from the social partners (trade unions, employers' associations, and authorities). The group`s contribution is brought to enhance the actual provisions of the Labor Code. The last meetings...


Employment Subsidies Applications Are Open

Last year, AmCham was actively informing and supporting members to apply for governmental subsidies granted to employers that create new workplaces in their companies. The eligibility criteria are set by the Governmental Regulation, and include among others the requirement to increase the ...


Amendments on Food Sale in PECO Stations

What is it about? On November 14, the Government approved amendments concerning the regime of food sale in PECO stations. On January 18, the regulation was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force. What does it do? The amendments eliminate the current prohibition on the sale of unpa...


Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Updates

The Economic Council to the Prime Minister organized a technical meeting to discuss certain peculiarities in the application of the Law on the prevention and combating of money laundering and terrorist financing; focusing on the impediments that companies with complex property structures face during...


Financial Services Committee Updates

- AmCham submitted a series of letters to the authorities regarding the activities of the non-bank credit organizations to be performed through secondary offices. The second letter asked for the clarifications on the tax regime of the provisions to be deducted by the non-bank credit organizations. ...


AmCham se propunță pentru stimularea plăților electronice

Pe parcursul săptămânii curente, AmCham a transmis o scrisoare de recomandare către autorități pentru a sublinia necesitatea elaborării unei strategii naționale privind reducerea numerarului în economie. Scrisoarea este un sintetizare al celor mai bune practici în acest domeniu, of...