
AmCham Opinion on Tax & Customs Policy for 2018

Throughout July, AmCham Tax and Legal Committee drafted its position paper on Tax & Customs Policy for 2018. The final document will be presented to the Ministry of Finance to highlight the suggestions for regulatory improvement....


Comentariile AmCham cu privire la proiectul Politicii fiscale și vamale pentru 2018

AmCham Moldova, tradițional, a prezentat comentariile și propunerile sale către Ministerul Finanțelor pe marginea proiectului Politicii fiscale și vamale pentru 2018. Astfel, Asociația oferă o serie de recomandări ce au drept scop îmbunătățirea proiectului propus. Acestea vizează ...


AmCham and ATIC Participates at Debates on Private Copy Remuneration

On July 13, the State Agency for Intellectual Property ("AGEPI") continued public discussions on the private copy remuneration. AmCham and interested members have participated in consultation, calling attention to the fact that the law is vague and provides leeway for extensive interpretat...


Discussions regarding the Competition Law

On July 11, the Competition Council launched public consultations to improve the provisions of the Law on Competition. Among other recommendations, AmCham has underlined the importance to align the provisions of the Criminal Code to the competition law regulations....


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Audit Associate

PwC Moldova is currently looking for an Audit Associate to join our Assurance Department for Chisinau and Bucharest office. The Role As an Audit Associate you will check companies’ accounts, give assurance that the financial statements are true and correct, and provide accounting advice ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Junior Tax Consultant

Are you looking for great career opportunities in the leading professional services company? Join us as Junior Tax Consultant and you will quickly get your hands on some exciting work and develop an in-depth understanding of our clients’ businesses and industries. We are looking for: ...


Amendarea Legii privind controlul tutunului

AmCham Moldova și EBA Moldova atenționează, despre faptul, că în decurs de doi ani de la adoptarea noilor prevederi ale Legii privind controlul tutunului nu a fost aprobat cadrul normativ aferent ambalării și etichetării produselor din tutun. Adoptarea și implementarea noilor ceri...


AmCham reacționează la modificarea tarifelor pentru evacuarea și epurarea apelor uzate

AmCham Moldova comentează decizia anunțată de S.A. „Apă-Canal Chișinău” despre rezilierea unilaterală a contractelor de recepționare și pre-epurare a apelor uzate cu concentrații majorate de poluanți, încheiate cu agenții economici. Această decizie a fost supusă critic...


A New Member of the AmCham Team!

AmCham is glad to welcome a new team member who recently joined us. Victor Baciu, hired as Policy Officer, will be involved in different projects, researches, members services, thus contributing towards the development of AmCham` s activities. We are all very enthusiastic about Victor`s role withi...


2018 Cochran Fellowship Program

Beef Cattle Farming/U.S. Bovine Genetics The Cochran Fellowship Program provides short-term training opportunities to agricultural professionals from middle-income countries, emerging markets, and emerging democracies. The goals of the are: -to help eligible countries develop agricultural syst...


Aplicarea Regulamentului privind modul de declarare a valorii în vamă a mărfurilor prezintă deficiențe

AmCham Moldova și-a expus comentariile și propunerile pe marginea deficiențelor de aplicare a Regulamentului privind modul de declarare a valorii în vamă a mărfurilor aprobat prin Hotărîrea Guvernului nr. 974 din 15.08.2016. În principal, se recomandă elaborarea unor n...


AmCham at the Parliamentary Commission on Social Protection, Healthcare and Family

This week, AmCham has participated at the public hearing organized by the Parliamentary Commission on social protection, healthcare and family, on the subject of Labour Code amendments. The discussions focused on two draft laws that have been approved by the Government earlier in the year. All parti...


AmCham Analyses the Regulatory Framework on Evacuation of Residual Waters

In the aftermath of the recent major increase in the fees charged by Apa-Canal Chisinau for sewage services, AmCham has performed an analysis of the regulatory framework in the area, identifying a series of deficiencies. Having participated to public hearings on fee methodology, AmCham is planning t...


Trade & Manufacturing Committee Update

These past weeks have been quite busy for the Trade & Manufacturing Committee. Following our position paper on the exclusion of the Sanitary Veterinary Certificate (Form 2), as well as multiple requests on the coordination of SV Certificates with major Moldovan trade partners, a series of meeti...


Advocacy Alert: Tax & Customs Policy for 2018 Open for Public Consultations

AmCham is preparing to submit recommendations on Tax & Customs Policy for 2018 to the Ministry of Finance. Please submit any comments and suggestions to sergiuchirica@amcham.md, by July 10, 16:00....


AmCham Continues Dialogue on the Draft Amendment to the Law on Electronic Communication

On June 28, the Parliamentary Committee for Economy, Budget and Finance held a public hearing on the draft amendment and supplement to the Law on Electronic Communications. The draft law sets up a general framework for development policy and strategy within the electronic communications sector in th...