
Thanksgiving Luncheon with H. E. Mr. Dereck J. Hogan - US Ambassador to Moldova

AmCham Moldova celebrated the traditional American holiday of Thanksgiving on November 21, where members and special guests were welcomed in an occasion of gratitude and thankfulness. H. E. Mr. Dereck J. Hogan gave a speech presenting his thoughts and the goals of the current US administration in ...


CIPE Partner Meeting

On November 19-20, AmCham Moldova attended the CIPE Partner Meeting on Support for Ethical Business Practices in Europe & Eurasia. During the workshop, the partners discussed Compliance for Growth (C4G) and CIPE’s work on constructive capital; and exchanged ideas with the Ukrainian Deputy...


Mikro Kapital : Inspector credite

Mikro Kapital - companie de creditare nebancară cu capital străin care își desfasoară activitatea în R. Moldova deja de 6 ani, își mărește echipa!!! Dacă esti ambitios, dinamic, ai experientă de munca în domeniul de creditare/microfinanțare și vrei să fii parte a unei echipe...


Deloitte: Audit Analyst – Chisinau Office

The value of Audit begins with underpinning the accuracy of a company’s financial information, which shareholders use to make vital decisions. You’ll travel to various client sites to get a detailed understanding of their business, identify key risks and design strategies to mitigate the...


Iute Credit: Head of Cash Sales

Job purpose: Developing and executing plan to achieve cash sales targets and expand our customer base in the branches, cash partners and cash agents. Key qualification: -Good Sales experience (at least 3-5 years); -Company with well know Name, that performs best in its market (Top 2) for last 3...


Rompetrol Moldova: Manager oficiu

Principalele cerințele față de candidați: -Studii superioare (economice/ drept/ filologie); -Cunoasterea limbilor rusa, romana nivel avansat, engleza – fluent; -Experiența de lucru în domeniu aferent - este un avantaj; -Cunoasterea PC-ului la nivel avansat; -Aspect prezentabil și ...


Grawe Carat Asigurari: Inspector Resurse Umane

Cerinţe: -Studii superioare; -Cunoașterea legislației muncii; -Experienţa în domeniul resurselor umane de min. 1 an. -Cunoașterea limbilor rusa, româna (fluent) și engleză este obligatorie. -Cunoștințe operare PC (Word, Excel - obligatoriu, Outlook, 1-C) şi capacitatea de a în...


Call for "Young Professionals Program" Applications, 8th generation

The AmCham Young Professionals Program is in its 8th edition and we are pleased to formally announce that the application process for recruiting young specialist is now open! The AmCham Young Professionals Program is an excellent opportunity to meet new people and establish business connections wit...


Ethics and Compliance Club Meeting on the Conflict of Interest

AmCham Moldova continues the activity of knowledge sharing within the Ethics and Compliance Club (EC Club). Last week EC Club members were familiarized with the concept of conflict of interest and good practices in this field. During the meeting, participants have analyzed national and interna...


Advocacy Breakthrough on Publication of the National Food Safety Agency Regulations

AmCham Moldova welcomes the feedback provided by the National Agency for Food Safety on AmCham's letter regarding the need for publication in the Official Gazette of the regulations on the entrepreneurial activity. Thus, AmCham Moldova continues to carry out its mission consistently – both to...


AmCham Moldova Partner of Moldova Business Week 2019

Moldova Business Week is already around the corner, so join us on November 13 – 14, at Palatul Republicii. November 13 | 11:30 – 12:30 | we will meet to discuss the competitive advantages of Moldova for attracting investments, alongside with challenges investors currently encounter. M...


Infodebit Credit Report: Expertul economic Viorel Gîrbu pentru Infodebit: Sectorul construcțiilor este cel mai dinamic sector economic pentru creditarea bancară în anul curent

Creditele acordate în domeniul construcțiilor au înregistrat cea mai mare rată de creștere pe durata primelor 9 luni ale anului curent, față de perioada similară a anului trecut. La finele lunii septembrie volumul portofoliului de credite acordate sectorului vizat a atins valoarea de pes...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PayWell Moldova 2019 Salary and Benefits Survey

PwC announces the release of PayWell Moldova 2019 Salary and Benefits Survey, which is a useful tool in developing competitive remuneration policies for your business. This year, PayWell Survey gathered 41 organisations and 13,400 employees in 6 industry sectors (Banking, FMCG & Industry, IT,...


Workshop on Compliance Accelerator Program, Launched by AmCham and CIPE

AmCham Moldova, with the support of the Center for International Private Enterprise, conducted the first workshop within the ”Compliance Accelerator Program”. The program is designed to assist local companies in implementing ethics and compliance principles, thus assuring compliance with...


FinComBank: FinComBank Has Launched a National Campaign for Pupils #FinComEducation

FinComBank has announced the launch of the national financial education campaign #FinComEducation that is addressed for pupils from elementary school, secondary school, high school and college. Specialists of the Bank are going to visit more than 100 educational institutions with a special program, ...


Recomandările AmCham la proiectul de lege privind procedura de constatare a încălcărilor în domeniul prevenirii spălării banilor și finanțării terorismului și modul de aplicare a sancțiunilor

Proiectul de lege elaborat vine să transpună dispozițiile Directivei UE privind prevenirea utilizării sistemului financiar în scopul spălării banilor sau finanțării terorismului. Adițional, acesta este conceput pentru a implementa prevederile Legii privind prevenirea și combaterea spălării ban...


Avizul AmCham la proiectul de modificare a Regulamentului privind evidența și calcularea amortizării în scopuri fiscale și a Catalogului mijloacelor fixe și imobilizărilor necorporale

După o serie de întâlniri cu reprezentanții Ministerului Finanțelor, AmCham a prezentat recomandări care vizează modificarea Regulamentului privind calculul amortizării în scopuri fiscale, precum și Catalogul activelor fixe și necorporale. Simplificarea metodologiei de contabilitat...


A Technical Meeting on Tax and Custom Policy 2020

On November 21, AmCham attended a technical meeting chaired by Dorel Noroc, State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance; The discussions brought together representatives from AmCham, the Ministry of Finance, State Tax Inspectorate, private sector, and BSOs. Participants generated a series of question...