
Purcari Winery|s successes - partnership with Masterchef and medals from Bordeaux

There are things and phenomena that became the business card of a separate epoch, place or an entire country. There are names that don’t need to prove anything, because the trail of their glorious history is so long and impressive, that it’s unlikely that someone will be able to remove t...


Premier Energy Distribution: Red Union Fenosa obţine Declaraţia Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) cu privire la conformitatea Raportului său de Responsabilitate Sociala Corporativa (RSC) cu ghidul internaţional G3, pentru nivelul de aplicare B+

Red Union Fenosa a realizat primul său raport local de RSC, ce oferă cititorilor informaţii cu privire la practicile adoptate şi implementate, precum şi realizările companiei în anul 2012 în acest domeniu. Documentul conţine informaţii despre activitatea întreprinderii în do...


Aviz AmCham-Denuntarea conventiei pentru evitarea dublei impuneri cu Republica Cipru

Aviz AmCham - Denuntarea conventiei pentru evitarea dublei impuneri cu Republica Cipru...


Trade and Manufacturing Committee: New initiative for trade facilitation

The Trade and Manufacturing Committee is acting towards facilitating trade activity for our members by approaching a new initiative in relation with Customs Service. This initiative refers to establishing a mechanism that would give the possibility to economical agents to view electronically their ...


AmCham\'s immediate recommendations to the new government

One of the priorities of the new Government is to establish a better climate and environment for new foreign and local investments in the Moldovan economy. At the prime minister’s request, AmCham Moldova has submitted a set of policy issues to be tackled immediately. With the aim of boosting c...


A new offer from Plantronics under Member Discount Program

Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers. AmCham is glad to inform you about the latest offer from Plantronics.  Plantronics is an electronics company producing premium class audio communications equipment for business and consumers....


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 31/2013: New forms for immovable property tax and land tax returns

 We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: New forms for immovable property tax and land tax returns Noi formulare ale Darilor de seama pentru impozitul pe bunurile imobiliare si pe...


Sun Communications: Join the tennis tournament organized by Sun Communications and win TWO TICKETS to the Winter Olympics in Sochi

Join the tennis tournament organized by Sun Communications and win TWO TICKETS to the Winter Olympics in Sochi and other valuable prizes. The tournament will be held on the tennis courts of Niagara fitness center, from June 21 to June 30*. Participation fee – 150 lei Registration may be m...


Premier Energy Distribution: Red Union Fenosa: Gas Natural Fenosa sponsorizează Bienala Internaţională de Pictură

Organizatorii evenimentului sunt Muzeul Naţional de Artă al Moldovei, Uniunea Artiştilor Plastici, Centrul de Artă AMPRENTE în parteneriat cu Direcţia Cultură a Primăriei Chişinău, Institutul Cultural Român Mihai Eminescu la Chişinău, Muzeul Naţional Cotroceni, Bucureşti şi Fundaţia Fami...


Draft Law on modification and completion of Labor Code

 PROIECT pentru modificarea şi completarea  Codului Muncii al Republicii Moldova. ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 30/2013: Streamlining of the procedure for issuing standard forms

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: Streamlining of the procedure for issuing standard forms Eficientizarea procedurii de eliberare a formularelor tipizate Упрощение порядка выдач...


Pedersen & Partners: Pedersen & Partners: Pedersen & Partners extends coverage of Latin America; opening in Lima, Peru

Pedersen & Partners, a leading executive search firm with 50 wholly owned offices in 47 countries is extending their coverage of the Latin American region by opening its newest office in Lima, Peru. Pedersen & Partners now operates three offices in the region based in São Paulo, Braz...


New Service Available by AmCham Moldova: JOB CENTER

American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova is dedicated to helping businesses grow by assisting them in locating staff with the highest level of skills and a positive attitude. Taking into consideration AmCham’s exposure to a high profile audience, we hope that the new service will be helpful for...


Aviz AmCham: Probleme de ordin fiscal in cazul achizitiilor de la persoane fizice a productiei din fitotehnie si horticultura in forma naturala

 Aviz AmCham: Probleme de  ordin fiscal  in cazul  achizitiilor  de la persoane fizice a productiei din fitotehnie si  horticultura in forma naturala...


Booz Allen Hamilton: SPN: pp6/thvap/w/cb/03 - construction works for the rehabilitation of centralized irrigation systems along Nistru river

Booz Allen Hamilton acting as a Procurement Agent for MCA - Moldova, responsible for all procurement related activities, is currently seeking for qualified and experienced companies and firms who has an interest to participation in the procurement of works described in the file (click here to see t...


TIPS to optimize your membership

1 DELEGATE THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES FOR YOUR COMPANY TO BE REPRESENTED WITHIN AMCHAM Take full advantage of AmCham membership by involving the maximum amount of employees in AmCham activities. There is room for everybody including HR managers, lawyers, accountants and marketers. 2 NETWORK ...


New perspectives of dialogue between AmCham and customs authorities

The Trade and Manufacturing Committee opened a dialogue with customs authorities concerning the necessity of completing the Regulation regarding simplified customs procedures no. 521. Some of our members which perform import and/or export activities work under a “temporary admission” re...