
Training Course on Civil Code - Launched!

Last week, the training course organized by AmCham Moldova in the context of the reform of the Civil Code was launched. The participants were informed and engaged into dynamic discussions with trainers on the main changes and news regarding the legal status of legal entities, such as representation...


Business Breakfast featuring H.E. Mr. Dereck J. Hogan, US Ambassador to Moldova & H.E. Mr. Peter Michalko, Head of EU Delegation to Moldova

On February 8, AmCham Moldova and EBA organized a joint business breakfast featuring H.E. Mr. Dereck J. Hogan, US Ambassador to Moldova & H.E. Mr. Peter Michalko, Head of EU Delegation to Moldova.  The breakfast started with a warm welcome from both Ambassadors, welcoming the business comm...


OIDL - Progamul de crestere a vizibilitatii Medierii ca si metoda alternativa de solutionare a conflictelor si litigiilor judiciare

Organizația Internațională de Dezvoltare Legislativă, implementând „Progamul de creștere a vizibilității Medierii ca și metodaă alternativă de soluționare a conflictelor și litigiilor judiciare”, a dezvoltat un chestionar prin intermediul căruia își propune să afle percepția ...


January Trade & Manufacturing Committee Update

Stay tuned with the Trade & Manufacturing Committee to keep informed on legislative amendments as well as on the issues your peers are facing. Food safety regulations AmCham Moldova continued discussions with the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, and National Agency for Food Safety on ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Personal assistant for Bucharest Office PwC

About us: We’re a network of firms in 158 countries with more than 236,000 people around the globe who are committed to delivering the highest quality solutions in assurance, tax and advisory services. Amongst our clients there are 419 companies from Fortune Global 500 list. We’ve bee...


BLAGO: Risk Manager

Echipa noastra este in cautarea unei persoane profesioniste si proactive, cu atitudine pozitiva si dornica sa evolueze intr-un mediu de lucru performant. Cerinţe: - Studii superioare economice / financiare; - Experienta profesionala de cel putin 3-5 ani intr-o pozitie similara - Cunostinte av...


BLAGO: Consultant în creditare - 6000 lei + % din vînzări

Cerinţe: - Studii superioare; - Abilităţi bune de utilizare a PC (Word, Excel Internet, etc.); - Experienţă în domeniul creditării sau vînzărilor (constituie un avantaj); - Întocmirea documentelor primare de casă; - Calitățăți personale: responsabilitate, perseverență, capacit...


Lafarge Ciment (Moldova) S.A.: Controlor în logistică

Misiune: Implementeaza standardele de Securitate si Sanatate in Munca (in continuare SSM) in cadrul activitatii de transport inbound, outbound si auto Companie. Promoveaza stadardele SSM la nivel de Client, Transportator si Conducator auto; Elaboreaza rapoarte de activitate pe segmentul incredintat...


Lafarge Ciment (Moldova) S.A.: Specialist export-import

Misiune: Asigura si monitorizeaza desfasurarea tuturor activitatilor de transport (inbound si outbound) din cadrul Companiei, in conformitate cu reglementarile in vigoare ale Republicii Moldova precum si cerintelor Grupului LafargeHolcim. Cerinte: • Studii superioare in domeniul activitatii ...


January Financial Services Committee Updates

The beginning of 2019 brought a series of issues to the attention of the Financial Services Committee, that has resulted in two Committee Meetings. The first meeting was focused on the peculiarities of the application of the NCOs supervisory charges on the microfinance organizations and leasing c...


AmCham Participates in the Working Group on Labor Code

AmCham participates in the tripartite working group that aims to negotiate the proposals received from the social partners (trade unions, employers' associations, and authorities). The group`s contribution is brought to enhance the actual provisions of the Labor Code. The last meetings...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no.1/ 2019: Approval of Legislation Amendments

Approval of the laws on compulsory health insurance funds and state social security for 2019  29 January 2019 In brief The Laws on compulsory health insurance funds for 2019 (“Law on CHIF 2019”) and the state social security budget for 2019 (“Law on SSSB ...


Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: Concursul Național al Tinerilor Juriști

Devenită o frumoasă tradiție și oportunitate pentru tinerii juriști, AmCham se alătură și susține organizatorii Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners și ELSA în lansarea Concursului Național al Tinerilor Juriști. Sunt eligibili toți studenţii de la Facultăţile de Drept din Republica Moldov...


Booked: Curs de formare profesională în contextul modernizării Codului civil

Dear members, participants and those who are interested in taking part in the Civil Code Training, the seats are fully booked for the current period. Waiting lists are open for registration at info@amcham.md  Stimați membri, participanți și persoane interesate a fi parte la Curs, vă anunță...


Employment Subsidies Applications Are Open

Last year, AmCham was actively informing and supporting members to apply for governmental subsidies granted to employers that create new workplaces in their companies. The eligibility criteria are set by the Governmental Regulation, and include among others the requirement to increase the ...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome CashPoint among Its Members

AmCham is enthusiastic about having CashPoint on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Founded in 2016 in the Republic of Moldova, CashPoint established a firm with branches in all the major cities around the country. Cashpoint offers instant financial assi...


Amendments on Food Sale in PECO Stations

What is it about? On November 14, the Government approved amendments concerning the regime of food sale in PECO stations. On January 18, the regulation was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force. What does it do? The amendments eliminate the current prohibition on the sale of unpa...


FinComBank: FinComBank: Financing for Young People up to 1.500.000 MDL

Loan facilities from FinComBank for young entrepreneurs Are you young and ambitious? Do you want to grow your business? The FinComBank S.A. provides a program that support young entrepreneurs from January 2019. The credit will be offered through special programs as IFAD I, IV, V Refinancing, RIS...