
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Senior Consultant Business Recovery Services (BRS)

 The Role • Perform analysis of financial and operational data; critically assess quality, relevance and completeness of information; • Actively involve in drafting of financial models (including preparation of projected financial statements); • Be part of the execution team...


A New Offer from Leonard Caffe Under the AmCham Member Discount Program

  The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is glad to inform you about the latest offer from Leonard Caffe. Leonard Caffe is a store of fine and aromatic coffee. They offer a diversity of refind coff...


AmCham issues ToR on contracting consulting services to elaborate a study aimed at measuring the degree of influence of the pharmaceutical industry on physicians

AmCham Moldova is developing a project targeted at eliminating corruption and improving healthcare sector policy transparency, in order to provide accurate, faithful and objective information about pharmaceutical products, by fostering the implementation of an indispensable legal framework and raisi...


A New Offer from Éclair - Decor & Lifestyle Under the AmCham Member Discount Program

  The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is glad to inform you about the latest offer from Éclair - Decor & Lifestyle. Éclair is an exquisite shop located in the city center of Chisina...


US Embassy: GSP Reauthorization the next step and guidance

 The Congress has passed and the President has enacted legislation reauthorizing the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) through December 31, 2017. The bill also makes GSP benefits retroactive to July 31, 2013, which will allow U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to refund duties paid ...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 11

The Law on Tobacco Control (previously named as Law on tobacco and tobacco products) was substantially amended and supplemented by new regulations. The law prohibits use of tobacco trademarks to promote other products or services, as well as trademarks of other products or services to pro...


Contabil Şef (Chişinău)

 Principalele sarcini de muncă: 1. Responsabil de organizarea procesului de întocmire, verificare și expediere a tuturor tipurilor de raportări aferente activității, în termenele stabilite de legislație; 2. Coordonarea activităţii de evidenţă operativ – contabilă; 3. Coordo...


Chief Accountant

 Responsibilities: • Ensuring maintenance of accounting in a timely and accurate manner in accordance with company policy, N.A.C and legislation • Generating and providing financial reports and statements according to local legislation for the financial and statistical authorities ...


P.A.A. Tax, Legal, Accounting: P.A.A.: Tax & Legal Newsletter, May-June edition

 P.A.A. is glad to present the Tax & Legal Newsletter,  May-June edition. Read the full version of the bulletin in Romanian, English or Russian...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Senior Audit Associate

 Your responsibilities would include: - Providing audit and business advice to a variety of clients; - Building and maintaining strong relationships with new and established clients; - Working as part of a team, liaising with both client and other specialist staff in the practice to provide ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: IT System and Process Assurance Senior Associate

 The Role The successful candidates will deliver services for the following main areas: • Provide support during financial audits, under the top-down, risk-based approach, develop an appropriate strategy for testing automated application controls, IT General Controls, and manual contro...


US Embassy: SABIT Program

 SABIT (Program of US Department of Commerce) opened the selection process for “Hospital Administration” program.  Hospital Administration. Program closing day: July 24, 2015 Programs dates: October 3-24, 2015 Professional requirements: - Candidates should have...


Philip Morris Sales & Marketing: Territory Executive

A successful candidate will join a dynamic organization - Philip Morris Management Service B.V. Rep office in Moldova - with an advanced system of professional and personal development and an opportunity to start and build a career in PMI. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES WILL INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED ...


Petrom Moldova: Accounting Expert (Job Ref: ACC E-1)

I.C.S. Petrom-Moldova S.A. is looking for a full time position of Accounting Expert. Main responsibilities: • Keeping track of the net working capital accounts: - current receivables; - cash accounts; - bad debt provision; - maturities of receivables; - posting and analysis of cash and ...


Petrom Moldova: Credit Risk & Insurance Manager (Job Ref: CR&I M-1) (Temporary replacement)

 I.C.S. Petrom-Moldova S.A. is looking for a full time position of Credit Risk & Insurance Manager. Main responsibilities: • Leading the process of granting credit lines to customers; • Taking active part in developing new business processes and actions related to credit manag...


Declarația persoanei fizice

 AmCham a prezentat comentariile sale cu privire la proiectul Hotărârii Guvernului pentru aprobarea formularului declarației persoanei fizice cu privire la impozitul pe venit și modul de completare a acesteia. Pentru mai multe detalii accesați aici....


AmCham urges for the acceleration of the reform process

AmCham Moldova in conjunction with some other foreign chambers of commerce and business associations expressed concerns on the necessity of acceleration of the reform processes. Additionally the business community calls to the parliamentary political parties to appoint a new government that enjoys ...


AmCham își exprimă îngrijorarea vizavi de situația atestată pe piața financiară

Pe data de 9 iulie, AmCham Moldova s-a adresat autorităţilor cu un mesaj de îngrijorare privind situaţia atestată pe piaţa financiară, bancară şi nebancară. AmCham menţionează că disponibilitatea unui set extins de instrumente financiare moderne ar permite susținerea întreprinză...