
Recommendations on Fiscal Exemptions for Medicinal Raw Materials

This week AmCham has issued its recommendations on the draft governmental decision for the approval of lists containing medicinal raw materials subject to exemptions from VAT and customs duties. In order to restore the balance between budgetary interests, on one hand, and benefits for pharma mark...


AmCham Calls for Rectifications in Draft Educational Materials on Generic Drugs

AmCham has voiced its concerns regarding the potentially misleading content of the informative brochures drafted by the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency on the subject of generic and innovative drugs. In this, attention has been drawn to a series of inaccurate affirmations that are not backed ei...


Opinia AmCham cu privire la zilele de odihnă din luna august 2016

Declararea zilelor nelucrătoare reprezintă un subiect de interes public major, având în vedere impactul semnificativ avut asupra planificării activității instituțiilor de stat și întreprinderilor din toate sectoarele economiei naționale. Prin urmare, în vederea asigurării pre...


Comentariile AmCham asupra materialelor informative elaborate de Agenția Medicamentului și Dispozitivelor Medicale

AmCham Moldova și-a exprimat recomandările referitor la conținutul pliantelor informative elaborate de Agenția Medicamentului și Dispozitivelor Medicale pe subiectul medicamentelor generice și celor originale. În particular, s-a accentuat că orice campanie de educare a publicului larg impli...


AmCham se pronunță asupra Listei materiei prime medicamentoase scutite de TVA și taxe vamale

  AmCham și-a expus poziția asupra proiectului Hotărârii de Guvern pentru aprobarea listelor de materiei prime medicamentoase utilizate la producerea medicamentelor care vor fi scutite de TVA și taxe vamale. În scopul stabilirii unui echilibru între interesul bugetar și be...


AmCham Continues the Dialogue on Medical Devices Legislation

On 26 August, AmCham participated at the first meeting of the Working Group created by the Ministry of Health, gathering representatives of public authorities and business community involved in the medical devices sector. In line with the previously established objectives, the parties have agreed to...


Working Group on Labor Inspections Optimization

This week, the ad-hoc Working Group within the Economic Council aiming at reviewing the list of compulsory documents solicited by Labor Inspection started its activity on the platform of the Ministry of Labor. The documents reviewing process will refer to 3 main domains: Labor Relations, Health and ...


Meeting with the Ministry of Health

This week, AmCham and the Association of Medical Devices Entrepreneurs (DISMED) met with representatives from the Ministry of Health, as well as from the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency. The discussions focused on the draft Law on medical devices, as well as the subsidiary normative acts. It ha...


Tax & Customs Policy for 2017 open for Public Consultations

AmCham is preparing its recommendations on Tax & Customs Policy for 2017 to be submitted to the Ministry of Finance.  Please submit your comments and suggestions to sergiuchirica@amcham.md, by August 22, 16:00.   ...


Prime Minister’s Economic Council Activity Updates

- The 3rd Working Group on "Stimulation and Retention of Private Investments" was launched within Economic Council and held its first meeting. AmCham got involved in the discussions on “Prima Casa” concept, but also proposed to the participant members reviewing the opportunity ...


July Financial Services Committee Updates

These weeks the activities of the Financial Services Committee were focused on the banking sector. The month started with two meetings: (1) with topic - the initiative for exclusion of the cash registers (MCC) for currency exchange transactions performed within banks; (2) where member companies had...


Comentariile AmCham la proiectul pentru modificarea și completarea Codului Muncii

AmCham se implică activ în procesul de îmbunătăţire a legislaţiei muncii în scopul eliminării lacunelor existente. Prin intermediul unei scrisori adresate Ministerului Muncii AmCham a venit cu o serie de recomandări de îmbunătățire a proiectului de lege pentru modificarea ș...


AmCham met the Prime Minister`s Adviser on Health and Social Development Issues

On July 21, AmCham Healthcare Committee met with the Prime-minister’s adviser on health and social development issues, Mr. Mircea Buga. The participants have raised the need for public dialogue on the List of medicines for centralized state procurement, providing examples of drugs that were un...


AmCham solicită consultări publice asupra Listei de medicamente pentru achiziții centralizate

AmCham și-a exprimat îngrijorarea față de absența consultărilor publice asupra Listei de medicamente pentru achiziții centralizate. În particular, s-a menționat lipsa de transparență a criteriilor potrivit căror denumirile comerciale internaționale au fost selectate pentru această list...


Recomandările AmCham asupra Regulamentului privind publicitatea medicamentelor

AmCham și-a expus poziția asupra proiectului Hotărârii de Guvern privind aprobarea Regulamentului cu privire la publicitatea și promovarea medicamentelor. La capitolul promovării către persoane calificate, AmCham a încurajat Ministerul Sănătății să transpună proiectul de regulament pr...


AmCham Board Members met IMF Delegation

This week, AmCham Moldova Board members had a meeting with IMF delegation, in order to discuss current economic situation and business climate, as well as other aspects related to entrepreneurial activity in Moldova. The IMF mission initiated discussions on the possible IMF program, and on a compre...


AmCham participated at the Economic Council Meeting, presided by the Prime Minister, Mr. Pavel Filip

On July 14, AmCham participated at the PM Economic Council Meeting. Within the meeting, Mila Malairau summarized the results of the activity of the Working Group on Regulatory Issues, that she is leading. During the session, other important constraints for investment attraction were raised by the me...


Meeting with the Minister of Health

On July 12, the Minister of Health, Mrs. Ruxanda Glavan, met with AmCham Healthcare Committee to discuss the draft Regulation on drugs’ prices. Among the issues raised by AmCham representatives were the need to change the price formation rules for innovative and generic medicines, to amend the...