
AmCham Analyses the Regulatory Framework on Evacuation of Residual Waters

In the aftermath of the recent major increase in the fees charged by Apa-Canal Chisinau for sewage services, AmCham has performed an analysis of the regulatory framework in the area, identifying a series of deficiencies. Having participated to public hearings on fee methodology, AmCham is planning t...


Trade & Manufacturing Committee Update

These past weeks have been quite busy for the Trade & Manufacturing Committee. Following our position paper on the exclusion of the Sanitary Veterinary Certificate (Form 2), as well as multiple requests on the coordination of SV Certificates with major Moldovan trade partners, a series of meeti...


Advocacy Alert: Tax & Customs Policy for 2018 Open for Public Consultations

AmCham is preparing to submit recommendations on Tax & Customs Policy for 2018 to the Ministry of Finance. Please submit any comments and suggestions to sergiuchirica@amcham.md, by July 10, 16:00....


AmCham Continues Dialogue on the Draft Amendment to the Law on Electronic Communication

On June 28, the Parliamentary Committee for Economy, Budget and Finance held a public hearing on the draft amendment and supplement to the Law on Electronic Communications. The draft law sets up a general framework for development policy and strategy within the electronic communications sector in th...


AmCham Participates at Public Discussions on the Draft Law on Meal Tickets

On June 29, AmCham alongside other stakeholders took part in a public hearing on the implementation of meal tickets. The draft law will not contravene to the already existing provisions of the Governmental Regulation nr. 144/2014, which establishes the amount and legal regime of expenses incured by ...


Regulamentul privind ambalajele și deșeurile de ambalaje în atenția AmCham Moldova

AmCham se expune suplimentar asupra proiectului de „Regulament privind ambalajele și deșeurile din ambalaje”, atenționând asupra faptului că acesta prezintă lacune ce pun în dificultate activitatea antreprenorilor. Principalele deficiențe sesizate ale mecanismulu...


Meeting with the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency

On June 19, AmCham Healthcare Committee met with the Deputy Director of the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, to discuss the causes for recent blockages in the fast-track mechanism for state authorization of medicines. The parties have agreed to organize a further technical meeting, on July 20, ...


Debates on Promotion of Energy from Renewable Sources

On June 19, the Ministry of Economy organized public debates in the context of developing legislation on promotion of energy from renewable sources in the Republic of Moldova. These meetings focus on draft amendments and completion of the Law on Promotion of the Use of Renewable Energy, as well as d...


Notă informativă privind procedura simplificată de autorizare a medicamentelor

La 19 iunie, AmCham a prezentat o notă informativă Agenției Medicamentului și Dispozitivelor Medicale, prin care a accentuat necesitatea de a menține măsurile pentru acces facilitat în țară a medicamentelor autorizate în UE. Importanța menținerii procedurii simplificate de autorizare der...


Advocacy Alert: Meeting with the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, June 19

On June 19, AmCham Healthcare Committee will meet with the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, to discuss the causes for recent blockages in the fast-track mechanism for state authorization of medicines. Should you have any question regarding the meeting, please contact Elena Popic, Healthcare ...


Updates on ”Build the Capacity of Business Associations to Participate in Governance” Project

On June 15, AmCham shared its experience on advocacy with sectorial associations. The course is aiming to help identifying and prioritizing the advocacy initiatives. On May 2, AmCham led an informative discussion with sectorial associations on communication tools. The meeting was brought to ...


AmCham Moldova propune uniformizarea legislației naționale în materia concurenței

AmCham Moldova s-a expus asupra proiectului de Lege pentru modificarea și completarea unor acte legislative, care a fost elaborat în scopul aducerii în concordanță a prevederilor legislației în vigoare ce reglementează mediul de afaceri la prevederile Legii concurenței. n...


AmCham solicită modificări la Legea privind dreptul de autor și drepturile conexe

În luna decembrie 2016, AGEPI a lansat spre consultări publice proiectul de modificare și completare a Legii privind dreptul de autor și drepturile conexe, fapt care a permis inițierea și desfășurarea mai multor ședințe organizate de reprezentanții AGEPI în vederea acumulării p...


Mediul de business solicită convocarea Consiliului Economic al Prim-ministrului pe marginea excluderii plafonului contribuției individuale de asigurări sociale

Camera de Comerț Americană din Moldova, împreună cu Asociația Businessului European și Asociația Națională a Companiilor din Domeniul Tehnologii Informaționale și al Comunicațiilor au solicitat Prim-ministrului convocarea în termeni proximi a Consiliului Economic. Asociațiil...


Advocacy Alert: Topics Currently Tackled within AmCham Moldova

Pay attention to the advocacy topics AmCham Moldova is currently working: 1. Amendments to the Civil Code 2. Amendments to the Labor Code 3. Draft Concept "Prima Casa" 4. Draft Regulation on packaging and packaging waste 5. Draft Regulation on waste electrical and electronic equipm...


Financial Services Committee Updates

The Financial Services Committee members were kept particularly busy in the past weeks. The proposed Civil Code amendments have already resulted in two committee meetings (May 16; June 6). One more meeting is coming on the pipeline, it will be held on June 16, having as the main topic for discussio...


AmCham solicită actualizarea Planului de Acțiuni pentru soluționarea unor probleme identificate în domeniul medicamentului și activității farmaceutice

La 29 mai, AmCham s-a adresat Primului-ministru cu solicitarea inițierii procesului de actualizare și revizuire a Planului de Acțiuni pentru soluționarea unor probleme identificate în domeniul medicamentului și activității farmaceutice, aprobat prin Dispoziția Guvernului nr. 29-d din 10.03.201...


Initiative for a Permanent Consultation Platform under the Ministry of Health

Last week, AmCham together with other business associations has submitted to the Ministry of Health an initiative targeted at creating a permanent working group on healthcare regulatory issues, in an effort to boost public-private dialogue in the area. Read the Letter...