
HIDECO, winner of the BID International Arch of Europe for Quality and Technology Award in Frankfurt 2014

HIDECO won the International Arch of Europe for Quality and Technology Award in the Gold category in Frankfurt in the presence of leaders and representatives from 49 countries at the International Arch of Europe Convention. The prestigious award is presented in recognition of business excellence and...


Prime Minister|s Economic Council Newsletter, April - May 2014

Click on the following links to view the Prime Minister's Economic Council Newsletter in English and Romanian: Prime Minister’s Economic Council Newsletter Consiliul Economic al Prim-ministrului Republicii Moldova Buletin Informativ  ...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics: Giurgiulesti International Free Port Facilitates the Diversification of Moldova’s Exports

We are pleased to provide you with the latest Press Release from Danube Logistics. Please click on the following links to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: GIURGIULESTI INTERNATIONAL FREE PORT FACILITATES THE DIVERSIFICATION OF MOLDOVA’S EXPORTS PORTUL INTERNAȚIONAL LIBER GI...


Pedersen & Partners: Pedersen & Partners extends its presence in Asia by opening offices in Singapore and Thailand

Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm known for excellence in Emerging Markets, has opened offices in Singapore and Bangkok, extending its Asian coverage to 7 offices including Shanghai, Jakarta, Mumbai, New Delhi and Ulaanbaatar. The firm now has 52 wholly owned of...


Moldcell: Moldcell: Marşul Vieţii

 Al doilea an consecutiv, Moldcell și Asociația Obștească „Salvați viața” organizează Marșul Vieții. La ediția din 2013, graţie Dvs.: prieteni, parteneri, familii şi toţi cei cărora le pasă, am reușit să colectăm peste 100 000 de lei, bani din care am procurat echipament pentru secț...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: New documentation rules for certain zero-rated VAT-able supplies

As of 16 May 2014, the form of the primary document with special regime "invoice" is to be used for zero-rated VAT-able supplies based on art. 104 a) of the Tax Code, including: • export of goods; • export of services; • international transport of goods and passengers;...


P.A.A. Tax, Legal, Accounting: PAA: Tax & Legal Newsletter No. 4, April 2014

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Newsletter No. 4. Please click on the following to read its English, Romanian, Russian and French versions.  ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert No. 12/2014: Legislative Amendments

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English and Romanian versions: Legislative amendments Modificări legislative...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: BCR Chișinău extends its product portfolio and launches 24 BANKING services

Starting with May 20th, 2014 BCR Chișinău launches 2 new Internet Banking services: 24 BANKING for individuals 24 BANKING for companies. The clients, by using both packages will benefits from the advantages of new technologies of having remote access to banking services, 24 hours from 24, 7 days fro...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: ACI Legal Flash No. 3

We are pleased to provide you with the latest Legal Flash. Please click on the following link to read its English and Romanian versions: Official Gazette NO. 99-102 of 25 April 2014 Monitorul Oficial Nr. 99-102 din 25 Aprilie 2014  ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Amendments to the Tax and Legal Alert No. 11/2014: New regulations on employee business travel

Further to the latest amendments brought to the Regulation on the delegation of Moldovan entities' employees, we would like to highlight the following: • per diem is equal to 50% of the established rate in case of single day business trip abroad; • in case of single day business trip wi...


Incaso: INCASO lansează o acțiune inedită Verifică dacă ai datorii

INCASO, lider pe piața de Colectare a Datoriilor, lansează, în premieră absolută pentru R. Moldova, o campanie inedită. În perioada 10 mai – 10 iulie, abonații Unite și Orange sunt îndemnați să verifice dacă au sau nu datorii administrate de INCASO. Tot ce e necesar să facă e...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Minimum Gross Salary in the Private Sector - Update

Starting on May 1, 2014, the minimum gross salary in the private sector, except for agricultural and forestry, is established at MDL 9.77 per hour, or MDL 1650 per month. For employees in the agricultural and forestry sectors, the minimum gross salary is MDL 9.23 per hour, or MDL 1560 per month. ...


Incaso: Incaso lansează o acțiune socială „Bălți Forever”

 INCASO, liderul pieții de management al creanțelor mass market din Moldova, alături de SP, cel mai citit ziar din Bălți lansează o acțiune socială „Bălți Forever”. Este un proiect social-cultural la care sunt invitați să participe toți cei care au o fotografie inedită în ora...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 9/2014: Approval of the law on the state social security budget for 2014

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English and Romanian versions: New amendments to tax and customs legislation Noi reglementări fiscale şi vamale  ...


Moldova Holiday: The "Experience Moldova" Concert

For music and wine lovers ... The 'Experience Moldova' concert - Moldovan virtuous instrumental music and fine wines... Moldovaholiday* are delighted to present for one night only, in Stockholm, Berlin and London, some of Moldova’s best known and most admired musicians who will showcase the...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova launches PayWell Moldova – Salary and Benefits Survey 2014

Current economic conditions have prompted companies worldwide to review their business models in terms of the recruitment and retention of the best employees, while optimising remuneration costs. To gain an edge in the talent war, companies rely on a combination of strategies to attract and retain ...