
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 3/2017 - Tax Regime for IT Park Residents

In brief The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova recently approved the amendments and supplements to the Tax Code, Law no. 1585 dated 27 February 1998 on compulsory health insurance ("Law 1585"), Law no. 1593 dated 26 December 2002 on the amount, manner and terms of payment ...


The Last Amendments to the Labor Code, an Informative Video

The following video is aimed at informing the citizens and the business community about the recent changes (adopted by the Parliament on July 21), in particular: the reduction by 2 years of the unpaid parental leave for employees with children aged between 3 and 6 years old; the removal of the prohi...


SABIT Program "Regional Economic Development: SME"

SABIT is currently recruiting candidates for “Regional Economic Development: SME” program. Please find below programs description and requirements to potential candidates. Regional Economic Development: SME This program is designed for professionals with responsibility for ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC by your side 24/7: Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Limited Liability Companies

Parlamentul Republicii Moldova a adoptat modificări și completări la Legea privind societățile cu răspundere limitată, în secțiunea privind dobândirea calității de asociat în baza succesiunii. Dintre cele mai importante modificări, menționăm următoarele:  • La dobâ...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics Has Moved to a New Office

Danube Logistics  has moved to a new office at 9 Mihai Eminescu street, Chisinau Municipality, Republic of Moldova, MD-2009. Please use this address as mailing and visiting address.  The legal seat of the company remains unchanged for the time being. Danube Logistics s-a mutat la un no...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC by your side 24/7: Updated average monthly salary for 2017

Vă informăm că Guvernul Republicii Moldova a aprobat majorarea salariului mediu lunar pe economie pentru anul 2017. Astfel, începând cu 21 iulie 2017, cuantumul acestuia va fi de 5.600 lei, cu 300 de lei mai mult față de valoarea anterioară. Acest indicator urmează să fie utilizat la ef...


Incaso: Reduceri de 20% la serviciile Incaso

Incaso Moldova, companie membră a Camerei de Comerț Americane din Moldova, oferă tuturor membrilor AmCham prețuri speciale la toată gama serviciilor de colectare și recuperare a creanțelor, și anume: - Colectarea Datoriilor / Etapa extrajudiciara (light collection) - Colectarea Dat...


2018 Cochran Fellowship Program

Beef Cattle Farming/U.S. Bovine Genetics The Cochran Fellowship Program provides short-term training opportunities to agricultural professionals from middle-income countries, emerging markets, and emerging democracies. The goals of the are: -to help eligible countries develop agricultural syst...


SABIT Programs

SABIT is currently recruiting candidates for “Energy Efficiency and Renewables in Residential and Commercial Construction” and “Intermodal Transportation and Logistics” programs. Energy Efficiency and Renewables in Residential and Commercial Construction SABIT provides ...


FinComBank: FinComBank: Pentru prima dată în Moldova – solicită cardul bancar online

Chișinău, 14 iunie 2017. FinComBank a lansat în premieră pentru Republica Moldova un serviciu nou ce permite solicitarea card-ului bancar în regim online. Pentru aceasta e suficient să se acceseze site-ul băncii și să se completeze cererea. Acum clientul va vizita o singură dată banca, d...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC by your side 24/7: Approval of New Real Estate Tax return form BIJ 17

The State Tax Service (STS) has approved a new form for the tax return "Calculation of real estate tax (Form BIJ 17)", with instructions for filling in and submitting it. Form BIJ 17 has to be submitted by taxpayers starting with the 2017 tax period and replaces Form BIJ 15. [Source: Ord...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova launches PayWell Moldova 2017 Salary and Benefits Survey

PwC Moldova is pleased to invite you to participate in PayWell Moldova 2017 salary & benefits survey! At its 11th edition, PayWell survey: • analyses salary levels based on job, sector, geographic region and company size (depending on turnover and number of employees); • analyse...


FinComBank: Filiala nr. 3 FinComBank: 20 de ani de dezvoltare continuă

Zilele acestea s-au împlinit 20 de ani din momentul deschiderii Filialei nr. 3 a băncii comerciale FinComBank, amplasată în sectorul Botanica,Chișinău pe bulevardul Dacia, 20. Potrivit directorului filialei, Dana Scripnic în tot acest timp echipa de angajați a filialei a făcut tot...


Medpark Launches 1 Day Surgery - We operate quickly and well

You need surgery, but you constantly postpone it? You can’t miss more than one day of work? Here’s an end to the long days lost on the hospital bed! In the modern era a surgery doesn’t mean long hospitalization period and difficult recovery. Medpark International Hospital make...


SABIT: Fashion Design and Ready Made Garments, Agribusiness: Innovation and Efficiency

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Special American Business Internship Training Program (SABIT) has established a program to train up to 18 specialists from the Eurasian fashion sector. SABIT has successfully trained over 6,000 executives and scientists from Eurasia, South Asia, Northern Irela...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics Has Moved to a New Office

Danube Logistics  has moved to a new office at 9 Mihai Eminescu street, Chisinau Municipality, Republic of Moldova, MD-2009. Please use this address as mailing and visiting address. The legal seat of the company remains unchanged for the time being. Danube Logistics s-a mutat la un nou bir...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC by your side 24/7: Elimination of Invoice from the List of Primary Documents with Special Regime

The Government of the Republic of Moldova has removed “invoice” from the list of primary documents with special regime. Specifically, the primary documents with special regime "invoice" and "tax invoice" are to be merged into a single primary document with special reg...


BDC: Proiect social – ITMC Programme

Lansarea grupei II a Programului ITMC (Internship.Training.Mentoring.Coaching) Beneficiari a proiectului: a) companiile ce au nevoie de personal motivat b) absolvenții motivați cu potențial de dezvoltare Scopul proiectului: încadrarea tinerilor absolvenți cu potențial de dezvoltare &ici...