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AmCham is actively involved as member of the following Organizations & Governmental Working Groups:

Economic Council to the Prime Minister
The Economic Council to the Prime Minister was established as an advisory body with the mission to facilitate the dialogue between the representatives of the business environment, donors’ community and policy makers to develop a favorable social-economic climate and non-discriminatory, transparent business environment, which would be attractive for investment. For a more efficient performance, permanent thematic working groups and temporary (ad-hoc) working groups were created within the Council since 2016.

Major advocacy efforts initiated or actively supported by AmCham within the Economic Council:

-Developing legislation on personal data protection
-Modernizing legislation on intellectual property protection
-Developing new law on leasing of personnel
-Developing new Labor Code
-Promoting electronic payments and reducing cash in the economy
-Improving customs evaluation of imported goods
-Removing constraints in development of cross-border e-commerce
-Facilitating access to water for irrigation from lakes
-Facilitating co-incineration of wastes
-Elaborating the methodology for wastewater treatment tariffs
-Digitization of B2G and G2B interaction
-Better enforcement of Regulatory Impact Analysis
-Eliminating “entrepreneurial patents” in retail trade

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“Guillotine” Working Group
National Working Group on Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity (otherwise called “Guillotine” Working Group) is intended to monitor and revise new regulations (draft norms elaborated by central state authorities) affecting entrepreneurial activity. Working Group acts on a permanent weekly basis and analyses on average 5-6 normative acts per sitting. The work is based on the principle of impartiality and compliance with the basic principles on regulation of entrepreneurial activity (e.g. regulatory impact assessment, etc.).

National Confederation of Employers in RM
As a member of the National Confederation of Employers in Moldova (NCE), AmCham is involved in many of its activities aimed to foster policy change and establishment of a better business environment.

AmCham - Member of the Council of Dispute Resolution in the Main State Tax Inspectorate, and within the Customs Service
The Dispute Resolution Board within the Main Tax Inspectorate and Customs Service is composed of representatives from authorities and business associations, including AmCham.
The Council acts in the form of meetings, which are organized depending on the appeals filed; in the council administrative acts are contested, which have established a fiscal / customs obligation in the amount of over 500,000 lei - for juridical persons and over 250,000 lei - for individuals. The members of the Council will share solutions on the examined subject at the meeting, with proposals which are recommendations in character.

The Advisory Committee under Customs Service
AmCham performs the Secretary of the Advisory Committee, ensuring the continuity of the dialogue mechanism between the Customs Service and the business community. Advisory Committee under Customs Service is a trade facilitation body, consisting of representatives of the Customs Service and representatives of associations involved in external trade.

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Committee’s B2G Dialogue Partners:
Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection
Parliamentary Committee on social protection, health and family
Economic Council under the Prime Minister

Committee’s Main Advocacy Initiatives in 2018:
Coordination the position of new labor code through conducting numerous Committee meetings and drafted the position paper reflecting a balanced approach based on a detailed research of foreign practices and labor codes;

Law on unqualified day-workers. The Law on occasional activities performed by day workers has entered into force. The Committee has been actively involved in the legislative process leading to the adoption of the new law on the regime of unqualified day-workers. This law has been adopted by the Parliament in early 2018 and provides a mechanism for contracting occasional workers in the agricultural sector without concluding labor contracts. AmCham will focus further on the operational mechanisms.

Employment Subsidies Applications
AmCham was actively informing and supporting members to apply for governmental subsidies granted to employers that create new workplaces in their companies. The eligibility criteria are set by the Governmental Regulation, and include among others the requirement to increase the number of jobs with at least 100, and keep their retribution at a level not lower than 75% of the average monthly wage per economy and maintain jobs for at least 3 years. The value of the subsidy is 40,000 MDL per each created workplace that is eligible for subvention.

AmCham Raised Concerns on Possible Changes in Kindergartens’ Daily Functioning Hours
AmCham has addressed to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research with a letter signaling the potential social and economic risks that would be triggered by the initiative to shorten the daily functioning hours for the national kindergartens. In this, AmCham reiterated its position that limitations on availability of pre-school educational institutions’ services is a subject of a major public interest, due to the impact on working parents’ labor activity, integration on labor market and functioning of enterprises. The position comes after the publishing of a ministerial announcement stating that an initiative concerning kindergartens’ daily program is under review and might be placed for public consultations.

AmCham drafted the position paper on free days in August – highly reflected in local mass-media
The AmCham position paper shared more insights into business concerns about the lack of predictability, risks and social costs that could be generated by declaring additional non-working days in August 2018.

AmCham initiated and elaborated the draft law and supporting note on temporary work agent regulation.
Law on personnel leasing makes Moldova less competitive in terms of flexibility in employment regulation. Hence, there is a need to introduce in the national legislation the provisions of Directive 2008/104/EC on temporary agency work, in order to stimulate job creation and integration in the labor market. The new regime will allow companies to cope with fluctuations in the commercial and production processes by providing opportunities to benefit, on a temporary basis, from the services of personnel that has been previously selected and hired by a temporary-work agency.

- Regularly meet AmCham team members
- Establish your own lobbying priorities
- Identify your allies on your lobbying priorities
- Encourage your team members to get involved