
Changes in procedure of determining customs value of goods, including ROYALTY payments.

Customs Service is reviewing and amending the procedure of determining customs value of goods, including the estimation of ROYALTY payments. Public consultations on the matter are taking place NOW. AmCham considers that this issue is of high importance and that, if changes are approved, many of int...


AmCham calls for legislative proposals from members to stimulate philantropy

On October 29th, AmCham representatives were invited to a meeting with the Ministry of Youth and Sports on legal impediments to philantropy development in Moldova. Representatives of both public and private sector agreed on necessity of promotion of more palpable legal incentives to encourage sponso...


Aviz AmCham – Politica fiscala si vamala 2014

Aviz AmCham – Politica fiscala si vamala 2014 ...


AmCham represents the interests of the business comunity within the Economic Council

On October 4th, will take place the launch meeting of the Economic Council. Chaired by the Prime Minister, Iurie Leanca, the economic advisory body aims to establish high level decision-making dialogues between the business community, policy-makers and civil society. American Chamber of Commerce in ...


AmCham Moldova finalizes the position paper on Tax & Customs Policy for 2014

During September, AmCham Tax and Legal Committee drafted its Position Paper on Tax & Customs Policy for 2014. The finalized document will be presented soon to relevant ministries and public authorities. Special acknowledgements go to our members for their valuable inputs. Please follow AmCham...


AmCham representatives met with IMF chief of mission

On September 25th, AmCham representatives met Mr. Max Alier, IMF's Mission Chief for Moldova. The main topic of the meeting was the First Post-Program Monitoring* (PPM) mission which is following the expiration of the combined Extended Credit Facility (ECF)/Extended Fund Facilities (EFF) supported p...


AmCham addresses the diplomatic community on recent transactions with BEM and CIA

The business community has recently witnessed to the transactions referring to Banca de Economii of Moldova and Chisinau International Airport. The business community watched perplexedly, how strategically important assets were privatized / leased in an undisclosed and non-transparent way. In light...


Simplified customs procedures discussed by Customs authorities and business representatives

On September 26, the Customs Service held a roundtable attended by over 20 AmCham and light industry representatives. The meeting began with an overview of the simplified customs procedures. Following the presentation, the discussions were focused on the facilitation of international traffic of goo...


Public consultation: Draft Law on modification and completion of Law 289 from 22.07.2004 related to allowances for temporary disability and other social insurance benefits

Draft Law on modification and completion of Law 289 from 22.07.2004 related to allowances for temporary disability and other social insurance benefits ...


Public consultation: Draft Law on fulfillment of some sporadic and unqualified activities by daily workers

 Draft Law on fulfillment of some sporadic and unqualified activities by daily workers...


Public consultation on the Roadmap for improving competitiveness in Moldova

Dear Members, we invite you to participate at the consultation process of the Roadmap for improving competitiveness in Moldova for short and medium term, initiated by the Ministry of Economy. The Roadmap aims at identifying the constraints of private sector’s development and the solutions for...


Success stories in AmCham collaboration with Customs Service

Due to its continuous efforts Trade and Manufacturing Committee succeeded at obtaining new results in collaboration with Customs Service transposed in two Orders of this public authority that were approved and published. One of it refers to the quicker processing times of customs declarations for ...


Aviz AmCham - Proiectul de lege privind contractele de credit pentru consumatori

Aviz AmCham - Proiectul de lege privind contractele de credit pentru consumatori...


Aviz AmCham-Denuntarea conventiei pentru evitarea dublei impuneri cu Republica Cipru

Aviz AmCham - Denuntarea conventiei pentru evitarea dublei impuneri cu Republica Cipru...


Trade and Manufacturing Committee: New initiative for trade facilitation

The Trade and Manufacturing Committee is acting towards facilitating trade activity for our members by approaching a new initiative in relation with Customs Service. This initiative refers to establishing a mechanism that would give the possibility to economical agents to view electronically their ...


AmCham\'s immediate recommendations to the new government

One of the priorities of the new Government is to establish a better climate and environment for new foreign and local investments in the Moldovan economy. At the prime minister’s request, AmCham Moldova has submitted a set of policy issues to be tackled immediately. With the aim of boosting c...


Draft Law on modification and completion of Labor Code

 PROIECT pentru modificarea şi completarea  Codului Muncii al Republicii Moldova. ...


Aviz AmCham: Probleme de ordin fiscal in cazul achizitiilor de la persoane fizice a productiei din fitotehnie si horticultura in forma naturala

 Aviz AmCham: Probleme de  ordin fiscal  in cazul  achizitiilor  de la persoane fizice a productiei din fitotehnie si  horticultura in forma naturala...