In brief
The G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors met in Venice on 9--10 July, under the Italian G20 Presidency, and continued their discussions on a range of fiscal and economic issues. Prominent among these was considering the OECD Inclusive Framework (IF) progress, as reflected in ...
Impactul economic al COVID-19, cuplat cu presiunea ascendentă asupra furnizorilor de a livra mărfuri în timp util, implică provocări severe pentru întreprinderile din Republica Moldova de a rămâne competitivi pe piețele regionale. Pe de altă parte, autoritățile publice ar trebu...
KPMG Moldova has published the Tax Guide for Y2021 for Moldova.
General provisions of the tax legislation in force, as well as recent amendments to the tax legislation, have been included in the Tax Guide.
Please access the attached PDFs (English and Romanian versions) for more detailed info...
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