
FinComBank: FinComBank: Am pregătit ceva gustos pentru afacerea ta

 Și pentru a fi în vogă cu toate tendințele culinare FinComBank vine cu o rețetă nouă pentru afacerea ta. Iată ingredientele: - 100% reducere la deschiderea conturilor curente - 100% reducere la deservirea lunară a conturilor curente pentru primele 6 luni - 100% reducere pentru conec...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 9/2015: New rules on medicine price formation

 The Law regulating pharmaceutical activity has been amended to include new rules on medicine price formation. In detail. Under the amendments, as of 1 October 2015 the 15% profitability requirement is removed from the delivery price of medicines manufactured by d...


ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 14

Official Gazette no 224-233 OF 21 August 2015  This Legal Flash brings you latest news on adoption of the new Law on Mediation, amendments to the Law on the National Bank, new Law on Government Agent, approval by the Stock Exchange Council of the new Regulation and on transposing of certa...


FinComBank: FinComBank: The ingredients of a successful business

 The ingredients of a successful business We prepared something tasty for your business Here are the ingredients: - 100% discount for opening current accounts - 100% discount on maintaining current accounts for first 6 months - 100% discount on connection to the Internet-Banking System -...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 13

 Official Gazette no 213-222 of 14 Aaugust 2015 The Law No 135 provides for amending and supplementing of the Code of Civil Procedure and the Law on International Commercial Arbitration (No 24 dated 22 February 2007). The Code of Civil Procedure was completed with three new articles...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 8/2015: New Law on Public Procurement transposing EU regulations

 The Moldovan Parliament has approved the new Law on Public Procurement. Its purpose is to transpose into national law Directive 2004/18/EC on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts. It also partially transpos...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics: Newsletter Jan-Jun 2015

 Danube Logistics presents the Newsletter of operational results for the first half of 2015. You can read the following topics: - Dutch Senior Expert Supports the Optimization of GIFP’s Container Terminal Operation - GIFP on Euronews: The Danube Provides New Trade R...


P.A.A. Tax, Legal, Accounting: P.A.A.: Tax & Legal Newsletter, July Edition

 P.A.A. is glad to present the Tax & Legal Newsletter,  July edition. Read the full version of the bulletin in Romanian, English or Russian  ...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 12

 The new Public Acquisitions Law has been adopted with a purpose of harmonising the national legal framework with the EU acquis and transposes the Directives 2004/18/CE dated 31.03.2004, 2014/24/UE dated 26.02.2014 and 89/665/CCE dated 21.12.1989. Upon entry into force the new Law ...


USAID BRITE Delivers communications training to Moldovan Customs Service

Chisinau, Moldova - Providing high-quality service is one of the most effective ways for organizations to instill confidence and build trust with their customers. This is as true for government agencies as it is for large corporations, and quality service should be the objective of every organizatio...


US Embassy: GSP Reauthorization the next step and guidance

 The Congress has passed and the President has enacted legislation reauthorizing the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) through December 31, 2017. The bill also makes GSP benefits retroactive to July 31, 2013, which will allow U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to refund duties paid ...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 11

The Law on Tobacco Control (previously named as Law on tobacco and tobacco products) was substantially amended and supplemented by new regulations. The law prohibits use of tobacco trademarks to promote other products or services, as well as trademarks of other products or services to pro...


P.A.A. Tax, Legal, Accounting: P.A.A.: Tax & Legal Newsletter, May-June edition

 P.A.A. is glad to present the Tax & Legal Newsletter,  May-June edition. Read the full version of the bulletin in Romanian, English or Russian...


US Embassy: SABIT Program

 SABIT (Program of US Department of Commerce) opened the selection process for “Hospital Administration” program.  Hospital Administration. Program closing day: July 24, 2015 Programs dates: October 3-24, 2015 Professional requirements: - Candidates should have...


Medpark: Emergencies Unit – we are on call 24/7

Medpark multidisciplinary hospital has an ultramodern emergency unit, covering the widest range of medical emergencies, available in the private sector. Medpark Emergency Unit is on call, 24 of the 24 hours, 7 days a week, to receive and treat acute and chronic patients, including the one that are h...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 7/2015: Amendments to the Law on Joint Stock Companies

The Moldovan Parliament has amended and supplemented the Law on Joint Stock Companies to align it with the latest Capital Market Law developments. Click here to read more in English or Romanian . ...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 10

The Parliament has amended the Collective Convention No 2 of 9 July 2014 on Working and Rest Time. The following important amendments may be highlighted: - Employers have been obliged to make available free time to pregnant women, as it may be necessary for their prenatal medical examination....


MAIB: Moldova Agroindbank: Beneficiarii de pensii şi alte prestaţii sociale le pot primi acum pe cardul bancar Moldova Agroindbank

 Benefeciarii de pensii, alocaţii şi alte prestaţii sociale acum le pot primi şi pe contul de card la Moldova Agroindbank. Cardul de Pensie de la MAIB este o alternativă avantajoasă, în special pentru vîrstnici, pentru că uşurează viaţa deţinătorilor. GRATUIT ► emiterea cardului ...