
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Conferința anuală de taxe PwC Moldova reunește mediul de afaceri moldovean

În cadrul evenimentului la care au asistat peste 150 de participanți, specialiștii PwC din Moldova și România împreună cu reprezentanții autorităților publice au dezbătut cadrul fiscal și de reglementare al Republicii Moldova, provocările ce țin de raportarea financiară, regulile d...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: IT Parks in Moldova - Jump on the Bandwagon

As on March 26, 2018 the first and so far the only park for information technology created in Republic of Moldova, “Moldova IT Park”, counted 140 residents, and this number is increasing every single day. Having in mind that upon its creation the IT Park planned to have 31 residents in i...


JT International Trading: JTI, singurul angajator din Moldova certificat Top Employer pentru al cincilea an consecutiv

JTI a fost certificat Top Employer (angajator de top) în Moldova și la nivel european pentru al cincilea an consecutiv de către Institutul Top Employers. Totodată, este al patrulea an când JTI primește certificarea Top Employer Global, numărându-se printre angajatorii recunoscuți ...


Experience the United States as a YTILI Fellow!

2018 Applications Open: January 29 – March 2 Start Your Application Launched in 2016, the Young Transatlantic Innovative Leaders Initiative Fellowship is the flagship program of the Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI) of the U.S. Department of State and is supported...


New Offer from Central Pub Bourbon under AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers. AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Central Pub Bourbon. Central Pub Bourbon is a place to taste a variety of cuisines and enjoy pleasant company. Central Pub Bour...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum and Smart Contracts – What It Is and how It Could Affect Us

Blockchain technology, along with the Internet, could be regarded as one of the most important inventions of the last century. Basically, blockchain could be able to solve one pressing need: ensuring financial interaction without middlemen, for example sending money via internet without trusting a c...


FinComBank: Bancomatele FinComBank eliberează Euro, Dolari SUA şi Lei moldoveneşti

Chișinău, 12 februarie 2018. Leul nu va fi singura monedă eliberată de bancomatele FinComBank. ATM-urile băncii vor elibera și valută străină: Euro și Dolari SUA. O serie de bancomate cu nouă funcție urmează a fi disponibilă pe întreg teritoriul Republicii Moldova. Primul ATM de acest tip a fo...


Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: The National Contest for Young Lawyers

For the third consecutive year, Law Firm “Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners” and ELSA Republic of Moldova are organizing the National Contest for Young Lawyers. The competition consists of 3 stages in which law students are tested on their knowledge in law. As well, the young begi...


CCI Moldova: Traininguri cu expert SES, Germania

E binecunoscut faptul, că investirea în capitalul uman are un efect simţit. Aceste efecte sunt confirmate şi prin referinţele angajaţilor şi conducătorilor companiilor care deja au participat la sesiunile Centrului de formare antreprenorială din cadrul Camerei de Comerț şi Industrie a Republic...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Operation Through Permanent Establishment in Moldova

The Republic of Moldova is a small Eastern European country with a market economy in development. Since its independence, Moldova has been keen to open its borders to foreign investment to vitalise its economy. To this end, Moldova has passed numerous legislative reforms to protect investments and e...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no.4/ 2018: Approval of Tax and Customs Legislation Amendments

In brief The Law significantly amending the Republic of Moldova’s fiscal, customs and other normative acts has been published. In detail Income tax  Personal income tax The threshold for the application of the progressive personal income tax rates of 7% ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Average Monthly Salary Forecast for 2018

PwC Moldova would like to inform you that a forecasted average monthly salary index of MDL 6,150 has been approved by the Government for 2018. This index should be used for applicable purposes in accordance with the law, including: • Calculation of social security contributions due by emplo...


Studiul despre vizibilitatea și acțiunile de comunicare privind DCFTA

Proiectul “Vizibilitate si comunicare pentru AA/DCFTA” va implementa, în următorii doi ani, o serie de actvități de informare și comunicare pentru a spori înțelegerea Acordului de Asociere și a procesului de implementare a DCFTA la nivelul publicului larg și, m...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova,Tax and Legal Alert no. 2/2018 - Approval of the Laws on Compulsory Health Insurance Funds and State Social Security for 2018

In brief The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova recently approved the Law on compulsory health insurance funds for 2018 (“Law on CHIF 2018”) and the Law on the state social security budget for 2018 (“Law on SSSB 2018”), as well as amendments on Law no. 1585/19...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova, Tax and Legal Alert no. 3/2018 - Approval of Form DSA18 and New Instructions for Filing Form IPC18

In brief The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova has approved the standard form of Information on establishing social rights in the public social security system (Form DSA18) and the instructions for filing it. Instructions have also been republished for filing the tax return...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no.1/2018 - Settlement and Recording of Payments to the National Public Budget in 2018

In brief The Ministry of Finance has approved the regulations on settlement and recording of payments to the national public budget through its treasury system for 2018. The main amendments applicable as of 1 January 2018 are presented below. In detail Taxpayers with subdivisions ...


Up Moldova: Up Moldova: Recrutează și motivează-ți angajații! Alege tichete de masă Dejun!

Grupul internațional Up a inițiat venirea pe piața autohtonă, in urma publicării legii care reglementează sistemul tichetelor de masa in Republica Moldova. Grupul Up in cifre (estimări 2016): -24,5 de milioane de beneficiari in întreaga lume -1,3 milioane de clienți -7,1 mili...


SANOFI: SANOFI Modova: Vaccinare contra gripei

Vă recomandăm să informați angajații de la companiil că se pot vaccina împreună cu familiile lor contra gripei cu vaccinul de ultima generație Vaxigrip Tetra (Sanofi). Vedeți Prezentarea și Anexa pentru mai multe informații. Vaccinarea poate fi facută la clinica Medpark și la cabinete...