
A New Offer from Collect House under the AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers. AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Collect House. Collect House is a company developed to provide, store and process the information on outdated debtor's o...


Promotions within AmCham Moldova

AmCham is thrilled to announce the promotion of 2 team members Adrian Gheorghiță as Deputy Director for Advocacy and Business Development, and Elena Buzu as Deputy Director on Finance and Administration. Their commitment and dedication are greatly appreciated within AmCham community. We deeply valu...


Labor Legislation Updates

 Latest updates on Labor Legislation can be accessed here!...


Sponsorship Opportunities within AmCham Programs & Events

Corporate Sponsorship allows your organization to build and strengthen its brand through effective visibility. Aligning your organization with AmCham events and activities is an excellent opportunity to utilize this powerful marketing tool. The unique opportunity to showcase your services and or pr...


Ministry of Justice Delays the Implementation of Pledge Reform

AmCham Deputy Director, Adrian Gheorghiţă, reviewed the current stage of implementation of Pledge Registry and highlighted the opportunities brought by this reform. Read the full Article...


Ministry of Finance - a Redoubt Against Pro-Business Reforms

AmCham comments over the actual situation regarding the deferred of customs duties payments, as the Ministry of Finance continues to delay the implementation of reforms. Read the full Article ...


A Delicious Offer from Be Sweet Under the AmCham MDP

The Member Discount Program (MDP) allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Be Sweet. Be Sweet presents one of the most delicious and savory sweet treats. Be Sweet is offering ...


Ce știi despre DCFTA?

În beneficiul mediului de afaceri din Moldova, o serie de instituţii au propus să fie dezvoltată o Strategie de informare şi educare complexă privind Acordul de Liber Schimb Aprofundat și Cuprinzător (DCFTA), în contextul în care, odată cu intrarea acestuia în vigoare, au lo...


AmCham Moldova visits the Retirement Home in Chişinău

On Christmas Eve, AmCham Moldova, in cooperation with DHL Moldova, visited the elderly at “Azilul Republican pentru pensionari şi invalizi” in Chişinău, where 150 retired and disabled persons live. We at AmCham value all ages in our communities from the very young to the very old. The ol...


AmCham Moldova Will Visit the Retirement Home in Chisinau

On December 24, AmCham Moldova, in cooperation with DHL Moldova, will visit the elderly in Chisinau, where 140 retired and homeless persons live. We at AmCham value all ages in our communities from the very young to the very old. The oldest in nursing homes often feel isolated and excluded so this ...


AmCham Comments on Deferred Payments of Customs Taxes

During an interactive session brought by USAID Program - Upgrade Moldova, AmCham and other guests discussed about the implementation of a mechanism that would optimize and offer the opportunity to postpone the payments of customs duties. Please click here to view the discussion....


AmCham Releases 7th Edition of Informative Bulletin for Mass Media

AmCham released its 7th Edition of the Informative Bulletin for Mass Media. Through this bulletin, AmCham Moldova highlight its efforts in order to give mass media a better understanding of AmCham's current activities. The bulletin includes the latest news in Business Activity Regulation, Taxat...


AmCham in the Press: The Economist: AmCham Supports the Deferred of Custom Duties Payment

AmCham Moldova and USAID BRITE supports the deferred of custom duties payments under Update Moldova Program. The article can be accessed here....


AmCham in the Press: The Economist: How to Protect Yourself from Abusive Controls

AmCham Executive Director, Mila Malairau, commented the actual struggle of entrepreneurs in doing business in Moldova. The article can be accessed here....


AmCham Celebrates Thanksgiving Day

AmCham would like to wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving Day! Thanksgiving is perceived by Americans to be one of the most significant holidays of the year. It is a celebration of the blessing of the harvest. Celebrated in Canada in the second Monday of October, in the United States it ...


AmCham Releases 6th Edition of Informative Bulletin for Mass Media

AmCham released its 6th Edition of the Informative Bulletin for Mass Media. Through this bulletin, AmCham Moldova will highlight its efforts in order to give mass media a better understanding of AmCham's current activities. The bulletin will include the latest news in Business Activity Regulation, T...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Electra Norte Among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Electra Norte on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. Electra Norte is a group of companies dedicated to generating, distributing and supplying electricity. In addition, Electra Norte provides technical services ...


A New Offer from Bagatt Shoes under the AmCham MDP

The Member Discount Program (MDP) allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Bagatt Italian Shoes. Bagatt is synonymous with high quality shoes as soon as you say its name. Bagatt is...