
Prime Minister’s Economic Council Activity Updates

- The 3rd Working Group on "Stimulation and Retention of Private Investments" was launched within Economic Council and held its first meeting. AmCham got involved in the discussions on “Prima Casa” concept, but also proposed to the participant members reviewing the opportunity ...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome KVG among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having KVG on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! KVG is a proven mission support provider internationally recognized for innovative, creative, and cost efficient support solutions. With a strong presence at the front lines of def...


AmCham CSR Committee Supports the Association for Children with Autism from Moldova “Invingem Autismul”

Over the past few years, it has become an AmCham tradition to organize the Charity Lottery at the US Independence Day Family Picnic, which has constantly and without exception been a hit among the guests of the party. Besides the entertaining aspect of the lottery and besides enjoying a range of inc...


New Concepts in Customs Legislation - What Businesses should Expect

In an interview with BizLaw, Adrian Gheorghita developed a helpful analysis for entrepreneurs based on the recent changes of Customs Code that came into force on 1 July. The article analyzes the advantages of using the new trade facilitating mechanisms, as the deferred payment of custom duties, TARI...


July Financial Services Committee Updates

These weeks the activities of the Financial Services Committee were focused on the banking sector. The month started with two meetings: (1) with topic - the initiative for exclusion of the cash registers (MCC) for currency exchange transactions performed within banks; (2) where member companies had...


AmCham welcomes New Board Member, Mr. Barkin Secen

We are pleased to welcome Barkin Secen to AmCham Board of Directors! His knowledge and experience will be a true asset for us. At the same time, we would like to express our gratitude to Alexandru Munteanu for the continued support and commitment.  ...


AmCham participated at the Economic Council Meeting, presided by the Prime Minister, Mr. Pavel Filip

On July 14, AmCham participated at the PM Economic Council Meeting. Within the meeting, Mila Malairau summarized the results of the activity of the Working Group on Regulatory Issues, that she is leading. During the session, other important constraints for investment attraction were raised by the me...


AmCham Board Members met IMF Delegation

This week, AmCham Moldova Board members had a meeting with IMF delegation, in order to discuss current economic situation and business climate, as well as other aspects related to entrepreneurial activity in Moldova. The IMF mission initiated discussions on the possible IMF program, and on a compre...


New Offer from Dialect Group under AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Dialect Group. Dialect Group is a translation company based in Chisinau. They believe that quality translation...


AmCham Executive Director, Mila Malairau Talks about Moratorium at Banii Tai Show

Mila Malairau is leading the Working Group on Regulatory Issues of the Economic Council under the Prime Minister. One of the current WG priorities is state inspections reform. Who else but Mila to deliberate on prolongation of the moratorium on state control at "Banii Tai" with Alexei Lung...


Meeting with the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency

On July 4, AmCham Healthcare Committee participated in a meeting between the pharma business community and General Director of the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, Mr. Vladislav Zara, as well as other representatives of this authority.    The session focused on the necessary a...


AmCham Moldova Met with the Prime Minister

On June 30th, Prime Minister Filip met with AmCham Moldova representatives to discuss the current constraints and challenges encountered by the Business Sector. Among the issues raised by AmCham were the necessity of the labor reform, the abusive inspections, the interaction of the business sector w...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Rogob among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Rogob on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Rogob is one of the largest and modern producing companies of meat delicacies and sausages in Moldova. The company activity started in 1997, as a family business founded by ...


AmCham Releases 3rd Edition of Informative Bulletin for Mass Media

AmCham released its 3rd Edition of the Informative Bulletin for Mass Media. Through this bulletin, AmCham Moldova highlight its efforts in order to give mass media a better understanding of AmCham's current activities. The bulletin includes the latest news in Business Activity Regulation, Taxat...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Credit CMB among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Credit CMB on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Microfinance organization Credit CMB provides loans and leasing services to small business and households. Credit CMB is a part of international group Mikro Kapi...


Profit.md: The Stable Positive Development

In an interview with Profit, Adrian Gheorghita discusses the current landscape of the leasing industry, the regulatory framework challenges and the business opportunities arising from the Moldovan market. Read the interview...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome MT International Group among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having MT International Group on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. Medical Technologies International SRL was founded in 2005 and became the market leader in the field of medical orthopaedic equipment, designed for total and rev...