
AmCham Has a New Member: FlagMAN-D

AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: FlagMAN-D FlagMAN-D provides professional services in audit, tax assistance, and financial consulting, offering comprehensive financial advisory services to businesses and individuals, assisting them in navigating complex financial matters, ensuring comp...


36 AmCham Romania member companies attending Business Mission to Moldova, in the period 4-6 February

DISCOVER THE EVENT PROGRAM HERE  AmCham Moldova, in partnership with AmCham Romania, with the support of the US Embassy to Chisinau, is organizing a Business Mission to Moldova, on February 4-6, 2024. Considering the significant development in the Republic of Moldova, as EU leaders recent...


Course on the provisions of the Administrative Code

AmCham Moldova is organizing the Course on the provisions of the Administrative Code. Trainer: Ina Jimbei, PhD, lawyer at “Efrim, Roşca şi Asociaţii” Law Firm. *Secure your spot at victorbaciu@amcham.md. The agenda and more details in Romanian can be accessed here. ...