This week, AmCham alongside its members from the renewable energy sector participated in a meeting with public authorities and the international strategic partner - International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The event gathered over 70 representatives from government, financial, energy, academic and private sector, as well as potential local and international investors.
The Republic of Moldova may be one of Europe’s smaller economies but the country is big on renewable energy potential. However, the potential remains largely untapped so the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure in partnership with IRENA organized a meeting to present the results of the assessment exercise in the Roadmap to Renewable Energy Growth in the Republic of Moldova.
As IRENA’s analysis outlines, in order to solidify the renewable energy sector's foundations, an enhanced regulatory environment, improved bankability of renewable energy projects and a greater level of public understanding and support for renewables, is necessary. These measures will allow the country to put renewables at the heart of energy policymaking and enable a smooth and successful low-carbon transition.
The full report can be found here
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