Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee within AmCham Moldova has recently launched a new Social Project „Every Child Matters”. This project is designed to renovate postnatal rooms within maternities of the Republic of Moldova. The reasoning of the Project comes from poor and unsatisfactory conditions existing in the maternities at the moment. The first place to be renovated is located at „Centrul Mamei si a Copilului” where mothers from all over the country are served. The room will be completely renovated, including walls, windows, sanitary equipment, bathroom & furniture for mother & baby. We believe that joining our efforts we can make more families happier, by giving to our mummies the joy of the first motherhood feelings. The first step in the fundraising for this Project was 4th of July Charity Lottery. We|ve succeeded to collect an amount of 9 700 MDL (almost 950 $) and, using this occasion, we would like to thank all those members who had a chance to attend the event and participate in the Lottery. Several AmCham Members (members of the CSR Committee in the same time) have already expressed their willingness to contribute for this Project 1 000 $ each. These companies are BRITISH - AMERICAN TOBACCO, EURASIA FOUNDATION, MOLDCELL, and SUN COMMUNICATIONS. In this way, we’ve got almost 5000 $ for the implementation of the Project. Besides financial contributions, all these companies are actively participating in the direct implementation of the Project. Nevertheless, we still need some funds to make the renovation of the first room. Those members who would like join this project are more than welcome to make financial contributions of $500, $1000 and more to an independent bank account that AmCham established for the purpose of pursuing social projects. We will report back to the contributors on a regular basis regarding the progress and decisions that are taken. In the end, we’ll provide a complete accounting of the contributions and how they are delivered. If you are interested in contributing in this manner, you can transfer your contribution to the following bank account: Asociatia patronala "Camera de Comert Americana din Moldova" C/f 41900014 C/d MDL 22514004989474 MOBBMD22749 BC "Mobiasbanca" SA filiala Nr. 9 "Centru" For any additional information you can contact AmCham office, 211 -781. We thank you in advance for your support and look forward to hearing from you soon.
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