JULY 10, 2012, CHISINAU - The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova celebrated the U.S. Independence Day (the 236th) by launching a new social project „Colors of Life!” together with the Creative Development Association. The ceremony was opened by the U.S. Ambassador to Moldova, William Moser.
Over 500 persons – members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova, representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Chisinau, members of the Creative Development Association, Peace Corps Volunteers, American citizens in Moldova, but also citizens of Republic of Moldova – participated at the event occasioned by the U.S. Independence Day and organized at Golf Club in Chisinau.
The guests celebrated the U.S. Independence Day according to American customs – barbecue, with friends and business partners. The participants enjoyed lively and creative competitions, interactive games and live music, while the children - a playground and face painting. Traditionally, a raffle with special prizes offered by sponsors was also organized.
" We are very glad that the U.S. Independence Day is more extensively marked in the Republic of Moldova. The fundamental human rights, as well as the U.S. state values are celebrated on this day. One of these values – Community spirit, is marked by us also by launching the social project „Colors of life”, declared Cristina Harea, President of American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova.
„Colors of Life!” ("Culorile vieţii”) is a campaign dedicated to attracting funds for children with visual disabilities from the Pre-school institution No. 135 from Chisinau. The project aims to integrate the visually impaired children in the collective life, ensure access to education in an aesthetic and equipped environment; improve the instructive - correctional - compensatory process for children with visual disabilities; increase the life quality of these children and their integration into society.
The money collected at the charity lottery organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova will be donated to the social project „Colors of Life!”, which is in first development stage. The event organization was possible thanks to the support of sponsors: Coca-Cola Bottlers Chisinau, Dionysos Mereni, Efes Vitanta Moldova Brewery, McDonalds Restaurants, Medpark, Nefis, Orhei-Vit, Teatrul de Cafea “Stukalov Coffee”.
День Независимости США был отмечен в Кишиневе при участии более 500 лиц
Ziua Independenţei SUA a fost celebrată la Chişinău cu participarea a peste 500 de persoane
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