AmCham is working on a new project that aims at regulating Customs Terminals in the Republic of Moldova.
Currently, the term "customs terminal" is not defined in legislation and its activity is not regulated by any type of document, be it law, Government Decision or Order. Due to the fact that terminals do not have any status, their activity is not regulated, and they function by unclear rules - economic agents are being deprived of financial predictability and decisional-making transparency in their trade activity.
The deliverables of the project will be a study on the topic of “customs terminals” that analyze international experience, national legislation, and present recommendations on regulating these entities. Additionally, the project will include legislative proposals that would regulate customs terminals, if necessary - according to the study recommendations.
Should you have any questions related to the project, please do not hesitate to contact Ana Raileanu, Committee Coordinator, at 211-781 or
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