Brand Manager, Direcției Relații cu Publicul și Marketing

  • 18.07.2019

 Detalii post:

- Asigură implementarea planului de marketing stabilit la nivelul băncii, pe brandul pe care este responsabil;
- Stabilește politica de marketing pentru brandurile pentru care este responsabil;
- Coordonează toate activitățile de promovare a brandurilor desemnate;
- Identifică oportunități de creare de noi produse, sau îmbunătățire a celor existente pe brandul pe care este responsabil;
- Evaluează rapoartele de piață și propune acțiuni de marketing.

Profilul candidatului:

- Studii superioare, relevante domeniului;
- Experiență în post similar va constitui un avantaj;
- Atitudine proactivă;
- Orientare spre rezultat;
- Cunoașterea fluentă a limbii române și a limbii ruse, engleza va constitui un avantaj.


- Salariu competitiv și alte beneficii financiare;
- Program de muncă stabil;
- Tichete de masa VB Lunch în valoare de 45 lei/zi;
- Oportunități de dezvoltare profesională.

Persoanele interesate sunt invitate să depună CV-ul prin e-mail la adresa cu indicarea poziției pentru care aplică.


VictoriaBank is the First Commercial Bank in Moldova, which since the beginning of its activity on December 22nd, 1989, initiated the process of developing a banking system in Moldova. The name of VictoriaBank is related to innovations and continuous development of banking and financial possibilities. Established as reliable and economically stable, it has demonstrated over time that only by creating competitive products, investing in qualitative services, motivating the staff and building a strong and dynamic team will ensure the efficiency and the profitability of the Bank. Year after year, VictoriaBank records new achievements and important successes that places it on the dominant positions among commercial banks in the country. The share volume of the banking card transactions in the Republic of Moldova increased in 2013 to 21%. The market share of fast transfers reached 23% and loans and deposits increased by 17% each. VictoriaBank has a loan portfolio of approximately 6,5 million lei and the Bank assessts consist of 11,7 million lei. The share of foreign shareholders in the bank|s capital consists of more than 50%. The Bank is continuously valued for the implementation of new banking technologies, which provide customer service at the highest level, individual approach to each client and for a diverse portfolio of banking products and services. Meanwhile, the wide network of over 100 subdivisions ensure a prompt response to customer requests and a strong brand image whose reputation is confirmed by the numerous awards and significant results. For several times, VictoriaBank was nominated the "Bank of the Year" by the prestigious British magazine - "The Banker", also it is cataloged as one of the largest banks in South East according to the classification SeeNews SEE TOP 100 Banks.

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