Î.C.S.”Gas Natural Fenosa Furnizare Energie”S.R.L. anunţa selectarea candidaţilor pentru ocuparea a unui post de muncă vacant de Agent servicii client, rezervat persoanelor cu dizabilități, conform Legii privind incluziunea socială a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi.
Activităţi şi responsabilităţi ale postului:
Realizarea activităţilor de deservire a clienţilor, aplicând politicile şi criteriile comerciale stabilite
Cerinţe faţă de candidaţi:
- Studii superioare sau medii de specialitate în domeniul economic sau energetic
-Experienţa de muncă în domeniul economic/energetic va constitui un avantaj
-Abilităţi de comunicare
-Cunoaşterea limbilor: româna (nivel avansat), rusă (nivel mediu)
-Nivel bun în cunoaşterea PC (Word, Excel, Outlook)
-Locul de muncă este în or. Chişinău
Curriculum Vitae şi scrisoarea de intenţie pot fi depuse pe adresa mun. Chişinău, str. A. Doga 4, Direcţia Personal, Organizare și Cultură sau trimise pe adresa de e-mail resurse_umane@ufmoldova.com indicînd în subiect postul pentru care se aplică.
Telefoane de contact: 022-431-043; 022-431-535, 069187578
Î.C.S. "Premier Energy Distribution" S.A. is the largest private operator of the national electricity distribution system in the Republic of Moldova. The company serves an area of about 70% of the country|s territory, in 20 of the 37 districts, including the municipality of Chisinau, distributing electricity to more than 947,000 consumers in the Center and South of the country. Private operator of the national electricity distribution system in the Republic of Moldova has a vast European experience, nearly two decades in the field of electricity, implementing the best management practices and European standards and investing over 344 million Euro in modernizing and expanding the networks to improve efficiency and increase the quality of services. Beyond the obvious benefits for customers and the positive effect on the company|s operating results, this effort is also reflected in the direct contribution into the development of the Moldovan economy. The activity of Î.C.S. "Premier Energy Distribution" S.A. in the country|s economy, in the last two decades, it is considered a European business model, being appreciated as an open enterprise for collaboration in order to promote pro-European and international values and transparent investment climate aimed to prosperity for all economic agents.
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